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Strategies for Implementing the Employment Related Skills Logbook

Strategies for Implementing the Employment Related Skills Logbook. Why? Where? Who? What? When? . What is the logbook? It is a resource that enables students to:. record their transition planning process over four years

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Strategies for Implementing the Employment Related Skills Logbook

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  1. Strategies for Implementing the Employment Related Skills Logbook

  2. Why? Where? Who? What? When?

  3. What is the logbook? It is a resource that enables students to: • record their transition planning process over four years • better articulate how they have been prepared for life after school.

  4. Why use it? The new logbook supports the key directions of the Board of Studies in all Year 9–12 syllabus documents.

  5. Why use it? It enables classroom teachers to demonstrate to students how their subject develops the skills needed for • future life • education and training • employment options.

  6. Why use it? To enhance the relevance of all activities students participate in during their school years both inside and outside the classroom.

  7. Where do you start? • Simple and achievable • Process depends on your school • Customise for your students

  8. Where do you store them? Schools are using the following: • student ownership • library • careers office • students home room • roll call room • multiple locations eg. with mentors • in faculties across the school • storeroom - mobile crates • school stores discs only. Issues: temporary/permanent – access for students – access for staff

  9. Who can manage the implementation of the logbooks? • the Careers Adviser • the School to Work co-ordinator • a faculty member (when there is faculty ownership) • a member of a working group (eg. welfare team). In some schools it is:

  10. What is required? The logbook co-ordinator may: • co-ordinate a whole school approach • encourage students to log • promote implementation • ensure appropriate relief for staff.

  11. Who else is interested? Year Adviser Welfare Team PD/H/PE Careers Adviser Mathematics Support Unit English

  12. Who does what? In some schools the Careers Adviser may assist students with: • Introduction (This is me now) • Action plans (Introduction) • Recording Workplace Learning experiences • A Summary of their employment related skills.

  13. Who does what? Year Advisers may use the tracking sheets to: • discuss action plans • assist with subject selection Yrs 10,11 • check BOS entries • summarise a student’s employment related skills • document a student’s future options. The whole logbook may be used by staff to write school leaver references.

  14. Who does what? PDHPE Syllabus Content Strands – Personal Choice, Personal Awareness, Interpersonal Relationships A faculty may assist students to log their employment related skills and achievements at school and in the community.

  15. Who does what? ENGLISH Teachers may assist students to: • • begin a draft resume (see Resume in progress) • • draft a job application letter • • prepare for an interview.

  16. How does the logbook supportall faculties? Links their subject/course to further education, training, employment and enterprise through: • employment related skills (students acquire) • potential careers (local/national/global).

  17. STUDENT DIRECTED 1) Student brings logbook 2) End of topic  summary brainstorm 3) Students identify skills developed & record on sheets Teacher initials sheets Student files into logbook TEACHER DIRECTED Teacher keeps blanks End of topic  summary brainstorm Students identify skills developed & record on sheets Teacher collects/initials all sheets Teacher gives sheets to facilitator Facilitator arranges clerical support to file (STW funds) Models for CLASSROOM entries into the logbook  

  18. When? • Ongoing • A ‘School to Work week’ once/ twice a year • For Year 10  subject selection • For Years 9/10 end of the year • For Year 11 Crossroads (mandatory 25 hr Personal Development and Health Education course for stage 6 students) • Year 11 Study Skills day • Year 12  applications to university/TAFE/employment/school references

  19. The Future…(looks bright) Term 2 2002 Additional logbooks on request Term 3 2002 Indication of numbers for 2003 2003 2 cohorts of logbooks Feedback appreciated

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