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Spring 2014 Training Materials

Spring 2014 Training Materials. FCAT 2.0 Reading, Mathematics, & Science. Agenda. Overview Daily Test Administration Schedules Students to be Tested Test Accommodations CBT Readiness Activities Test Materials CBT Test Sessions Pre-ID Labels Student Grid Sheet.

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Spring 2014 Training Materials

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  1. Spring 2014Training Materials FCAT 2.0 Reading,Mathematics, & Science

  2. Agenda • Overview • Daily Test Administration Schedules • Students to be Tested • Test Accommodations • CBT Readiness Activities • Test Materials • CBT Test Sessions • Pre-IDLabels • Student Grid Sheet • Administration and Security Procedures • Test Invalidations • Defective Materials • School Assessment Coordinator • Before, During, and After Testing Procedures • Comment Forms • Contact Information

  3. Overview • These training materials are based on the Spring 2014 Reading, Mathematics, & Science Test Administration Manual (Spring 2014 RMS Manual). • There is a separate training material for the Spring 2014 Computer-Based Testing. • Training materials are available at http://oada.dadeschools.net/TestChairInfo/InfoForTestChair.asp.

  4. Retake Administration ScheduleWhat’s New FCAT Mathematics Retake • The FCAT Mathematics Retake will be available in Spring 2014, Fall 2014, and Spring 2015 forstudents who entered grade 9 in 2009 or earlier and have not yet met the graduation requirement. • ONLY those students who entered grade 9 in 2009 or earlier and have not obtained a passing score or a concordant score may participate. • The FCAT Mathematics Retake will be offered incomputer-based format. TestHear accommodated forms and paper-based accommodations (regular print, large print, and braille) are available for eligible students. • There is no PreID window for the FCAT Mathematics Retake.

  5. Retake AdministrationSchedule* Notes: **Grades 10+ - 13 Reading and Mathematics computer-based test (CBT) sessions may begin on Day 1 of the testing window, with make-up testing through Day 5, as needed. **ADULT CENTERS Only Reading and Mathematics computer-based test (CBT) sessions may begin on Day 1 of the testing window, with make-up testing through Day 7, as needed. ***All paper accommodations (for students with documented accommodations only) must be administered on the first two days of the testing window (Days 1 and 2 for Reading, and Day 1 for Mathematics). ****The FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake is administered as 2 sessions over two days, and students may take up to half of a typical school day to complete each test session. The FCAT Mathematics Retake is administered as 1 session, and students may take up to the length of a typical school day to complete the test, but must complete the test in one day.

  6. RMS Grades 3-5Administration Schedule Notes: *Each school will have eight school days to complete each subject/grade level test, including make-ups. All paper accommodations (for students with documented accommodations only) must be administered on the first two days of testing for each subject/grade level test. **Grade 5 Mathematics computer-based test (CBT) sessions may begin on Day 11 of the testing window, with make-up testing through May 7, 2014, as needed. *** Make-up testing only for Grade 5 Mathematics CBT, as needed. For initial OR make-up test administrations, Session 1 MUST be administered before Session 2.

  7. RMS Grades 6-8Administration Schedule* Notes: *Each school will have eight school days to complete each subject/grade level test, including make-ups EXCEPT for Grade 8 Reading, only 7 days can be scheduled. All paper accommodations (for students with documented accommodations only) must be administered on the first two days of testing for each subject/grade level test. **Grade 6 Reading computer-based test (CBT) sessions may begin on Day 1 of the testing window, with make-up testing through April 24, 2014, as needed. ***Grade 6 Mathematics computer-based test (CBT) sessions may begin on Day 10 of the testing window, with make-up testing through May 6, 2014, as needed. ****Grade 7 Reading computer-based test (CBT) sessions may begin on Day 6 of the testing window, with make-up testing through April 30, 2014, as needed *****Grade 8 Reading computer-based test (CBT) sessions may begin on Day 12 of the testing window, with make-up testing through May 7, 2014, as needed. ******Make-up testing only for Grade 6 Mathematics and Grade 8 Reading CBT, as needed. For initial OR make-up test administrations, Session 1 MUST be administered before Session 2.

  8. RMS Grades 9-10Administration Schedule* Notes: *Each school will have eight school days to complete each subject/grade level test, including make-ups. All paper accommodations (for students with documented accommodations only) must be administered on the first two days of testing for each subject/grade level test. **Grade 9 Reading computer-based test (CBT) sessions may begin on Day 6, with make-up testing through April 30, 2014, as needed. ***Grade 10 Reading sessions may begin on Day 1, with make-up testing through April 24, 2014, as needed. For initial OR make-up test administrations, Session 1 MUST be administered before Session 2.

  9. RMS AdministrationSchedule Manuals, Back of cover page • All schools must adhere to the daily schedule. Any deviation from the daily schedule must be approved by the FLDOE. • Paper-based administrations must be administered to all students on the designated daily schedule. (Schools must begin on day 1.) • Computer-based (CBT) administrations will require students to be cycled through the computer lab within the designated window. • Schools may begin on day 1 of the window but must complete all testing by the end date. • Grade-level subjects must be tested in the following order (*CBT): • Grades 3 and 4 – Reading → Mathematics • Grade 5 – Reading → Science → Mathematics* • Grade 6 – Reading* → Mathematics* • Grade 7 – Mathematics → Reading* • Grade 8 – Mathematics → Science → Reading*

  10. Session Lengths and Testing Durations—Table Reference Manuals, Back of cover page

  11. Students to Be TestedRMS • In general, all Florida public school students enrolled in tested grade levels (Grades 3–10) participate in the FCAT 2.0, per Section 1008.22(3)(a), F.S. Students must take the test(s) appropriate for the grade level in which they are receiving instruction. Students With Disabilities • Students with disabilities participate in the statewide assessment program by taking one of the following: • FCAT 2.0 without accommodations, • FCAT 2.0 with accommodations, or • Florida Alternate Assessment. English Language Learners (ELLs) • All ELLs are expected to participate in FCAT 2.0 Writing. PBT Manual 4-5; CBT Manual 6

  12. Students to Be Tested Retake FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake— Eligible Students • Students who entered Grade 9 in the 2009-2010 school year and beyond and are pursuing a standard Florida high school diploma must pass the Grade 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading test or obtain a concordant score on the ACT or SAT as one of the requirements for graduation. • The following students are eligible to participate in this administration of the FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake: • Retained Grade 10 or Grades 11–adult (AD) regular high school students who have not yet passed the Grade 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading test. • Students who enrolled in Grade 9 prior to the 2009–2010 school year but have not yet passed the Grade 10 FCAT Reading test. PBT Manual 3; CBT Manual 4

  13. Students to Be Tested (cont.)Retake FCAT Mathematics Retake • Students who entered grade 9 in 2009 or earlier who have not yet met the graduation requirement by earning a passing score on the FCAT Mathematics Retake or a concordant score on the Mathematics portion of the ACT or SAT are eligible to participate in this administration of the FCAT Mathematics Retake. • Students who entered grade 9 after 2009 are not eligible to participate in the FCAT Mathematics Retake. • Students who have received a GED diploma are not eligible to participate in FCAT or FCAT 2.0 administrations. www.PearsonAccess.com/fl

  14. File Download Manager (FDM)

  15. Students to Be Tested Special Programs Special Program Students *District program not in the Test Administration Manual. PBT Manual 10; CBT Manual 6

  16. Test Accommodations Students With Disabilities • Accommodations stated in the student’s current IEP or Section 504 Plan • Flexible Presentation • Flexible Responding • Flexible Scheduling • Flexible Setting • Assistive Devices and Tools • Unique Accommodations Request (Briefing ID #: 14954) • Extraordinary Circumstances (Briefing ID #: 14953) PBT Manual 5; CBT Manual 6; Appendix A

  17. Test Accommodations SPED EMS • Verify that all students requiring special assessment test materials have the proper test accommodation documented in SPED EMS (Please refer to Weekly Briefing # 15094). • Note: Accommodations are no longer captured in the Test Accommodations field on the Additional ESE Information screen in ISIS. • Test Accommodations codes include the following: • Flexible Presentation – Contracted Braille (C) • Flexible Presentation – Uncontracted Braille (U) • Flexible Presentation – Enlarge Print (L) • Flexible Responding – Paper Based Test in lieu of Computer-Based Test (P) • Flexible Presentation – Unique Accommodation (Rule 6A-1.0943, FAC) (Q) • Flexible Presentation – Reading Passage Booklet (R) • Note: Large Print is considered a “Unique Accommodation” for all CBT tests. • Request must be submitted for FLDOE approval with justification by deadline.

  18. Test AccommodationsTestHear FormsCBT Only CBT Manual 164-165; 193-194 Test Hear: Assigning an Accommodated Form Click “Specify” or “Override” on the Session Details screen to assign a specific form (refer to pages 164-165 in CBT manual).

  19. TestHearWhat’s New The TestHear software for accommodated computer-based testing is undergoing a revision that involves an update to the screen reader along with other minor functionality enhancements. (Please refer to Weekly Briefing #15371.) The new software is now available for download at www.FLAssessments.com/downloads. The updated TestHear software must be installed locally on each workstation that will be used by students requiring accommodated CBT forms. Allprevious versions of the TestHear software and TestHear ePATs (versions prior to must be removed from student workstations. CBT Manual 11

  20. Test Accommodations Reading Passage BookletsCBT Only • Reading Passage Booklets will be provided for eligible students taking computer-based Reading tests who have this accommodation identified in their IEPs or Section 504 plans. • The booklets contain reading passages but do not contain test items. These booklets have a security number that must be tracked at all times. • Students will respond to test items on the computer. • On the day of testing, ensure that students with this accommodation receive the correct booklet for the assessment they are taking. • The School Assessment Coordinator must specify the correct form in the TestNav FCAT 2.0 Reading test sessions for each student who will use a Reading Passage Booklet (refer to page 163 in CBT manual). • Reading Passage Booklets are secure materials must be stored in a secure location before and after testing. CBT Manual 11

  21. Test AccommodationsSpecial Documents • Test Administrators must familiarize themselves with the information in the Special Documents section, including: • Test configurations and materials needed for testing • Scripts/instructions for students who test using special documents • Student responses • Providing accommodations PBT Manual 194-318

  22. Test AccommodationsELL Students English Language Learners (ELLs) • Students who are currently receiving services in a program operated in accordance with an approved district LEP plan: • Flexible Setting • Flexible Scheduling • Assistance in Heritage Language • Approved Dictionary • ELL students in levels 1-4 ONLY PBT and CBT Manuals Appendix A

  23. What To Do – Temporary Section 504 • When a student sustains an impairment / injury during FCAT 2.0 administration, they may be eligible for Section 504 Plan • You may consider scheduling the test on an available make-up day, if possible, to provide more time to collect written medical documentation from the parent and schedule a 504 Eligibility Meeting • Contact the Staffing Specialist for assistance and directions on proceeding with a Section 504 Eligibility Meeting / Plan • Send / provide a Notification of Meeting to the parent • Only a designated LEA may facilitate a Section 504 Meeting PBT and CBT Manuals Appendix A

  24. SPED Office Contacts NORTH SOUTH South Central (786) 268-4757 Kathy Maguire Instructional Supervisor Lourdes Alonso Lead Staffing Specialist South (786) 268-4757 Helene Chait Instructional Supervisor Maria McMann Sifre Lead Staffing Specialist • North Central (305) 827-3025 • Alfreida Robinson • Instructional Supervisor • Elena Hernandez • Lead Staffing Specialist • North (305) 827-3025 • Kate Cadieux • Instructional Supervisor • Cindy O’Donnell • Lead Staffing Specialist

  25. Readiness ActivitiesCBT Only • Complete Spring 2014 Certification Tool • https://app1.fldoe.org/CBT/CertificationTool • Due: March 7, 2014 • Install TestNav and TestHear • Run System Check • District-wide Infrastructure Trial • Wednesday, March 19, 2014 • Tuesday, April 1, 2014 (OPTIONAL) • Complete Survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NRDH2LQ Weekly Briefing #15263

  26. District-Wide Infrastructure Readiness TrialCBT Only Infrastructure Trial: Wednesday, March 19; Tuesday, April 1 (Optional) • Simulates a computer-based test using mock test items to test the vendor’s, District’s, and schools’ hardware and network capacity prior to the operational administration. • Set up the Trial to use all computers scheduled to be used concurrently during the Spring 2014 administrations. • Manage the test sessions in the PearsonAccess Training Center • Use the tools provided by Pearson to determine network user capacity and bandwidth requirements • Takes approximately thirty minutes for users to log in, complete the exercise and submit the test • Note: Pearson is currently working to create a TestHear Infrastructure Trial form that includes screen reader functionality. The new form that includes screen reader functionality should be used to ensure that workstations can handle the size of the screen reader form and to confirm that the workstation can output the screen reader audio correctly. • Complete a brief survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NRDH2LQby Wednesday, April 2nd to certify that the trial was conducted to identify any problems that need to be addressed prior test administration. Weekly Briefing #15379

  27. Test Materials PBT Manual 7-8

  28. Test Materials (cont.) PBT Manual 7-8

  29. Test Materials (cont.) PBT Manual 7-8

  30. Test Materials (cont.) PBT Manual 7-8

  31. Test MaterialsCBT Only Student Authorization Tickets Session Rosters Test Group Code Seal Code (if applicable) Florida Computer-Based Testing Work Folders CBT Worksheets Reading Passage Booklets (eligible students as an accommodations as noted on the IEP or Section 504 Plan) Approved Four-Function Calculators (Mathematics Retake Only) Mathematics Reference Sheets CBT Manual 8-12

  32. ePATCBT Only Electronic Practice Assessment Tool • Provides students an opportunity to practice using the computer-based platform prior to testing. • Available for download at www.FLAssessments.com/ePATs. • Download ePAT launcher separately from practice test content. • Accommodated ePATs are also available. Launcher is bundled with the practice test content for accommodated forms. • Scripts and instructions for downloading ePATs are under the Resources tab. CBT Manual 19; 149

  33. ePATWhat’s New TestNav ePATs • Pearson has released an updated TestNav ePAT Launcher (version 2.17) as well as new versions of all TestNav ePATs.  • Schools MUST uninstall the previous TestNav ePAT Launcher (version 2.14) and TestNav ePAT content from any computer that it is currently installed BEFORE downloading and installing the new Launcher and ePATs. TestHear ePATs • TestHear accommodated practice tests (ePATs) have also been updated. • The new ePATs will be posted at www.FLAssessments.com/ePATS. • The new TestHear ePATs include an improved screen reader voice. • Prior to installing the new TestHear software and ePATs, schools must remove old ePATs from student workstations. • Previous versions of TestHear software and ePATs that remain on student workstations may cause errors during testing.

  34. Chain of Custody FormPBT Only • Schools are required to maintain a Test Materials Chain of Custody Form located at www.FLAssessments.com and in Appendix C. • Record accurate information on the form, including the dates and times activities are completed, the names of the people performing activities involving the materials, and information about the locked storage room. • Retain electronic or hard copies of completed forms after materials are packaged for return. PBT Manual 331; CBT Manual 219

  35. District-Level Certification Form • Non-certified school personnel designated by the school administrator to assist test chairperson in handling secure materials for statewide assessments must be granted approval by the FLDOE. (Please refer to Weekly Briefing ID #: 14536.) • Deadline to submit completed form to Student Assessment & Educational Testing (SAET) for approval was December 6. • Signed FCAT 2.0 Test Administration and Security Agreement Form must also be submitted with form. • The approval will be valid for the remainder of the school year.

  36. Preparing Test Materials School personnel must adhere to the following policies as they prepare test materials: • Only the school assessment coordinator and school personnel designated by the building/site administrator may open the shrink-wrapped packages and affix PreID labels. Sealed test books must not be opened. • School staff may verify and apply labels and/or complete student grid sheets no sooner than 3 days for the Retake and 5 daysfor the RMS prior to each scheduled test. • Students are not permitted to assist in preparing secure materials before testing or in organizing and returning materials after testing. • The Test Materials Chain of Custody Form must be maintained at all times. • All secure materials must be returned to locked storage and remain there until testing. PBT Manual 20; 256-257

  37. PreID Labels • The PreID file is based on student enrollment at your school as of: • Wave 1: January 24, 2014 • Wave 2: February 21, 2014 • Verify the student is enrolled and will be tested • Five elements must be correct: • Student Name • Student Florida ID # • District # • School # • Grade level • For Retake Only: If grade level is incorrect on a label, the correct grade level must be gridded and the student may use the document. PBT Manual 14; CBT Manual 152

  38. PreID Labels(cont.) • Affix the label in the box in the lower left cornerof the student grid sheet. • Do not remove labels once they have been affixed. • Do not place a label over another label. • Do not use PreID labels from previous administrations. • Do not use a preidentified document for any student other than the student for whom it is preidentified. PBT Manual 14

  39. PreID Labels (cont.) • If the student name, Florida ID number, district number, school number, OR grade level is INCORRECT on a USED answer document, the student must, under the supervision of the test administrator, transfer his or her exact responses into a replacement answer document. • Ensure the replacement document has the same form code if the replacement is one of the following: • Grade 3 Reading Test and Answer Book • Grade 3 Mathematics Test and Answer Book • Grade 4 Reading Test and Answer Book • Grade 4 Mathematics Test and Answer Book • If any student information is missing from a student label that has been affixed to a document, add the information by gridding the appropriate bubbles on the student grid sheet. Incorrect information on a student label CANNOT be corrected in this manner (except for grade level on a Retake PreID label). PBT Manual 14

  40. Student DemographicsWhat’s New Student Demographic Information • The English Language Learner (ELL) category on student grid sheets no longer records the length of time ELLs have been receiving ESOL services but is now updated to record the length of time ELLs have been enrolled in a U.S. school. • This information can be verified in ISIS under “Legal and Foreign Student Information”. • Click PF3 and then click PF19 PBT Manual 13; CBT Manual 161-162;175

  41. Student Grid Sheet The box in the upper left corner of the student grid sheet must be completed by each student Do not write or mark outside the student demographic information boxes PBT Manual 16

  42. Security NumbersAdministration Record/Security Checklist • Security numbers of secure materials not already listed on the pre-populated checklist MUST be added to the record with the names of the students to whom the test materials are assigned. • Signatures of the test administrators and the school assessment coordinator as well as the dates and times for when documents are received and returned MUST be documented. To access the pre-populated checklist in PearsonAccess, go to Test Setup > Order Additional Materials and Tracking > Reports, and select Security Checklist Detail from the drop-down list. PBT Manual 19-21

  43. Test SecurityWhat’s New Test Security Statute and Rule Florida Test Security Statute, Section 1008.24, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Florida State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.042, FAC, located in Appendix B of the Spring 2014 RMS Manual, are now printed on perforated pages that may be removed for review during trainings. New screencast training on Test Security to use during your school-level training session may be accessed at http://oada.dadeschools.net/Screencasts/TestSecurity/TestSecurity.html. PBT Manual 319-324; CBT Manual 207-211

  44. Test SecurityState and District Requirements • Standards, Guidelines, and Procedures for Test Administration and Test Security available at http://oada.dadeschools.net/TestChairInfo/InfoForTestChair.asp • Adopted by School Board: SB Policy 2605 • General Guidelines • Florida Test Security Statute and Rule • Florida Statute 1008.24 – criminal misdemeanor • Florida State Board Rule 6A-10.042 • School Procedural Checklist (FM-6927) • District Monitors PBT Manual 17-18; 319-324; CBT Manual 14-15; 207-211

  45. Test SecurityProhibited Activities • Per Test Security Statute, s. 1008.24, F.S., and Florida State Board Rule, 6A-10.042, FAC, inappropriate actions by school or district personnel can result in student or classroom invalidations, loss of teaching certification, and/or involvement of law enforcement. • Examples of prohibited activities include the following: • Reading or viewing the passages or test items before, during, or after testing • Revealing the passages or test items • Copying the passages or test items • Explaining or reading the passages or test items for students • Copying or reading student responses • Changing or otherwise interfering with student responses to test items • Causing achievement of schools to be inaccurately measured or reported PBT Manual 17-18; 319-324; CBT Manual 14-15; 207-211

  46. Test Security General Guidelines Do • Provide secure storage • Restrict access • 3 or fewer keys • Handle secure materials, including affixing of labels in a limited-access area • Secure visual barriers on computer workstations • Maintain documentation • Chain of custody • Book assignment to students • Train test administrators and proctors • Monitor students during lunch break or extended breaks Do Not • Allow unauthorized access to materials or content • Open secure materials prior to date allowed • Allow untrained or uncertified staff to test students • Coach or provide assistance during test administration • View, review, copy, or debrief test content PBT Manual 17-18; 319-324; CBT Manual 14-15; 207-211

  47. Test SecurityElectronic Devices School personnel must ensure that students do not have access to their cell phones or other electronic or recording devices at any time during testing, including breaks within a test session (e.g., lunch, restroom breaks). If a student is found to be in possession of ANY electronic devices during testing OR during a break, his or her test must be invalidated. Students and their parents/guardians must be made aware of this policy prior to testing. PBT Manual 23, 30, 32, 343; CBT Manual 17, 24, 233

  48. Testing Irregularity/ Security Breaches Any event or circumstance occurring before, during, or after the actual testing session that could impact the security of the test content or validity of student results. Damaged materials Improper handling of secure materials Timing error Missing test booklet Possession of cell phone during testing Students talking during administration Unauthorized access to test content Improper administration procedures Coaching of students Student “cheat sheets” PBT Manual 22; CBT Manual 16

  49. Reporting Testing Irregularities & Security Breaches • It is the professional responsibility of all school staff to report testing irregularities that could expose test content or invalidate student results. • All irregularities must be reported by the school to Student Assessment & Educational Testing (SAET: 305-995-7520). • Minor administration irregularities may be addressed quickly and students’ scores salvaged if reported immediately. • ARDA may need to confer with the state in the resolution. • Any criminal and all serious non-criminal incidents must be reported directly to the Miami-Dade School Police, as per the district’s PIM (Personnel Investigative Model). PBT Manual 22; CBT Manual 16

  50. Caveon Data Forensics • The FLDOE has contracted with Caveon Test Security to provide its Caveon Data Forensics™ for all statewide assessments. • Caveon analyzes data to identify highly unusual test results for two primary groups: • Students with extremely similar test responses; and • Schools with improbable levels of similarity, gains and/or erasures. • Flagging only the most extreme results.

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