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How the supplement can Improve Your Sleep

When you're looking to buy melatonin, whether ordering online or in the store, it is important to be sure you're getting the most high-quality sleep supplement available. https://www.remfresh.com

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How the supplement can Improve Your Sleep

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  1. Melatonin overview: How the supplement can Improve Your Sleep

  2. Melatonin is a hormone responsible for the on setting of our sleep and wake cycles1, also referred to as the circadian rhythm • As the sun goes down, our body begins to produce more melatonin to help us get ready for bed. As the sun comes up, our bodies produce less melatonin to help us wake up • Light is known to disrupt our natural melatonin production • Melatonin has been found to be an effective option for a natural sleeping aid, especially for those who are experiencing jet-lag2 and employees working the night shift3 What is Melatonin? https://sleepfoundation.org/sleep-topics/melatonin-and-sleep https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/what-is-melatonin https://sleepfoundation.org/shift-work/content/non-medical-treatments-shift-work-disorder

  3. An irregular sleep cycle brings you closer to a host of symptomatic problems • This includes heart attacks, heart failure, strokes, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats and diabetes1 • When there is an irregularity in sleep, the brain often does not function at the optimum level and this can lead to decreased memory retention and poor productivity • Further, irregularity of sleep can make you depressed, emotional and irritable2 Side Effects of Irregular Sleep Cycle http://healthysleep.med.harvard.edu/need-sleep/whats-in-it-for-you/health https://sleepfoundation.org/sleep-disorders-problems/depression-and-sleep

  4. Melatonin may lead to an increase in the function of your immune system1 • It is found that a lack of melatonin could even lead to your thymus gland weakening 2– resulting in you sleeping less and being more likely to get sick • Apart from helping you fall and stay asleep, melatonin generally brings about a feeling of overall comfort and well being by creating and maintaining a balance between the sleep and wake cycles • In addition, melatonin has powerful neuroprotective and antioxidant benefits3 to comprehensively improve your health How Melatonin Can Lead to Improved Health https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3645767/ https://www.healthcentral.com/article/is-sleep-deprivation-hurting-your-immune-system http://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2007/6/nu_melatonin/Page-01

  5. Supplement brands can create scientifically synthesized melatonin to treat occasional sleeplessness • Melatonin sleep aids are a popular choice for a natural alternative to prescription drugs, which can have a range of serious health effects and cause dependency • Due to it’s effectiveness, people across the globe are using melatonin as a dietary supplement to help relieve their occasional sleep problems • By consistently taking the sleep supplement, you will increase your chances of achieving more sound sleep Melatonin As a Dietary Supplement

  6. It is recommended that adults should try to achieve a consistent sleep pattern of a minimum seven hours1 of sleep every night • The habits we practice during the day can greatly impact the length and quality of our sleep • Before going to sleep each night, it is important to prepare your body and mind • Reading a book, practicing yoga, and avoiding blue screen devices before bedtime are all simple steps you can take to improve your sleep hygiene How Proper Sleep Hygiene Helps You Get Better Sleep 1. https://sleepfoundation.org/how-sleep-works/how-much-sleep-do-we-really-need

  7. Melatonin can be helpful for jet lag and night shift work, which both disrupt our natural sleep cycles • As we age, our bodies produce less melatonin1 – leading to you waking up frequently throughout the night. A daily supplement can restore your levels and help you sleep • The melatonin supplements are a trusted source for many Americans to help regulate and maintain a healthy sleep cycle • Not only can melatonin increase the length of your sleep, it can also improve the quality How melatonin Benefits Our Sleep Cycle 1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15582288

  8. When shopping for melatonin, look for a product that uses high-quality ingredients and lists their sources • It is also a good idea to get a melatonin sleep aid with a continuous release pattern, increasing your likelihood of staying asleep throughout the night • As there ate melatonin brands available OTC, as well as online, you should always consult their physician before starting a new supplement What you Should Consider Before Buying Melatonin Online

  9. Melatonin supplements are recommended1 by many trusted sleep specialists throughout the nation • You can find melatonin sleep aids online for purchase through leading ecommerce sites such as Amazon, Rite Aide & CVS • Ordering melatonin online makes improving sleep habits convenient and easy, with some e-retailers even offering online coupons and free-trials • Melatonin is normally available in 2mg & 5mg, so consumers can be sure they are getting the right dose they need for their individual sleep issues Ordering Melatonin Online 1. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/healthy-sleep/sleep-science/melatonin-for-sleep-does-it-work

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