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Occupational Health Program Schedules and Procedures

Occupational Health Program Schedules and Procedures. Vision and Mission Proverb “Without a vision, the people perish” Vision- to protect the physical and mental health of the NASA workforce

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Occupational Health Program Schedules and Procedures

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  1. Occupational Health Program Schedules and Procedures Vision and Mission Proverb “Without a vision, the people perish” • Vision- to protect the physical and mental health of the NASA workforce • Mission- To mitigate the suffering from occupational and non-occupational disease (NASA employee health better than the general population)

  2. Occupational Health Program Schedules and Procedures • Core Competencies • Occupational Medicine • Industrial Hygiene • Workers’ Compensation • Employee Assistance Program • Physical Fitness

  3. Occupational Health Program Schedules and Procedures Biennial Program Reviews • Code R centers, MAF,SSC,KSC,WSTF and DRFC - even years • MSFC,JSC,GSFC,WFF,JPL,HQ - odd years • Standing Committees (OEB’s) • Ad hoc (Special invitation,Accident Boards)

  4. Occupational Health Program Schedules and Procedures Program Reviews- Purpose • Regulatory Compliance (OSHA,OWCP,OPM) • NASA Standards (NPD/G 1800’s) • Assure Consistency,Adequacy of Programs • Awareness and Advocacy • Best Practices and Provide Assistance • Technical Advice

  5. Occupational Health Program Schedules and Procedures Occupational Medicine • Occupational Medicine (Physician, Nursing) • Health Education and Awareness • Medical Review Officer (Drug Free Work Place) • Emergency Medical Services • Child Care Facilities (medical aspects)

  6. Occupational Health Program Schedules and Procedures Industrial Hygiene • Environmental Health • Radiological Health (Ionizing and Non-Ionizing) • Environmental Sanitation

  7. Occupational Health Program Schedules and Procedures Workers’ Compensation • Case management/ return to work • Federal Worker 2000 compliance • Cost and reporting • Interface with related disciplines- safety,medical, human resources,payroll • NPG 1840.1 on WC management

  8. Occupational Health Program Schedules and Procedures Employee Assistance Programs • Physical & Psychological Health of Employees • Access to Center Management • Critical Incident Response Involvement • Adequate Staffing • On line Training

  9. Occupational Health Program Schedules and Procedures Physical Fitness Programs • Safe Facility • On-site Trained Personnel • Fitness Classes • American College Sports Medicine consensus standards • Increase utilization

  10. Occupational Health Program Schedules and Procedures Other Programs • Nutrition Procedures • Extant NPD’s • NPG 1840.1 • NPG 1800.x

  11. Occupational Health Program Schedules and Procedures Procedures • Checklist format for disciplines for Standardization Metrics and Database Program Advocacy • Closeouts with SME’s and Center Management

  12. Occupational Health Program Schedules and Procedures Procedures- Checklists in place: Occupational Medicine, Industrial Hygiene, Health Physics, EAP, Fitness, Child Care, Workers’ Compensation, and Food Sanitation Checklists To Be Done: EMS, Nutrition

  13. Occupational Health Program Schedules and Procedures Since We Met Last: Launch Site Services Contract (LSSC) • Performanced Based, Award Fee Contract, • Incumbent contract/employees • Industrial Hygiene vacant. Level of Funding Increased • Medical Quality Assurance • Epidemiological Feasibility • Training dollars available

  14. Occupational Health Program Schedules and Procedures Since We Met Last: New Iniatives • Medical Quality Assurance Program Plan • Model Statement of Work (SOW) for medical and industrial hygiene contracts • WMD Policy Development • Critical Incident Stress Debriefing EAP’s

  15. Occupational Health Program 2002 Conference Location: Washington,DC, Willard Hotel, July 8-12, 2002 Concurrent meeting with the NASA Health Physicists Theme: Assessment and Management of Health Threats

  16. Occupational Health Program 2002 Conference Two blocks from White House, the Willard is ranked as the #1 hotel in Washington DC according to Conde Nast Traveler 2002 Gold List, The World’s Best Places to Stay

  17. Occupational Health Program 2002 Conference -- Assessment and Management of Health Threats Location: Washington,DC, Willard Hotel, July 7-12, 2002 Government Rate/Fire Safety app‘d. Extensively remodeled large rooms Historic hotel, since 1816 Fitness room, mall jogging 56K lines, no pool

  18. Occupational Health Program 2002 Conference -- Assessment and Management of Health Threats Professional Development Course Monday, July 8, 2002: RISK COMMUNICATION Dr. Peter Sandman, Professor at Rutgers University, Robert Woods Johnson Medical School, founder of Environmental Communications Research Program at Rutgers and noted author. Monday evening: Reception “The Nest”

  19. Occupational Health Program 2002 Conference -- Assessment and Management of Health Threats Professional Development Course Tuesday July 9, 2002: Management of Radiological Terrorist Events Dr. Ray Johnson, Director of the Radiation Safety Academy. Multiple engineering degrees and Ph.D. from Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute

  20. Occupational Health Program 2002 Conference -- Assessment and Management of Health Threats Plenary Session: Tuesday, July 9th US ARMY Research Institute for Infectious Diseases: COL Theodore Cielsak, Biological Terrorsim COL Charles Hurst, Chemical Terrorsim CPT. Cutis Cummings, Radiological Terrorism

  21. Occupational Health Program 2002 Conference -- Assessment and Management of Health Threats Plenary Session: Wednesday July 10 Updates on OHP Program from NASA on Medical Quality Assurance and WMD policy Luncheon Speaker: Kenneth Cooper, MD, MPH, Cooper Aerobics Center and Cooper Institute, Dallas on: “Preserving Cardiovascular Health”

  22. Occupational Health Program 2002 Conference -- Assessment and Management of Health Threats Plenary Session: Wednesday July 9th, (continued) Afternoon: Medical/Nursing; IH, EAP breakouts Evening - Medical COTR’s Reception

  23. Occupational Health Program 2002 Conference -- Assessment and Management of Health Threats Plenary Sessions: Thursday July 10th, Dr. Kimberly Young, Internet Addictions Workers’ Compensation breakout Afternoon & evening- tour of the District of Columbia

  24. Occupational Health Program 2002 Conference -- Assessment and Management of Health Threats Plenary Sessions: Friday July 12th Planned blockbuster presentation by a noted national government figure.

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