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What is Forestry?. The science, art, and practice of managing and using trees, forests, and their associated resources for human benefit.. What is a Forest?. Land with a tree canopy that covers at least 10 percent of the area.Lands that have been harvested or recently replanted but are not dedicated to another land use..
1. Forestry Merit Badge Will Conrad RF,CF
2. What is Forestry? The science, art, and practice of managing and using trees, forests, and their associated resources for human benefit.
3. What is a Forest? Land with a tree canopy that covers at least 10 percent of the area.
Lands that have been harvested or recently replanted but are not dedicated to another land use.
4. Parts of a Mature Forest Canopy- Largest and oldest trees. Highest position in the forest.
Understory- Smaller younger trees. Just under the canopy.
Shrub Layer- Bushes (woody Stems) up to 15 feet.
Herb layer- Ground cover. Grasses, flowers, ferns, and other soft stem plants.
Litter layer- Organic material on the forest floor. Decomposing material from trees and other plants. This layer contains nutrients that are returned to the soil.
6. Scientific Nomenclature Kingdom
7. What is an Ecosystem? A group of living organisms living in a particular environment that are dependent on each other and their environment.
Population- A group of the same species living together. Plant or Animal.
Community- Is made up of all the populations in the area.
Communities and physical surroundings make the Ecosystem.
8. Parts of a Tree Roots- Give the tree support. Roots absorb moisture and nutrients from the soil and deliver it throughout the tree.
9. Parts of a Tree
Leaves/Needles- Chlorophyll, found in leaves absorbs energy from sunlight to convert carbon dioxide, water, and soil nutrients into plant food. This process Photosynthesis- returns oxygen to the atmosphere.
Each Fall as food production slows the chlorophyll fades to allow the leaf to show its true color.
10. Parts of a Tree Bark- The nonliving outer armor of a trees trunk and branches.
Cambium layer- Thin layer of tissue containing two types of cells.
Phloem- Channels food produced by the leaves throughout the tree. These cells form the bark of the tree.
Xylem- Makes the sapwood which moves moisture and nutrients from the roots to the crown of the tree. Becomes Heartwood. Forms the annual rings.
16. Conifers Gymnosperms-uncovered seeds in cones.
Fertilized by wind
Needlelike leaves. Do not fall off at the end of summer.
Grow at both high and low elevations.
17. Pines
18. Loblolly Pine Map
19. Spruces
20. White Spruce Map
21. Firs
22. Balsam Fir Map
23. Larches
24. Larch Map
25. Hemlocks
26. Eastern Hemlock Map
27. Douglas Fir
28. Douglas Fir Map
29. Redwoods
30. Redwood Map
31. Cedars
32. Eastern Red Cedar Map
33. Broad Leaf Tree Angiosperms-Flowering plants.
They make ovules or eggs that develop into seeds after fertilization.
Seeds are enclosed in fruit.
Leaves fall in the winter.
Deciduous trees
34. Aspens
35. Aspen Map
36. Hickories
37. Shagbark Hickory Map
38. Birch
39. River Birch Map
40. Beeches
41. American Beech Map
42. Oaks
43. White Oak Map
44. Forest Succession
45. Forest Succession How forests work.
shade tolerance
climax species
forest succession
46. Shade Tolerance
47. Pioneer Species: Used to describe species that are intolerant to very intolerant to shade. The first tree species to inhabit a site after a stand-replacing event. They are typically fast-growing, are characterized by open or low density crowns, and have a relatively short life span.Climax Species: Used to describe the most shade tolerant tree species that are native to a particular region.
48. Almost all North American woods that are used for structural timbers are pioneers or intolerant to shade.
49. Relative Shade Tolerance of North American Tree Species
50. Relative Shade Tolerance of North American Tree Species
51. Relative Shade Tolerance of North American Tree Species
52. Relative Shade Tolerance of North American Tree Species
53. Relative Shade Tolerance of North American Tree Species
54. Forest Succession: The gradual supplanting of one community of plants by another, usually as a result of differences in shade tolerance.
63. Consider what happens following the harvest of lodgepole pine in the western U.S.
68. Compare this to developments following a clearcut by nature.
73. Take a look at the commercial harvest of aspen in Minnesota.
79. Question:Based on what you have learned about forest succession and the kinds of trees that are most useful in producing structural timbers, why would anyone who cares anything about forests ever harvest by the clearcutting method?
80. Requirements1 & 2 Identify 25 Species of trees
81. Using A Plant Key
89. Tree Identification Characteristics, Habitat and Uses of 40 Common Trees of Alabama
90. Post OakQuercus stellata
Notable Leaves are cross shaped
Habitat Dry gravelly or sandy uplands
Uses Pulp, firewood, lumber, railroad ties
91. Southern Red OakQuercus falcata Notable Leaf is bell-shaped
Habitat Dry gravelly uplands, rich and often inundated bottoms
Uses Lumber, pulp, furniture, cabinets, veneer, mill
92. Black OakQuercus velutina Notable The yellow inner bark yields quercitron, a yellow dye
Habitat Prefers well-drained sites on ridges and hills, highly tolerant of poor soils
Uses Firewood, pulp
93. Chinkapin OakQuercus muhlenbergii Notable Mature bark is gray or nearly white
Habitat Dry hillsides, prefers dry limestone ridges
Uses Lumber, barrel staves, railroad ties, pulp
94. Scarlet OakQuercus coccinea Notable Leaves have deep C shaped sinuses
Habitat Prefers light sandy or gravelly soils
Uses Lumber, interior woodwork, furniture, landscaping
95. Water OakQuercus nigra Notable Leaves are highly variable
Habitat Borders swamps and streams, rich bottomlands
Uses Rough lumber, firewood, pulp, landscaping
96. Laurel OakQuercus laurifolia
Notable Leaves remain on the tree until the spring
Habitat Sandy banks of streams, swamps and rich hummocks
Uses firewood, pulp
97. Eastern RedbudCercis canadensis
Notable Pink flowers in the spring and heart shaped leaves are characteristic
Habitat Moist soils of valleys and slopes
Uses - Ornamental
98. American HornbeamCarpinus caroliniana Notable Leaves are doubly serrate
Habitat In swamps on the borders of streams. Found in most counties except the southern tier.
Uses Tool handles and fuel
99. Black WillowSalix nigra Notable Long slender leaves and flexible branches, switches
Habitat Found along streams, lakes and swamps in every county.
Uses Pulp, cheap furniture, charcoal and soil erosion control. Previously used as artificial limbs.
100. Black CherryPrunus serotina Notable Conspicuous lenticels on bark
Habitat Dry to moist forests, fence rows, old fields, and forest edges
Uses Pulp, lumber, furniture
101. ChinaberryMelia azedarach Notable large compound leaf
Habitat Dry soils, disturbed areas, pastures, barnlots and fencerows
Uses Fruits have been used to make flea powder
102. HackberryCeltis occidentalis Notable Bark exhibits corky warts, yellow leaf galls are common
Habitat Can tolerate a wide range of habitats
Uses Pulp and rough lumber
103. Eastern CottonwoodPopulus deltoids Notable Seeds dispersed through air due to cotton-like tufts found on seeds, name comes from delta shaped leaf
Habitat Rich, moist soils along streams lakes and bottoms
Uses Pulp and crates
104. White BasswoodTilia heterophylla Notable Underside of heart-shaped leaf is white velvety
Habitat Rich moist slopes or near streams or limestone soils
Uses Crating, furniture, wood carving, bee keepers supplies
105. Red MulberryMorus rubra Notable Milky sap oozes from the leafstalk when removed; leaves have three distinct shapes like sassafras
Habitat Deep moist soils along streams
Uses Pulp
106. Common PersimmonDiospyros virginiana Notable Bark is often broken into quadrangular blocks
Habitat Somewhat sandy, well drained soil, also rich bottomlands
Uses Pulp, lumber, golf clubs
107. SweetgumLiquidambar styraciflua Notable Fruits are known as gumballs; star shaped leaf
Habitat Deep, rich, moist soils
Uses Pulp, lumber, veneer, railroad ties, furniture
108. River BirchBetula nigra
Notable Salmon colored papery bark that peels off
Habitat Banks of streams, lakes and swamps
Uses Pulp and fuel
109. Osage OrangeMaclura pomifera Notable Orange-like green fruit, Native Americans used wood to make bows hence Bois-darc
Habitat Rich bottom lands
Uses Fence posts, landscaping, hedges, bows, dyes
110. Green AshFraxinus pennsylvanica Notable Opposite compound leaves with 5-9 leaflets
Habitat Low rich moist soils; near banks of streams and lakes
Uses Pulp, lumber, tool handles, baseball bats, furniture, flooring
111. Water HickoryCarya aquatica
Notable Leaflets are covered with yellow dots; hickory nuts are wrinkled
Habitat River swamps
Uses Fuel
112. BoxelderAcer negundo
Notable Only maple with a compound leaf; 3-5 leaflets
Habitat Moist, fertile soils
Uses Pulp, boxes, syrup
113. Flowering DogwoodCornus florida Notable Bark has alligator leather appearance; red berries; white flowers
Habitat Well drained soils on moist slopes, generally in the shade of other species
Uses Pulp, landscaping
114. SassafrasSassafras albidum
Notable Leaves have three distinct shapes, crushed leaves smell like root beer
Habitat Prefers rich sandy loam, but thrives in a variety of sites
Uses Pulp, oil, barrel staves, fence posts
115. Black WalnutJuglans nigra Notable compound leaf with 13-23 leaflets, large round fruit
Habitat Deep, moist and well-drained soil.
Uses Furniture, gun stocks and nuts
116. Yellow PoplarLiriodendron tulipifera Notable Leaves are tulip shaped
Habitat Prefers deep, rich, moist soil along streams, bottomlands and moist slopes
Uses Lumber, furniture, veneer
117. American SycamorePlatanus occidentalis Notable Most massive tree of eastern U.S.; mottled bark
Uses Lumber, pulp, furniture
Habitat Deep, rich, moist soils of creek and river flats
118. American BeechFagus grandifolia Notable Cigar shaped buds and smooth bark
Habitat Rich moist bottomlands, gravelly slopes, rich uplands
Uses Pulp, wildlife, aesthetics
119. BaldcypressTaxodium distichum Notable Buttressed base, cypress knees arise from ground
Habitat Swamps inundated several months of the year
Uses Lumber fences, paneling
120. American HollyIlex opaca
Notable Spines found on evergreen leaves
Habitat Rich moist bottomland
Uses Landscaping
121. Southern MagnoliaMagnolia grandiflora Notable Evergreen, waxy leaves; large white flower
Habitat Rich, moist soil on borders of streams and pine-barren ponds
Uses Landscaping
122. Sweetbay MagnoliaMagnolia virginiana
Notable Leaves are aromatic, undersurface of leaves are silver
Habitat Swamps and wet areas
Uses Pulp, lumber, plywood veneer
123. Bigleaf MagnoliaMagnolia macrophylla Notable Flowers and leaves are larger than those of any other tree in North America
Habitat Sheltered valleys in deep rich soil
Uses Ornamental
124. Live OakQuercus virginiana Notable Leaves are evergreen; acorns are black, long, and slender; strong wood used in early American ships
Habitat Hammocks, borders of salt marshes, maritime forests and coastal dunes
Uses Landscaping, pulp, firewood
125. Eastern RedcedarJuniperus virginiana Notable Fragrant wood; blue berries
Habitat Abandoned fields, rocky cliffs, limestone soils
Uses Moth-proof chests, closets, cabinets, fence posts, pencils
126. Longleaf PinePinus palustris Notable longest needles, stoutest twigs, and whitest buds of pines
Habitat Well drained, sandy and gravelly soils
Uses Lumber, poles, bridges, resinous chemicals, pulp
127. Loblolly PinePinus taeda Notable Pioneer tree found in old fields due to needed sunlight; bristle tips on cones are painful when squeezed
Habitat Old fields, dry and wet sites
Uses Lumber, railroad ties, piling, pulp and pallets
128. Slash PinePinus elliottii
Notable Needles bound in fasicles of two and three, thin twigs
Habitat Low moist areas with high water tables
Uses Pulp, poles, lumber, crossties and turpentine
129. Shortleaf PinePinus echinata Notable Resin pits visible on bark, small cones
Habitat Well drained light sandy or gravelly clay soil
Uses Pulp, lumber and excelsior
130. Native Species Natural inhabitants of an area. Each species has a clear niche in the ecosystem.
131. Nonnative Species Also know as exotic. A species that has been introduced from forest somewhere else.
132. Noxious weeds Invasive species designated by law as undesirable and requiring control.
133. Tree History Aged at the Stump.
Aged by increment borer.
136. Requirement 3
138. Recreation
139. Recreation
140. Threatened And Endangered
141. Tennessee Yellow Eye Grass
142. Red Cockated Woodpecker
143. Boulder Darter
144. Water Cycle
145. Carbon Cycle
146. Wildlife Habitat
147. Fish Habitat
148. Requirement 4
149. Silvicultural Systems Silviculture- Latin (Silva-Forest or Trees) (Culture-To grow). Defined- The science of planting, growing, and harvesting stands of trees to meet the objectives of the land manager or forest owner.
150. Intermediate Cuttings Improvement Cuttings
Salvage Cuttings
Sanitation Cuttings
151. Silvicultural Systems Even-Aged Systems- Systems that result in trees of approximately the same age.
Uneven-Aged Systems- Systems that result in trees of many age classes.
These systems are viewed as regeneration harvest.
152. Even-Aged Systems Clearcut
153. Clearcut Systems Harvesting all the trees in an area in a single harvest. Allows full access to sunlight to shade intolerant species. (Loblolly Pine).
154. Clearcut Method
155. Seed-Tree System Harvest a mature stand of trees and leave a few healthy seed-producing trees per acre. Once the new stand is established the seed trees are harvested.
156. Seed-Tree Method
157. Shelterwood System Involves a series of partial cuttings in the mature stand over time. Early cuttings improve the vigor of the remaining trees and help prepare the site for new seedlings. The trees left provide shade for the seedlings and young trees. As the young trees gain viability the shelter trees can be removed allowing the new trees to be even-aged. (Shade tolerant trees).
158. Shelterwood Method
159. Shelterwood Method
160. Uneven-Aged Systems Single Tree Selection
Group Selection
161. Single Tree Selection Creates and maintains an uneven-aged stand. Seedlings or sprouts can grow in the spaces created by the tree removal. The stand is made up of trees of many ages and sizes. (Shade tolerant species).
162. Single-Tree Selection
163. Group-Tree Selection Small openings are created to encourage regeneration. Mini Clearcuts. Frequent harvest maintain uneven-age structure.
164. Group-Tree Selection
165. Improvement Cuttings In a stand containing desirable and undesirable trees, an improvement cutting may be made to favor the desirable ones.
166. Improvement Cutting
167. Improvement Cutting
168. Improvement Cutting
169. Salvage Cutting Natural catastrophes such as windstorms, ice storms, and fires sometimes cause destruction in the forest. The salvage cutting allows to minimize the loss by harvesting the damaged trees. It also helps reduce the danger of fire by removing dead material.
170. Salvage Cutting
171. Sanitation Cutting When trees in the stand are harmed by insects or disease, the sanitation cutting will remove the infested or infected trees that pose a threat to the neighboring healthy trees.
172. Sanitation Cutting
174. Reforestation Natural
Hand Planting
Machine Planting
175. Natural Regeneration
176. Hand Planting
177. Machine Planting
180. Requirement 5 Video of logging operations and BMPs
181. Requirement 6
182. Damage to Forest Animal Damage
Insect Damage
Disease Damage
183. Browse Damage
184. Porcupine Damage
185. Insect: Gypsy Moth
186. Insect: Southern Pine Beetle
187. Insect: SPB Damage
188. Forest Disease