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Build Your Dream Derma Cosmetics Brand with Reviera Overseas

Our company is awarded with GMP and ISO 9000: 2008 certifications and has been providing its quality products, since 2008. We have succeeded in providing solutions as a manufacturer Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Our manufacturing process encompasses various stages and departments, dedicated to push your idea or concept into reality. We are providing most effective and quality products for personal care, Each and every product that is manufactured by Reviera Overseas goes through a stringent quality check. Our expertise in modern technology helps in filling and packaging of the products in the containers in a hygienic, non-tampered manner to ensure that the quality remains intact throughout the process. With a powerful R&D department to back our processes, we have been able to establish a credible reputation as an original equipment manufacturer for several cosmetic brands and dermatologists. Contact us today as we believe we can realize all of your cosmetic and beauty formulations better than most OEM/ODM service providers in the country.

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Build Your Dream Derma Cosmetics Brand with Reviera Overseas

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Build Your Dream Derma Cosmetics Brand with Reviera Overseas RevieraOverseasisaleading cosmeticsmanufacturerinIndia andtraderofbeautyandcosmetic products.

  2. Think about it REVIERAOVERSEAS

  3. Our Services OEM/ODM WeofferexcellentOEMandODM servicesindermacosmetics manufacturingwithqualityprocesses thatareingrainedinourveryvalues.

  4. FILLING | DESIGN | PACKAGING Ourexpertiseinmoderntechnology helpsinfillingandpackagingofthe productsinthecontainersina hygienic, non-tamperedmannerto ensurethatthequalityremainsintact throughouttheprocess.

  5. QUALITY STANDARDS Asaresponsiblecosmeticproduct manufacturer, weensurequality checksandbenchmarksateverystage makingsurethatyougetonlythebest results. Weofferyoualltopqualitysolutions notjustformanufacturingbutalsofor brandingandconsultancyrequiredfor launchingaskincarebrand.


  7. OUR RANGEOFPRODUCTS SPF MOISTURISERS HAIRCARE FACIALKITS Wehavebeenableto comeupwithcustom madehairproducts thatwouldsuitevery woman’sneeds. Awiderangeoffacial kitsthataddress variousskinconcerns. Awiderangeofskin careproductsthat catertodiverseskin ailmentsand problems.

  8. Talk to us! MAINBRANCH UnitNo. 65-66,SunshineIndustrial Park,B/h. BhagyodayHotel,Near Shivam - 3, Changodar, Ahmedabad Gujarat, India, 382213 PHONE +919099013176 EMAILADDRESS revieraoverseas@gmail.com

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