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Ephesians: God’s Spiritual People

Ephesians: God’s Spiritual People Paul’s Letter to the Church in Ephesus

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Ephesians: God’s Spiritual People

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  1. Ephesians:God’s Spiritual People Paul’s Letter to the Church in Ephesus

  2. Introduction: Rich in Christ, A Study of EphesiansI. Blessings in Christ (Eph. 1:1-23) Lesson 1: Spiritual Treasures in Christ (1:1-14) Lesson 2: Prayer for Spiritual Insight (1:15-23)II. Transformed by Christ (Eph. 2:1–3:21) Lesson 3: Spiritual Life (2:1-10) Lesson 4: Spiritual Unity (2:11-12) Lesson 5: Spiritual Mission (3:1-13) Lesson 6: Prayer for Spiritual Power (3:14-21)III. Blessed in Christ (Eph. 4:1–6:24) Lesson 7: Spiritual Church (4:1-16) Lesson 8: Spiritual Practices (4:17-32) Lesson 9: Spiritual Walk (5:1-21) Lesson 10: Spiritual Relationships (5:22–6:9) Lesson 11: Spiritual Warfare (6:10-24)

  3. Lesson One: Spiritual Treasures in Christ (Eph. 1:1-14) I. Introduction (1:1-2) A. The Human Author (v. 1a)

  4. B.The First Readers (v. 1b)Paul felt a need to introduce himself. If God led you to describe yourself, what words or phrases would you use?To what group was this letter written and how did Paul feel about them?

  5. C. The Polite Greeting (v. 2)

  6. II. Blessings of Salvation in Christ (1:3-14)A. Introduction to Spiritual Blessings (v. 3) After the formalities, Paul launched directly into praising God. What attributes did he name? Choose one attribute of God and tell why it’s important to you personally. Compare the pilgrimage of faith introduced in verse 3 to the computer illustration. What are other illustrations that compare our lifetime pilgrimage of faith to “every spiritual blessing”?

  7. B. Blessing of Election and Adoption (vv. 4-6) How does being chosen for salvation by the God of the universe make you feel? Does election do away with the need to proclaim the gospel? with human responsibility? Why or why not? Why are we “holy and blameless in His sight”?

  8. C. Blessing of Redemption and Forgiveness (vv. 7-10) What are the blessings of redemption and forgiveness according to verse 7? What is the final purpose for God’s master plan (v. 10)?

  9. D. Blessing of Purpose (vv. 11-12) According to these verses, what is your purpose?

  10. E. Blessing of the Holy Spirit (vv. 13-14) Describe a time that the security of the believer enabled you to do the right thing for the right reason. What evidences do you see in your life that suggest the Holy Spirit is working in and through you?

  11. Lesson 2: Prayer for Spiritual Insight (Eph. 1:15-23)I. Prayer of Thanksgiving (1:15-16)On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the lowest, how would you rate your connection to Jesus Christ, the source of spiritual power for Christians? 1 5 10

  12. A. Reason for the Prayer (v. 15)Under most circumstances why is a prayer of praise the best way to begin communication with God?What percent of your normal prayer time do you spend in praise for God’s blessings? petitions for yourself? intercession for others? What among the Ephesian believers thrilled Paul the most? Are you nurturing these qualities in yourself? in your church?

  13. B. Persistence of the Prayer (v. 16)Are your prayers for those for whom you are genuinely concerned different from prayers for those mentioned toyou in passing?What makes it possible for you to sincerely thank God for blessing others even when you are suffering? How did Paul model this attitude for us?

  14. II. Prayer of Intercession (vv. 17-23)A. To Know and Experience God (v. 17)Note the four prayer requests Paul made. What did he want to see accomplished in these Ephesian believers?What would be the effect on your attitude in prayer if you first acknowledged God’s character and attributes?What is unique about “wisdom and revelation” in a Christian’s life?

  15. B. To Know the Hope of God’s Calling (v. 18a)How would you interpret Paul’s prayer that “the eyes of your heart may be enlightened”?How does biblical “hope” differ from the hope we often express in regard to our everyday activities?

  16. C. To Know Believers Are God’s Glorious Inheritance (v. 18b)Have you ever inherited something you had not expected to receive? If so, what made it special to you?Name some of the experiences you enjoy now that you have inherited because of your salvation.Does the assurance of a heavenly inheritance motivate you to serve Christ? If so, give one or more examples.

  17. D. To Know God’s Great Power (vv. 19-23) 1. Description of God’s Power (v. 19)How does God manifest His power in the world as well as in the lives of individuals?

  18. 2. Demonstration of God’s Power (v. 20)What amazing truth was Paul revealing about God’s power when he referred to Christ’s resurrection and His position now in the heavens?

  19. 3. Christ’s Exalted Authority (vv. 21)What can you learn about Christ on the basis of Paul’s description of Him in this verse?How would you parallel Paul’s list of rulers, authorities, and powers in his day to comparable persons in our day?

  20. 4. Christ’s Headship (vv. 22-23)In verse 22 Paul quoted Psalm 8:6. What does this Old Testament quotation say to us about Christ’s mighty power?How did Paul describe the church?The church is often called “the body of Christ.” If Christ is the “head over everything for the church” (v. 22), what glorious responsibility does this place on the church?

  21. Lesson 3: Spiritual Life (Eph. 2:1-10)Is the concept of spiritual transformation difficult for the average “good person” to accept? Why is it dangerous to try to characterize our deeds as “good” or “bad” in regard to our relationship with God?

  22. I. Old Life (2:1-3)A. Spiritually Dead (v. 1)

  23. B. Manipulated from Without (v. 2)Paul began this new section of his letter with a stark contrast between death and life. Why do you think he used this analogy?How did Paul underscore the hopeless state in which the unbeliever lives? Who is “the ruler of the atmospheric domain” (v. 2)?

  24. C. Controlled from Within (v. 3a)

  25. D. Under God’s Wrath (v. 3b)What was the death blow that Paul, the former Pharisee, delivered to those who placed their confidence in their religious heritage (Eph. 2:3)?

  26. II. New Life (2:4-10)A. God’s Great Mercy and Grace (vv. 4-5)What amazing characteristic of God did Paul emphasize in verse 4?How would you describe the difference between God’s grace and His mercy? Reflect on your journey from spiritual death to life, and recall some obvious evidences of God’s mercy extended to you.

  27. B. Resurrection Life (v. 6)What added dimension to Christ’s resurrection victory over death did Paul emphasize in Ephesians 2:6? How does this differ from the effort of many to merely turn over a new leaf to bring about a change in their lifestyles?

  28. C. God’s Ultimate Purpose (v. 7)What is God’s ultimate purpose in eternity in regard to those who have been redeemed by the blood of His Son?Whom does God consider the trophies of His grace?Imagine this glorious scene in heaven. What amazes you most about God’s grace?

  29. D. God’s Gift (vv. 8-9)When you witness a person’s initial surrender to God through faith in Christ, do you reflect on your own salvation experience? Consider the words “grace,”“saved,” and “faith” in verse 8. Show how each one meshes in order to bring about the miracle of the new birth.Why do you think Paul added “not from works, so that no one can boast” in verse 9?

  30. E. God’s Creation (v. 10)Why do you think verse 10 is a vital part of all that Paul had said about this great salvation?What does the fact that God “created [us] in Christ Jesus for good works” say about any ministry or service we may perform? Are you ready to listen for His direction toward the path of “good works” He has planned for you?

  31. Lesson 4: Spiritual Unity (Eph. 2:11-22)How do true believers feel toward those who may have differences in terms of language, culture, appearance, and the like?In the minds of first-century Jews, how did they feel about Gentiles? How did they come to have this erroneous attitude?

  32. I. Alienated from God and His People (2:11-12)Identify ways these Gentile believers needed to remember their former lives.In contrast, what did they now have in place of these barriers?

  33. II. United with God and His People (vv. 13-18) A. Brought Near in Christ (vv. 13-14)What did Paul mean when he reminded the Ephesians that once they were “far away” from God and now they are “brought near”?What is the difference between “peace with God” and “the peace of God”? How is Christ “our peace”?What was “the dividing wall of hostility” that separated Jews from Gentiles in Paul’s day?

  34. B. A New People in Christ (vv. 15-16)What religious regulations did some of the Jewish believers try to impose on Gentile believers? Why did this anger Paul?How did Christ do “away with the law of the commandments in regulations”? What was His intention by sweeping away these legal barriers that violated the true spirit of God’s Word?

  35. C. Access to God Through Christ (vv. 17-18)What is different about you because you have made peace with God through your faith in Christ?What amazing truth about God’s nature did Paul present in verse 18?What reassurance did Paul give the Gentiles in regard to their access to the Father?

  36. III. Participants in God’s Purpose (vv. 19-22)A. Fellow Citizens and Members of God’s Household (v. 19)Paul saw a potential danger that could have developed in the church because of the inclusion of both Gentile and Jewish believers. How could a similar situation exist in a church fellowship today?Can you identify someone in your church who may have been classified by some as a foreigner or stranger but who later became a vital and valuable member of the fellowship? Compare that experience to what may have been happening in the Ephesian church.

  37. B. A Holy Sanctuary (vv. 20-22)If Christ is indeed the cornerstone of the church, how should His placement affect the relationship between the members of the family?How did God use apostles and prophets in the early stages of building His church? In what way do God’s messengers today function as prophets in the continual building of the church?

  38. Lesson 5: Spiritual Mission (Eph. 3:1-13)I. Administration of the Divine Mystery (vv. 1-6) A. Imprisoned for the Mystery (v. 1) What was the reason for the prayer Paul was about to offer for these Ephesian believers?Why was God’s inclusion of Gentiles in His offer of salvation so amazing to Paul?How did Paul view his imprisonment?

  39. B. Grace of the Mystery (vv. 2-5)Paul shared the testimony of his conversion regularly among those to whom he ministered. Why was the account of his conversion unusual among the Gentile believers in Ephesus?Why did Paul want it clearly understood that he received knowledge of this great mystery “by revelation”?How were the prophets and apostles of the New Testament era able to understand this mystery more clearly than those in the Old Testament?

  40. C. Heart of the Mystery (vv. 6-7) What is the difference between a mystery in the biblical sense and a mystery we hear or read about from human experience? What three amazing facts made up this “mystery” (v. 6)? What is the theological basis for accepting believers from varied ethnic, cultural, and social backgrounds as brothers and sisters in Christ?

  41. II. Commission of the Divine Mission (vv. 8-10)A. Proclaim the Gospel to Gentiles (v. 8)What evidence do we see in Paul’s life of the power of God to transform a person who receives Christ as Savior?What did Paul mean by the privilege that was his to proclaim “the incalculable riches of Christ” (v. 8)?

  42. B. Proclaim Redemption’s Result for Gentiles (v. 9)How far back in the mind and heart of God did this incredible plan of salvation reach? (See 1:4-6.)What was an additional responsibility God had given Paul concerning the proclamation of this mystery? Why was it not enough merely to stand in awe before this gift of God to undeserving people?

  43. III. Aspects of the Divine Mission (vv. 10-13)A. Divine Wisdom (v. 10)What do you see implied in Paul’s description of God’s wisdom as “multi-faceted” (“manifold,” KJV; NIV)?How would God’s wisdom be revealed “to the rulers and authorities in the heavens” (v. 10)? Who were “the rulers and authorities in the heavens”?

  44. B. Divine Purpose (v. 11)

  45. C. Divine Blessings (v. 12)How did Paul validate the role of the church in God’s plan (v. 11)?Now that our lives have been transformed by the Spirit of God, what privileges are ours?

  46. D. Divine Perspective (v. 13)What was the primary purpose for Paul’s imprisonment? What “afflictions” do you think Paul had in mind?How were Paul’s afflictions the “glory” of his fellow Ephesian believers?

  47. Lesson 6: Prayer for Spiritual Power (Eph. 3:14-21)I. Approach to Prayer (vv. 14-15)

  48. A. Proper Attitude (v. 14)If standing was the common posture for praying in Bible times, what did kneeling in prayer indicate?Paul said his praying was “before the Father.” How did addressing God as Father affect Paul’s attitude toward the Almighty God?

  49. B. Proper Recognition (v. 15)How does Paul describe the extent of God’s Fatherhood?Did Paul mean that every created human being is automatically a part of the Father’s spiritual family? In what sense did Paul consider God as the Father of all?

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