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Deep discounting is a promotional pricing strategy that can help online retailers create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to make a purchase before the promotion ends. It is a known fact that customers are drawn towards lower prices as they like the feeling of getting a good deal. Different types of deep discounting techniques like flash sales, seasonal discounts, festive discounts, clearance sales, and volume discounts can be used depending on the specific products, industry, business objectives, and comprehensive business strategy. The implementation of discounted pricing can be do
HowDeepDiscountingAffectsBuyerBehaviourand PurchasingDecisions Deepdiscountingisapromotionalpricingstrategythatcanhelponline retailers create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to make apurchasebeforethepromotionends.Itis aknownfactthat customers are drawn towards lower prices as they like the feeling of getting a good deal. Different types of deep discounting techniques like flash sales, seasonal discounts, festive discounts, clearance sales, andvolumediscountscanbeuseddependingonthespecificproducts, industry, business objectives, and comprehensive business strategy. Theimplementationofdiscountedpricingcanbedonethroughpricing intelligenceplatformslikePriceIntelGuru. GoToOur Blog:https://www.priceintelguru.com/article/deep- discounting-and-buyer-psychology