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Education. February 19 and 20, 2007 Richard Dunfee. Topics. Program Focus Federal Funding Private Funding. The Hypothesis, Problem Statement or Research Question. An explanation of the relationship being proposed. No more than three to five sentence paragraph.
Education February 19 and 20, 2007 Richard Dunfee
Topics • Program Focus • Federal Funding • Private Funding
The Hypothesis, Problem Statement or Research Question • An explanation of the relationship being proposed. • No more than three to five sentence paragraph. • Elements include the following: -Statement of the research target (evidence of the importance of the issue) -Hypothesis, research question or problem statement (clear identification of the variables and their proposed relationship) -Quantitative/Qualitative criteria for measuring the solution (how the outcome will be measured, not a description of the specific outcome).
Hypothesis, Research Question, or Problem Statement Defined A hypothesis is a 'small' cause and effect statement about a specific set of circumstances. It represents an informed belief that a researcher or proposal writer possesses about a research issue before conducting a satisfactory number of experiments that could potentially disprove that belief.
U.S. Department of Education(ED) http://www.ed.gov
U.S. Department of Education • GRC follows more than 100 ED programs • Eight program offices: • Office of English Language Acquisition • Institute of Education Sciences • Office of Elementary and Secondary Education • Office of Postsecondary Education • Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services • Office of Innovation and Improvement • Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools • Office of Vocational and Adult Education
No Child Left Behind Acthttp://www.ed.gov/nclb/landing.jhtml • Signed into law January 8, 2002 • Themes-- • increase accountability for states, school districts, and schools; • expand choice for parents and students, particularly those attending low-performing schools; • add flexibility for states and local educational agencies (LEAs) in the use of federal education dollars • emphasize reading, especially for young children.
Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) • Administers Title III of No Child Left Behind Act, and provides leadership in promoting high quality education for English language learners (ELL) & limited English proficient students (LEP) • Makes awards to Local Educational Agencies and State Educational Agencies for reform efforts that emphasize high academic standards, school accountability, professional training and parent involvement. • Helps LEP individuals participate in schools/jobs for which they need English language skills http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oela/index.html?src=oc
Office of Vocational & Adult Education (OVAE) • Supports career prep. in high schools and community colleges • adult and vocational education • school-to-work • high school reform • correctional education • community technology centers • attention on empowerment zones and enterprise communities • teacher development activities http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ovae/index.html?src=oc
Office of Elementary & Secondary Ed (OESE) Supports LEAs and SEAs in their efforts to • promote equal educational opportunities and excellence for all students; and • improve the quality of teaching and learning by providing leadership, technical assistance and financial support IHEs work in partnership with public and private preschool, elementary, and secondary schools http://www.ed.gov/offices/OESE
Selected OESE programs • Early Reading Firstsupports local efforts to enhance the oral language, cognitive, & early reading skills of preschool-age children, especially low-income, through scientifically-based reading research. http://www.ed.gov/programs/earlyreading/index.html • Early Childhood Educator Professional Development Program aims to support early reading and cognitive development through professional development activities and early childhood curricula. http://www.ed.gov/programs/eceducator/index.html
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) • Supports programs that: • assist in educating children with special needs • rehabilitate youth and adults with disabilities • conduct research to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities • Three components: • Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) • Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) • National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)
OSERS: Selected Programs NIDRR Field-Initiated Projects Programsupports projects that improve the effectiveness of services and develop methods, procedures, & technology to maximize the full inclusion, integration, employment, independent living, family support, & economic and social self-sufficiency of individuals with disabilities. (Last Deadline: 2/6/06) http://www.ed.gov/programs/fip/index.html Mary Switzer Research Fellowships One-year awards are made to individuals to build research capacity & promote solutions to problems. Distinguished Fellowships ($55,000) are awarded to individuals of doctorate or comparable status with at least 7 years of relevant experience. Merit Fellowships ($45,000) are given to persons with advanced professional training or independent study in areas related to disability & rehabilitation. (Deadline: 11/26/06) http://www.ed.gov/programs/resfel/index.html
OSERS: Selected Programs NIDRR: Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects Supports research, demonstration projects, training, and related activities to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities, addressing NIDRR's goals of inclusion, integration, employment, and self-sufficiency. Projects may support research relating to the development of methods, procedures, and devices for rehabilitation services. (Last Deadline: 7/21/06) http://www.ed.gov/fund/grant/apply/nidrr/index.html Technology & Media Services for Individuals With DisabilitiesSupports projects to improve results for children with disabilities by promoting the development, demonstration, & use of technology; supporting educational media activities designed to be of educational value to children with disabilities; & providing some captioning, video description, & cultural activities. (Last Deadline: 10/3/06) http://www.ed.gov/programs/oseptms/index.html
Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) Administers programs that • Increase access to postsecondary education for disadvantaged students, • strengthen the capacity of colleges and universities that serve a high percentage of disadvantaged students, • provide teacher and student development resources, & • supports international education and foreign language studies programs as well as the HBCU program. http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ope/index.html?src=oc
Selected OPE programs • FIPSE – (Comprehensive, International, North American, US/Brazil) – Supports innovative projects that serve as national models. http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ope/fipse/index.html?exp=0 • IDUES - Institutional Development and Undergraduate Service (such as “Strengthening Institutions”) support improvements in educational quality, management and financial stability at qualifying postsecondary institutions. http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ope/idues/index.html?exp=0 • TRIO Supports 8 outreach and support programs to help disadvantaged students progress from middle school to post baccalaureate programs. http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ope/trio/index.html • International Education Programs Service Programs are designed to strengthen the capability and performance of American education in foreign languages and in area and international studies. http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ope/iegps/index.html?exp=0
More OPE programs Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN)Grantees provide fellowships to graduate students with financial need who plan to teach or conduct research in areas of national need such as biology, chemistry, computer & information science, engineering, geological science, mathematics, nursing & physics. (Deadline: 11/20/06) http://www.ed.gov/programs/iegpsgaann/index.html Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program Fellowships to students of superior ability to pursue doctoral level or MFA graduate study in the arts, humanities, or social sciences. Eligibility is limited to individuals who have not yet completed their first year of graduate study or who will be entering graduate school in the next academic year. (Last Deadline: 10/6/06) http://www.ed.gov/programs/jacobjavits/index.html
More OPE programs GEAR UP Program supports partnerships offering college preparation & awareness activities to students beginning in 7th grade. Activities may include mentoring, counseling, curricula & staff development, & other services. Partnerships must include an IHE, a local education agency representing middle schools & high schools in low-income communities, & at least two other entities. (Last Deadline: 3/9/06) http://www.ed.gov/programs/gearup/index.html Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) supports the provision of a campus-based child care programs primarily serving the needs of low-income students enrolled at the institution. Also supports before & after school services to the extent necessary to enable low-income students to pursue postsecondary education. (next competition will be in 2009)
Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Created in 2002 with the goal of advancing the field of education research, with an emphasis on evidence-based research. • Education research that involves statistics and evaluation • Goal is the transformation of education into an evidence-based field in which decision makers routinely seek out the best available research and data http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ies/index.html?src=oc
Sample IES Research Programs • Teacher Quality Research: Reading and Writing Research–Supports effective strategies for improving the performance of teachers in ways that lead to improvements in students' reading and writing skills, and to develop practical assessments of teacher knowledge and validate these assessments against measures of students' reading and writing performance (Last Deadline: 7/27/06). http://www.ed.gov/programs/tqreading/index.html • Cognition and Student Learning Research– Supports research that uses recent advances in cognitive science to address significant educational problems, in order to establish a scientific foundation for educational practice by supporting research on key processes of attention, memory, & reasoning that are essential for academic achievement. (Last Deadline: 11/16/06) http://www.ed.gov/programs/cognition/applicant.html
Sample IES Research Programs • Mathematics and Science Education Researchsupports research that will identify and support new and ongoing interventions in mathematics and science education that improve math achievement for all students and close the achievement gap in these academic areas. (Deadline: 11/16/06) http://www.ed.gov/programs/mathresearch/index.html • Interventions for Struggling Adolescent and Adult Readers supports projects that identify or develop curricula and instructional practices that are associated with better reading or writing outcomes. Long-term outcome of the program will be an array of tools and strategies (e.g., assessments, instructional approaches) that have been documented to be effective for improving reading and writing skills of adolescents and adults. (Deadline: 11/16/06) http://www.ed.gov/programs/intervention/index.html
Sample IES Programs Special Education Research--Secondary and Postsecondary Outcomes supports research focusing on the development and evaluation of interventions that promote functional skills that allow young adults to obtain and hold jobs, to live independently, and to become contributing members of their communities; and communities of support and care designed to support and enhance employment of students with disabilities during secondary and post-secondary transition.(Deadline: 11/17/06) http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ies/ncser/index.html Unsolicited Educational Research Applications supports unsolicited proposals for research, evaluation, statistics, and dissemination projects to provide reliable information about the condition of education, education practices that improve academic achievement, and the effectiveness of education programs. (Last deadline: May 1, 2006) http://www.ed.gov/programs/unsolicited/index.html
Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools (OSDFS) Supports programs that promote the health & well being of students in elementary school through college. OSDFS supports the following agency-wide initiatives: • Health, Mental-Health, Environmental Health, & Physical Education • Drug –Violence Prevention • Alcohol-Drug-Violence Prevention • Correctional & Character Education http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/osdfs/index.html?src=oc
Sample OSDFS Programs Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Models on College Campusessupports projects to identify, enhance, evaluate, and disseminate information about models of alcohol and other drug prevention at IHEs. Proposals must focus on a campus program that has been implemented for at least two years. Last Deadline: 3/22/06) http://www.ed.gov/programs/dvpcollege/index.html Prevention of High-Risk Drinking/Violent Behavior Among College Studentssupports projects to develop, enhance, implement, and evaluate campus- and/or community-based strategies to prevent high-risk drinking or violent behavior among college students (Last Deadline: 2/6/06) http://www.ed.gov/programs/dvphighrisk/index.html
Sample OSDFS Programs Partnerships in Character Education Project Program supports state educational agencies and local educational agencies working in partnership with other organizations, including universities, in designing and implementing character education programs that take into consideration the views of parents, students, and other members of the community.(Last Deadline: 4/10/06) http://www.ed.gov/programs/charactered/index.html Carol M. White Physical Education Programsupports grants to Local Education Agencies to initiate, expand, and improve physical education programs, including after-school programs, for K-12 students in order to make progress toward meeting state standards for physical education. Universities may serve as collaborators. (Last Deadline: 4/12/06) http://www.ed.gov/programs/whitephysed/index.html
Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII) Supports research, development, model projects of national significance to improve education through approximately 24 discretionary grant programs, such as: • Teaching American History Grant Program which funds local education agencies (but often in partnership with universities)to raise student achievement by improving teachers’ knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of traditional U.S. History.(Last Deadline: 2/9/06—2007 details available soon) http://www.ed.gov/programs/teachinghistory/index.html
More OII Programs Professional Development for Arts Educators supports model professional development programs for music, dance, drama, and visual arts educators that use innovative instructional methods, especially those linked to scientifically-based research. Eligible applicants are local education agencies serving at least 75% low-income children, working in partnership with other organizations, including unitersities. (last deadline: 5/20/05) http://www.ed.gov/programs/artsedprofdev/index.html Arts in Education Model Development & Dissemination Grants support development, documentation, evaluation, & dissemination of innovative, cohesive models that have demonstrated their effectiveness in integrating arts into the core elementary & middle school curricula. (last deadline: 4/7/06). http://www.ed.gov/programs/artsedmodel/index.html
ED Review Process • ED has many more "internal" reviews (i.e., those done without peer review but, instead, by ED staff only) than most other agencies. • Just depends on the program. However, Title III certainly has peer reviewers, but these groups are made up mostly from former recipients of Title III grants. • Many programs in ED, especially those outside of Office of Postsecondary Education, publish little information about their review process. • Best advice regarding the review process or about becoming a reviewer: Call the Program Officer.
Am Competitiveness Initiative • $365 million in FY 08 • Three program areas • elementary and middle school research-based math instruction, • advanced placement/baccalaureate expansion, and • American Competitive Grants to college first and second year students
Ed Review Process ED has 8 separate program offices that periodically hold “call for reviewers”—for instance currently • Programs in the Office of Postsecondary Education continually seek field readers for their grant competitions. If you would like to become a field reader for programs in OPE, you must register on line. http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ope/field-readers.html • Programs in the Office of Vocation and Adult Education are currently looking for field readers for the Division of High School, Postsecondary, and Career Education. http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ovae/pi/hs/fieldreaders.html
Ed Review Process • All ED reviewers will be asked to evaluate proposals according to strict adherence to each program’s priorities—and these will differ from program to program • Reviews will be based on an application's total score for the program’s selection criteria and applicant’s prior experience. • Important: make sure your application thoroughly addresses all the program’s priorities.
Ed Review Process Typical wording in an ED grant application: “For ease of reading by the reviewers, applicants should develop their narrative description to follow the sequence of criteria provided below. The maximum number of possible points for all selection criteria is 100. Note: The criteria contain weighted subcriteria. Applicants must address each subcriterion to qualify for the maximum number of points for each criterion.” 1) Need for Project - 15 points 2) Significance - 20 points 3) Quality of the Project Design - 30 points 4) Quality of Project Personnel - 10 points 5) Quality of the Project Evaluation - 25 points
Additional Sample Criteria: Talent Search/Educational Opportunities Center Competitions 1) Project Need—24 points 2) Objectives—8 points 3) Operation Plan—30 points 4) Applicant/Community Support—16 points 5) Personnel Quality—9 points 6) Evaluation Plan—8 points 7) Budget—5 points 8) Prior Experience—15 points (additional)—unfortunate truth for many ED programs
Tips for Securing ED funding Some helpful Websites • http://www.ed.gov/fund/grant/about/grantmaking/index.html (General ED grant information) • http://www.ed.gov/fund/grant/apply/grantapps/index.html (Grant Application Packages) • http://www.ed.gov/fund/grant/find/edlite-forecast.html (Funding forecast for each Year) To E-mail ED Staff -- john.doe@ed.gov
Searchable by • Keyword or Title • Subject • Program name, sponsor • and/or activity • CFDA or GRC number • Entries include • Description of the funding opportunity and links to on-line information • Deadline and last verification date • Contact information GrantSearch contains over 2,000 funding opportunities.
GRC Website http://www.aascu.org/grc/
FOUNDATION CENTER http://foundationcenter.org/
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