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The dripping water torture

The dripping water torture Plan Changes in Marlborough District Plan The Problem On site sewage disposal in Sounds Unsuitable soil types High loadings for short periods Old, unsuitable technology for effluent disposal Historically unchallenged rapid increase in demand for holiday homes

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The dripping water torture

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The dripping water torture Plan Changes in Marlborough District Plan

  2. The Problem • On site sewage disposal in Sounds • Unsuitable soil types • High loadings for short periods • Old, unsuitable technology for effluent disposal • Historically unchallenged • rapid increase in demand for holiday homes • Aquaculture and recreational use growing

  3. The Solution • Make Council accountable for the results • Prove the problem, convince that a change needed • Look at current rules • Ammend for sustainable management • Council enlist a “Gunn”

  4. The Solution • No. Operative Changes Status Description of the change • PC7 On-site discharges of Domestic Wastewater Notified 21/4/05 • Submissions 20/5/05 • Summary 9/6/05 • Further Submissions 8/7/05 • Hearing 19-20/9/05 • Decisions Decisions 8/12/05 • Operative10/03/06 The Plan change amends the existing provisions in the plan relating to on-site wastewater management systems ("on-site systems). • A range of additional objectives and policies, and several changes to the rules, were developed to protect the Marlborough Sounds environment

  5. The Solution • http://www.marlborough.govt.nz/content/docs/plans%20and%20reports/PlanChange7%2DOperative%2D10March06.pdf • MSRM Plan ammended to deal comprehensively with on site disposal in the most sensitive of areas.

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