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signs of the snake<br>Sunday Service | Restoration Church | Every Sunday at 13:30 - 16:30<br>Adresse: Restoration Church | 16 Burrage Road, Woolwich, London SE18 7LH l<br>INFO@restorationchurchtv.com<br>#restorationchurch_<br><br>Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue au culte du2019aujourdu2019hui. Invitons nos amis u00e0 suivre le direct de cette apru00e8s midi afin quu2019eux aussi soient bu00e9nis par la parole. Que Dieu vous bu00e9nisse<br><br>.................................<br><br>We welcome you to today's worship. Let's invite our friends so they can also watch this afternoon's live and be blessed by the word. God bless you<br><br><br><br>Do Not abandon Jesus Christ - Genesis 32: 24-26<br><br>bless you my sister<br>