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10 Commandments of Leadership Leading Change

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10 Commandments of Leadership Leading Change

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    1. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change Critical to Organizational and Individual Success

    2. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change I - Trust Most Important Trait Trust Subordinates Trust Yourself Trust is the highest form of human motivation

    3. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change Genuine leaders engender trust Long Term view Motives are pure See people as trustworthy Understand your role Tell the truth w/feelings

    4. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change “You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough” ---Frank Crane

    5. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change II - Positive Can-Do Attitude Energetic Not Fake Infectious Honest

    6. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) is normally a result of confidence and self-awareness How would you assess your PMA?

    7. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change “Life is TOUGH. It’s tougher if you’re stupid” --John Wayne

    8. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change III - Be a Good Teacher Teachership and Leadership together Teach carefully Share insights and experiences Major and Joey - Tball

    9. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change “Leader’s teach. Teaching and leading are distinguishable occupations, but every great leader teaches--- and every great teacher is leading.” ---John W. Gardner On Leadership

    10. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change “We cannot solve the problems we face today at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them” --Albert Einstein

    11. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change IV. Don’t Solve All The Problems Facilitate Problem Solving - Subordinates Praise/Provide Resources Monitor and Teach

    12. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change Empowerment Delegation Mentoring Coaching Performance Counseling Supporting Shepherd/Sheep Dog

    13. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change “Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will inspire you with their ingenuity” --George Patton

    14. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change V. Begin Each Day With the End in Sight The Funeral Friend, Co-Worker, Family, Community What do you want them to say?

    15. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change “It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself.” ---Eleanor Roosevelt What will be your legacy? Grandfather and death

    16. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change VI. Seek First to Understand, Then be Understood, You don’t have to agree Active Listening Gender Race Generational

    17. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change Beware of your own stereotypes Education Words/definitions 500/15,000 Feedback is critical Multiple Intelligences - Gardner

    18. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change Empowerment is the art of setting a person up for success not failure. It is the result of training, caring and mentoring. Adult, Adolescent, Child

    19. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change VII. Prioritize Actions Time Management First Things First Use “Open Time” Avoid Information Overload

    20. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change Three biggest time wasters – email, telephone and meetings Avoid subordinate supervision Focus your organizational priorities Beware the In-Box

    21. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change VIII. Live the “Golden Rule” Live the Example MBWA Take care of your people Praise/Reward

    22. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change “All human beings have their weaknesses, but not all of us recognize them.” ---Donald T. Phillips Lincoln on Leadership Praising is positive reinforcement for individual/team

    23. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change “He who receives a benefit should never forget it; he who bestows should never remember it” -- Pierce Chapron

    24. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change IX - Search out Win-Win Situations Small wins Clear Standards Organizational Goals before Personal

    25. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change You must be ethically correct Ethics are the rules or standards of conduct governing the members of a profession If you think it is wrong...

    26. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change X. Develop Yourself Spiritually Mentally Physically Social/Emotional Continually Evaluate/Renew

    27. 10 Commandments of Leadership & Leading Change “You can’t teach a pig to sing. First, pigs can’t sing and you make the pigs mad” “You will never get the creek to clear up until you get the pigs out of it” --Grandma McGuire

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