3. Engineer Support on the Battlefield
4. What The Engineer Regiment Must Bring to the OF Fight Provide unprecedented understanding of the battle space to achieve “quality of firsts”
Enable …and sustain…theater access to facilitate strategic and operational maneuver
Assure operational and tactical mobility to dominate land operations
Projecting the Regiment’s engineer expertise where it is needed to solve the commander’s mobility dilemma
Train and equip “CONOP-ready” units able to deliver precise engineer effects in support of maneuver…but, not organic to maneuver formations
Continued development of technological solutions for future problems
7. It All Starts With A Concept
8. Enable Theater Access
9. Foundations and Force Pool Concept……the Engine of Change
10. Objective Engineer Force TOEs
11. System of Systems Approach to ETA Mongoose appears to be the only feasible solution for incorporation into FCS Block I and can be carried into FCS Block II. Although we will have to fight for a dedicated UGV within the UA and UE. Currently these platforms are identified for other purposes which means reallocating resources or adding more UGVs to carry Mongoose.
Lightweight Mechanical Countermine Equipment is a $4.3M effort through FY 07
Obstacle Marking and Vehicle Guidance is a $1.3M effort ending in FY 03
Precision Mine Detection and Neutralization: $13.3M from FY 04 – 07. This is a proposed STO. (TRL 5 FY 07)
FCS Mine detection and neutralization:$25.5M From FY 01 –04 (TRL 5 FY 04)
Off Route Mine detection and neutralization: $12.38M STO From FY 02 – 05; and is unfunded the last two years. FY04 at $3.91M and FY05 at $3.856M. (TRL 5 FY 05)
Mongoose appears to be the only feasible solution for incorporation into FCS Block I and can be carried into FCS Block II. Although we will have to fight for a dedicated UGV within the UA and UE. Currently these platforms are identified for other purposes which means reallocating resources or adding more UGVs to carry Mongoose.
Lightweight Mechanical Countermine Equipment is a $4.3M effort through FY 07
Obstacle Marking and Vehicle Guidance is a $1.3M effort ending in FY 03
Precision Mine Detection and Neutralization: $13.3M from FY 04 – 07. This is a proposed STO. (TRL 5 FY 07)
FCS Mine detection and neutralization:$25.5M From FY 01 –04 (TRL 5 FY 04)
Off Route Mine detection and neutralization: $12.38M STO From FY 02 – 05; and is unfunded the last two years. FY04 at $3.91M and FY05 at $3.856M. (TRL 5 FY 05)
13. Rapid Runway Repair (RRR) Module
14. Light Equipment Team
16. Overarching Engineer Concept……The Result of Our Thinking
17. Engineer Foundation Battalion
18. CE Buy/Lease/Rent/ContractWhite Paper & Study KPMG will be conducting the operational phase of the study
DASA-CE (formerly CEAC) will perform the cost analysis
The work will be done concurrently
DCD drafted a White Paper that lays out the DOTLMPF, programmatic and POM issues that will form the basis of the study effort