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R ifleman C hallenge M atch 2005. 385 meters. AQT --TRC Style, 4 target banks at approximately 100 to 400 yards distance, 20 rounds total, par time each shot, multiple shooters on line.
Rifleman Challenge Match2005 385 meters AQT--TRC Style,4 target banks at approximately 100 to 400 yards distance, 20 rounds total, par time each shot, multiple shooters on line. 1) Starting Position--Shooter has all equipment attached to him when proceeding to start position. Rifle is loaded after shooter assumes position. Shooter starts in prone, unsupported, position.* 2) COF--On buzzer, shooter engages a single silhouette in the target bank called by SO, i.e., 1, 2, 3, or 4. Shot is time limited. Shots after par time are counted as a miss. Stage may be run with up to three (3) shooters simultaneously. Left shooter engages left silhouette, right shooter engages right silhouette, middle shooter engages center silhouette. Banks are called in random order forcing the shooter to change position, identify target, aim quickly, and fire. 20 rounds. 3)Equipment--Any high power rifle (e.g. .223, .308, scoped, iron sights, bolt action, semi-auto, etc.) acceptable. No AP ammo. Elbow and kneepads OK. No shooting jackets. Shooter is unsupported, but may use sling. Mag’s loaded 10 rounds max. 4)Par time--depending on distance, between 4 and 6 seconds per shot. 5)Scoring--number of neutralized targets (max 20) within par time. * Shooters with physical impairment may assume any safe shooting position that suits them. 300 meters 200 meters 100 meters TRC 500 Meter Silhouette Range Ramada 18+ hits, Expert 15+ hits, Sharpshooter 12+ hits, Marksman <12 hits, Unqualified Note: Regardless of the total score, ability to consistently hit targets at all ranges is an essential feature of a good Rifleman. How did you do at the 400 yard silhouettes?