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A Portent Interactive presentation about pay per click ad testing and using tools like MSN AdCenter, Facebook Ads and Google PPC resources. /nThis presentation is by Elizabeth Marsten from Portent Interactive.
Test that Ad! “One finds limits by pushing them.” -Herbert Simon
MSN AdCenter • Use capitalization in headlines- while the entire headline can’t all be done in caps, words sure can.
More MSN AdCenter • Want to use “FREE FREE FREE”? • No problem.
Facebook & AdCenter • Facebook is a publisher partner of AdCenter – which means that AdCenter ads are showing on Facebook pages. • Which also means that whatever format or messaging you’re using in AdCenter, it shows up the same on Facebook.
Show More for Less on Facebook • MSN doesn’t allow for specific publisher placements. • Exclude those less relevant publishers as much as possible with publisher performance reports. • Chances of showing up on Facebook with “enhanced” ads increases.
Some MSN Property URLs to Consider Excluding • scout.com (MSN’s Fox Sports partner) • msn.foxsports.com • music.msn.com • realestate.msn.com • tv.msn.com • today.msnbc.msn.com • mail.live.com • advertising.microsoft.com • lifestyle.msn.com • local.msn.com
Facebook Ads • Stricter editorial guidelines for capitalization and grammar. • Longer body text at 135 characters
Dynamic Insertion in Display URLs • Insert a dynamic keyword at the end: www.examplesite.com/{keyword:woo-hoo} • Use all caps to really make it pop {KEYWORD} • The shorter the URL the better, drop the “www” for example. • Separate words with a “+”
Fun with Site Links • Google’s new ad format with up to 10 links at 35 characters apiece. • 35 characters, hmmmm….
You sell: Books, movies and music Your site links could be: Make You Sound Smart Books Movies that Explode with Awesome Shake You All Night Long Music
Break it down further You sell: books Your site links could be: Swoon-Worthy Romances Mayhem & Murder Can You Solve it Mysteries Set Your Kitchen on Fire Recipes
Take it One Step too Far You sell: Weight loss shakes Your site links could be: Why am I so fat? It’s Genetic. My Spouse is Fat. Help! I Can’t Live Without Bacon.
Stalk them with Remarketing • Another recent feature from AdWords on the Content Network this year. • Set up a couple of remarketing lists and a custom combination and get the ones that got away! • For example: targeting users that put an item in their cart, reach the checkout page and bail.
Display Ad Builder • Google’s adding more and more templates to help you create display ads for the content network. • You can upload any picture that’s yours… • So why wouldn’t you make it interesting to stand out a bit?