1. Occupational Support Services
Occupational Health & Safety Advisory Service (OH&S)
Workplace Injury Solutions (WIS)
Training & Employment Programs (TEP)
3. To Date:
Gap Analyses performed – key findings similarities found
Generic NTG OHSMS framework developed – 60+ documents
In-principle support – no. of agencies building their OHS capacity
Assistance provided to develop self-inspection and follow-up capabilities
On-line incident report – improved workflow and periodical reporting
SharePoint web-site – information sharing improvements OHS Advisory Service
4. NTPS OHS Performance Note:
These are adjusted figures
5. NTPS OHS Performance Note:
These are adjusted figures
6. Looking Forward:
Broader periodical reporting
Uptake of On-line Incident Report
Setting targets and objectives
Continue to review, develop, implement and measure OHSMS’s
Further development of the SharePoint web-site
National OHS Laws preparation
OHS in the NTPS
8. Responsibilities
9. Deemed Claims
11. Training Programs
Calendar and application forms are located: http://www.nt.gov.au/dbe/hr/training/training/calendars/index.html
The current calendar is until June 2010
We anticipate that the July to December calendar will be advertised on the web at the end of May
12. A new feature of the training offered is Cross Cultural Training:
Orientation Program – ½ day
Frontline & System Staff – ½ day
Middle Management (Frontline Service Delivery) – 1 day
Middle Management (System Staff) – 1 day
The next scheduled Darwin courses are in May
For all programs and for other regions please see Training Calendar
13. Employment Programs
Indigenous Cadetship Support Program
Vacation Employment
Work Integrated Learning Scholarships