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ATEM MODULE 16: COMMUNICATION. Accredited Texas Energy Manager. Becoming an Effective Communicator. How important is it that you are able to communicate well? How important to you is being successful in your job? PARTNERSHIIP…. Accredited Texas Energy Manager.
ATEM MODULE 16: COMMUNICATION Accredited Texas Energy Manager
Becoming an Effective Communicator • How important is it that you are able to communicate well? • How important to you is being successful in your job? • PARTNERSHIIP… Accredited Texas Energy Manager
Becoming an Effective Communicator Accredited Texas Energy Manager
Becoming an Effective Communicator • What is THE determinizing factor of whether your communication is successful? YOUR ATTITUDE Accredited Texas Energy Manager
Bad Attitude • Result = lack of cooperation • Result = lack of attention or respect energy management program: fundamentals and development
“According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.” -Jerry Seinfeld energy management program: fundamentals and development
KISS keep.it.simple.stupid. Accredited Texas Energy Manager
1. The K.I.S.S. Principle • Objective is understanding and cooperation – not a display of you technical expertise • Do not “talk down” to your audience • Yet, do no assume their level of knowledge • Define words and acronyms Accredited Texas Energy Manager
2. Frame Your Story • Boil down your message into one sentence • Think of your message as a story, pulling the audience into the story with you • Storyline • Here’s where we are… • Here’s where we can be… • Here’s how we’ll get there… Accredited Texas Energy Manager
3. Avoid Circuit Overload • Humans can only absorb so much info at once • Focus on your primary objectives • Limit action items to 5 or less • Communicate more by communicating less • Less info at any one time • More often energy management program: fundamentals and development
4. Know Your Audience Energy Manager • Identify your audience’s needs and goals • Respect their needs and goals • If it conflicts with you objectives, acknowledge it, honor them and seek and acceptable solution • Target your message and delivery to your audience Staff / Peers Accredited Texas Energy Manager
5. Hold Your Audience ENGAGE – INSPIRE – MOTIVATE • Enable them to “buy-in” to your objectives • Illustrate points with examples or stories • Use stats and graphs judiciously • Lecturing and scolding is NOT motivational • Your energy and passion are contagious Create a TEAM Mentality Accredited Texas Energy Manager
6. Talking Heads Accomplish Nothing • Use PowerPoint slides, or other presentation slides • Use physical examples – show and tell • Be creative! • YouTube clips • Games • Awards • Interactive activities Accredited Texas Energy Manager
7. Practice Your Delivery • Use note cards, with bullet points • Listen to yourself • Notice physical expression • Make eye-contact • Ask for honest feedback Accredited Texas Energy Manager
How to Create a Good PowerPoint • No more than 1 main point per slide • No more than 5 – 6 bullet points per slide • Avoid paragraphs or long sentences • Use large enough font to be read easily • Use no more than 3 fonts in a presentation, except for occasional emphasis Accredited Texas Energy Manager
How to Create a Good PowerPoint • Stick with a color scheme and be consistent • Use a simple and easy-to-read background • Be consistent in grammar and capitalization • Spell-check! Grammar-check! • Use graphics, photos, clip art, etc. to help tell your story Accredited Texas Energy Manager
How to Create a Good PowerPoint • Experiment with moving text, graphics, and other animation…but keep it simple and consistent • Be consistent in text placement • PowerPoint slides are meant to highlight points, rather than say everything • Create an outline first and then follow it Accredited Texas Energy Manager
Example of a Poor PPT Slide • Everyone can grow their skills in giving a presentation I love the color RED… HOW ABOUT YOU???? Speell-check Gramma-chck…Pour grammar or misspelled words are unacceptable and a vry bad reflection on you. Remmber that computer generated spell check will not catch every mistake If you do not trust yourself in this area ask someone to review you’re presentation • check how you are dressed when presenting • In Order To Make Friends, You Must Be A Friend Accredited Texas Energy Manager
Be Honest… • Are you the best person on your team to communicate publicly? • Your resources for success are found in your team Accredited Texas Energy Manager
Rules of Thumb • Start positive and affirming • End positive and affirming • Sandwich or corrective words in between Accredited Texas Energy Manager
1. Administration • Identify objectives and desires and how a successful EM program can meet them • Affirm that their support of you is critical to meeting their objectives • State clearly how they can support you • Obtain a commitment Accredited Texas Energy Manager
2. Board • Make your presentation short, clear, and targeted to their interests • Present financials in figures and graphs, and explain them • Share a success story Accredited Texas Energy Manager
3. Teachers / Faculty / Other Staff • Affirm their status as role models and partners • Demonstrate how savings energy gives them more $$ for the classroom • Identify clearly the most important things they can do to save money and energy and achieve mutual objectives • Create a partnership mentality • Follow up with regular communication Accredited Texas Energy Manager
4. Students • Tap into what interests and motivates students • Utilize methods that capture and hold their attention • Adjust your presentation to be grade-level appropriate Accredited Texas Energy Manager
5. Support Staff and Food Services • Conduct advance research on how their jobs affect energy efficiency and costs • Find an advocate within every department to develop energy-saving solutions and practices • Affirm their role in making the school run efficiently, including energy efficiency • Recommend solutions in a concise and clear manner • Take seriously any problems the staff raises…You MUST have them on your side! Accredited Texas Energy Manager
5. Support Staff and Food Services • Show graphically the dollars saved through even small changes in practice • Acknowledge and congratulate positive practices • Follow up with regular reminders and publicize results Accredited Texas Energy Manager
6. Maintenance and Custodial Staff • YOUR MOST IMPORTANT ALLIES! • Maintain good communication and working relationships – do not ignore problems • Conduct training sessions in best practices • Honor their hard work and create a team metntality of what you can do together • Create regular communication pathways Accredited Texas Energy Manager
7. Parents and the Public • Communication with parents and/or the public serves both as PR and an opportunity to address concerns • Utilize various methods of communication • Consider all issues and concerns seriously before they develop into negative publicity Accredited Texas Energy Manager
Commit Yourself to It You CAN be a successful communicator Accredited Texas Energy Manager
questions Ashley Williams, MCRP & ATEM • Texas Energy Managers Association • Director of Curriculum and Certification • awilliams@texasema.org Texas Energy Managers Association • www.texasema.org energy management program: fundamentals and development