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NETS*T Certification. National Educational Technology Standards for TeachersTarget technology use in the teaching-learning processEnhance your teaching and improve student learning. A Look at the Standards. StandardPerformance IndicatorsRubrics. I. Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts.
1. NETS*T for Beginners Created by Karen Campbell
Instructional Technology Supervisor
Harrisonburg City Public Schools
3. A Look at the Standards Standard
Performance Indicators
4. I. Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts A. Demonstrate basic knowledge and skills
TSIP Certificate
B. Stay current with instructional technology
Certificates from workshop, classes, inservices
5. II. Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology A. Design technology integrated lessons for diverse needs of students
NTTI lesson plan
B. Apply current research when planning
Lesson plan citing research
C. Locate and evaluate technology resources
List of resources to support student learning
D. Manage technology in the classroom
Lesson plan incorporating a variety of technology resources
E. Plan strategies to manage student learning in technology integrated lesson
Physical plan of classroom
6. III. Teachers implement curriculum plans that include methods and strategies for applying technologies to maximize student learning A. Address the SOL and NETS*S
Evidence (video, pictures, student product) of students using a variety of technology resources
B. Support diverse learning styles through student-centered strategies
Lesson plan in which students have options for obtaining information, formulating ideas, and creating products
C. Encourage higher-order thinking skills (HOTS)
Lesson plan in which students explore HOTS and problem solving
D. Manage student learning activities
Observation from principal/evaluator on lesson incorporating technology
7. IV. Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies. A. Assess student learning using technology
Student electronic portfolio
B. Collect and analyze data to improve teaching
Individual and class data (ARP report, PALS assessment, electronic grade book) with narratives about decisions made
C. Assess students’ appropriate use of technology resources.
Rubrics that you have developed to assess students’ technology use in projects
8. Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice A. Engage in technology-enhanced professional development
Evidence of completion of an online course or experience to improve instruction
B. Reflect on professional practice
Narratives about conferences or inservices attended
C. Apply technology to increase productivity
Instructional materials created with technology
D. Communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and larger community
Newletter or class web pages used to provide information to parents
9. VI. Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in PK-12 schools and apply that understanding in practice. A. Model and teach ethics
Attendance certificate from a copyright workshop
B. Empower learners with diverse and special needs
Evidence of purposeful use of assistive technologies
C. Affirm diversity
Lesson plan that reflects respect and appreciation for cultural backgrounds of learners
D. Promote safe and responsible use of technology
Rules or guidelines for the use of technology in the classroom
E. Facilitate equitable access
Evidence of classroom management (scheduling, room arrangement, rules) that ensure equitable access
10. Words of Wisdom Provide evidence that you meet each element in the rubric
Reflection – specifically describes how you meet the item
Artifact – supports (proves) what you say in the reflection
11. Words of Wisdom Create the following:
Professional Development Plan (IB, VA, VB)
Long and short term goals
Strategies for reaching goals
Classroom Technology Management Plan (IID, IIE, IIID, VB, VID, VIE)
Overview of how you use technology in the classroom
Reflective journal (IB, IIB, IIC, VB)
Your thoughts as you use technology – check rubrics for specific topics
12. More Words of Wisdom Look for terms like regularly, over time, consistently
Follow the Guidelines for Submitters
Available on the log in page
13. Resources SVTC EdTech website
Resources for NETS*T
14. Process for Becoming NETS*T Certified Register for a NETS*T certification Electronic Portfolio at http://svtcgrant.cisat.jmu.edu