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Mot t o: EVERY DEED HAS CONSEQUENCES Mission: Cooperating towards humane welfare society Where one finds More tolerance and helpfulness Less condemnation and self-centeredness. ORGANISATION. Crime Prevention Foundation (acronym KESA) started its activities in 2002
Motto: EVERY DEED HAS CONSEQUENCES Mission: Cooperating towards humane welfare societyWhere one finds More tolerance and helpfulness Less condemnation and self-centeredness
ORGANISATION • Crime Prevention Foundation (acronym KESA) started its activities in 2002 • There are only some full-time employees, mostly we contract for the services and cooperate with part-time instructors, mentors and volunteers
MAIN ACTIVITIES ... are divided into three categories: • programmes for juvenile delinquents (mostly aging 14-21) • activites and trainings for specialists who work with the juveniles • general prevention in the field of justice, promoting of better cooperation between the institutions involved
IN VIRU PRISON • In cooperation with Viru Prison (all young offenders are held there) KESA facilitates entrance of juvenile delinquents (aged 16-24) with criminal records into the independent life. • During a major project Portfolio (2010-2012) there are 274 convicts who attend vocational training courses and receive other forms of “through-the-gate” support from social specialists
INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION • We have stabile twinning cooperation (mostly with the prison services, probation services and reformatories) with the United Kingdom, Italy and Poland. • Together we share experiences of similar programs and organize professional visits of specialists, even longer twinning exchanges.
Mentoring • This project is mainly focused on youngsters who do not attend school and have committed felonies and/ or crimes. • A mentor is involved with one mentee. • The group is lead by a case worker, who gets help from a supervisor. • All activities are supported by KESA employees and network.
Educational films “Scamping & Outcomes” A series of 10 educational short films (á 10-20 minutes) Always in Estonian and Russian With booklets in the same languages for teachers and lecturers Distributed freely for ALL Estonian schools and concerned institutions These show and talk about police, court and probation service work. What awaits youngsters, who have been arrested or have been convicted to prison. What will happen to a youngster who has been sent to a juvenile committee for missing from school or some minor offences.
Lectures and Trainings • Different prevention lectures for the teachers, youth and social workers and parents. • Different educational lectures for youngsters, on legal awareness, about the impact of drugs etc. • “Scamping & Outcomes” lectures (with films) • Trainings and networking meetings for workers in field of special social work and crime prevention
Partner organization for direct youth involvementWWW.KEELUTSOON.EE
YOUTH AND SPORTS CLUB RESTRICTED AREA • is for performing direct youth work through their active and sportive involvement, yet avoiding stigmatization • the target group is 12-18 years old- youngsters who have been sent to us by a special juvenile committee.
Restricted Area’s activities: • M-camps (boot-camps) • Climbing (abseiling, rappelling) • Hobbies -- photo- and film making • Community Service for minors • Different sports, in cooperation with Military Parachuting Team and Military Sports Club
Main partners of our network • Ministry of Education and Research • Ministry of Justice • The Police • Special schools (Reformatories) • Viru Prison & Probation Department • Juvenile committees
CRIME PREVENTION FOUNDATION WWW.KESA.EE WWW.KEELUTSOON.EE Postaladdress: Mamma talu, Sargverekula, Paidevald 72602 ESTONIA +372-6800100 kesa@kesa.ee