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Hiring a General Manager for SellingForce, LLC

SellingForce LLC is a marketing corporation whose mission is to constantly increase clients' lead flow and sales conversion rates with a highly-skilled, technology-enhanced outsourced sales team. It will provide sales services to companies needing help in their sales departments. These sales services could mean building a sales team, providing training or consultation services to enhance their sales. Visit www.ProHR.com. For more details: http://bit.ly/11GrHNU LIKE US: http://www.facebook.com/ProhrcomLlc FOLLOW US: https://twitter.com/ProHRLLC

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Hiring a General Manager for SellingForce, LLC

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  1. General Manager forSellingForce, LLC (PhilippinesOnly) • Toapply forthis position,sendyour resume(attachedfile)to Careers(at)ProHR (dotcom). The filenameofyour resumeshould indicateyour full name.Donot forget toindicateonthe Email Subject Line, thepositionandcompanyyouare applyingfor. Please include at least2 references(previoussupervisoror client) with theircontactinformationforyour backgroundcheck. • COMPANY OVERVIEW • SellingForceLLCis amarketingcorporationwhosemissionistoconstantlyincreaseclients’ leadflowandsales conversionrates with a highly-skilled,technology-enhancedoutsourced salesteam. It willprovide sales servicestocompaniesneedinghelpin their salesdepartments. Thesesalesservicescouldmeanbuildinga sales team,providingtrainingor consultationservicestoenhancetheirsales. • SellingForceLLCwilloffertrainingandcompleteservices in the areasof Lead Conversion, Lead Generation, SalesForce SoftwareDatabases,MarketResearch,Secret Shopper, Crowd Feedback, KeywordOptimization,plus related services thatcanbe efficientlyandprofitably provided usingmodernmethods andtechnologiessurroundingthe evolvingrealmof integrated salesandmarketing. • We have numerousotherpast successfulcorporationsandcharitiesillustratingour skills,whichyoucan reviewathttp://www.mikemann.com/successes. • JOB DESCRIPTION • We are lookingforGeneralManagerswhoarebased inthe USandinthePhilippineswhowilluseSellingForceLLC’s BusinessConceptas aguide inbuildingthe company. Hewill alsousethe bestpracticesfoundinMikeMann’s bookhttp://www.MakeMillions.com,www.BestPracticesGuide.comandby keepingin mindthe2013 BusinessModel for allthe companies underMikeMann, whichincludes SellingForceLLC. • Your salesskillis justas important as your ability toshare your knowledge andskills toother people. Ultimately, your greatest responsibilityis toenhancethe sales oftheclient. • QUALIFICATIONS • Extensiveexperienceinsalesandinternetmarketing • Has a portfolioof successful sales • Sales Trainingexperience isa plus • Minimumof3 yearsmanagement experience • A businessmanagementormarketingdegreeisa plus • Mustbelocatedinthe USAorthePhilippinesandcanworkfromhome • Musthave superiorPSDM(problemsolvinganddecisionmaking) skills andconflictmanagement abilities. • Detailoriented andorganized, withexceptional prioritizationskills. • Excellent writtenandverbal communicationskills(English andvernacular). • Technologicallyadeptandhas theinitiativetolearnnew skills. • Have read andunderstoodthe contents • of http://www.MakeMillions.comandhttp://www.BestPracticesGuide.com

  2. SellingForceLLCis founded byMikeMann, asocial entrepreneur. MikeMannisthe founderandchairmanof Grassroots.orga global network thatprovidesfree services tonon-profitsandpromotessocialaction. Mikeis alsothe founder ofseveral successful, active,for-profitcorporations.Threeof thesecorporationswerelistedamongthe“2012 INC500 FastestGrowingCompanies inAmerica”,includingPhone.comInc,DomainMarket.comLLC, andSEO.comLLC. Inmanycaseshis companies exchange resources,talent andtechnologies in theirnever-endingquest to deliver innovative,profitable digital productsandservices. Getthe LATESTupdateson:

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