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Southbound Cars, Peace Arch 2000-2001. Southbound Cars, Pac. Hwy 2000 ... Upcoming facilities upgrades (Peace Arch, Aldergrove) FAST Free And Secure Trade ...
Slide 1:The International Mobility and Trade Corridor Project
Gordon RogersDeputy Director Whatcom Council of Governments TBWG Vancouver, BC December 4, 2002 IMTC Gordon@wcog.org www.wcog.org
Slide 2:The Basics
IMTC is a binational, public-private planning coalition focused on identifying and promoting improvements to cross-border mobility in the Cascade Gateway.
Slide 3:Overview
The Whatcom Council of Governments. The Cascade Gateway region. IMTC structure, process, and objectives. IMTC accomplishments. Evolving issues. What has made IMTC work for this region? Where is IMTC going?
Slide 4:Whatcom Council of Governments
Voting Members Whatcom County Whatcom cities Whatcom Transportation Authority Port of Bellingham WSDOT Functions Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Regional Transportation Planning (RTPO) Coast Millennium Trail National Scenic Byways Commute Trip Reduction International Mobility and Trade Corridor Project (IMTC) A Cooperative Multi-jurisdictional Conference
Peace Arch Pacific Highway Lynden-Aldergrove Sumas-HuntingdonSlide 6:IMTC Organizational Structure
Steering Committee25 Core Group45Makes decisions General Assembly300Information and feedback Lead Agency: Whatcom Council Of Governments Issue-specific subgroups
Slide 7:IMTC Core Group Participants
Transportation U.S. Federal Highway Administration Transport Canada U.S. Federal Transit Administration WA State Department of Transportation B.C. Ministry of Transportation Port of Bellingham B.C. Transportation Finance Authority Whatcom Council of Governments WSDOT – Advanced Technology Branch B.C. TransLink Inspection & Enforcement Canada Customs & Revenue Agency U.S. Customs Service Citizenship and Immigration Canada U.S. Immigration & Naturalization Service Other Governmental U.S. General Services Administration B.C-WA Corridor Taskforce U.S. Consulate, Vancouver Canadian Consulate General - Seattle Local, State, Provincial, & Federal legislators At-border Municipalities Whatcom County, WA City of Surrey, BC City of Bellingham, WA Langley Township, BC City of Blaine, WA City of Lynden, WA City of Sumas, WA City of Abbotsford, BC Private Sector Washington Trucking Association British Columbia Trucking Association Duty free stores NW Motor Coach Association Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Amtrak Border brokerages Non-governmental Discovery Institute -- Cascadia Project Pacific NorthWest Economic Region Pacific Corridor Enterprise Council B.C. Chamber of Commerce Regional Chambers of Commerce (Bellingham,WA; Cloverdale, BC; Delta, BC) Tourism Victoria Vancouver Board of Trade
Slide 8:IMTC Objectives for the Cascade Gateway
Jointly… Plan the Cascade Gateway as a system. Improve traffic data and information. Identify and fund needed improvements. Infrastructure Operations Technology Security SlideSlide
Population ForecastsSlide 10:Regional Relevance of Exchange Rate
2000: 1,416 southbound trucks per day. 4th busiest U.S.-Canada crossing. 2011 Forecast: 2,655/day 87% increase from ’00. 4th 1stDetroit 5th 2ndBuffalo-Niagara 3rd Pt. Huron Trucks Southbound Trucks Pacific Hwy, 2000-2001
Slide 12:2000 SB truck volumes Detroit MI 4848 Buffalo, NY 3282 Port Huron, MI 2299 Blaine, WA 1416 Champlain,NY 10712000 SB truck volumes Detroit MI 4848 Buffalo, NY 3282 Port Huron, MI 2299 Blaine, WA 1416 Champlain,NY 1071
Cars 3rd 2000: 9,129 southbound cars per day. 3rd busiest U.S.-Canada crossing. 2011 Forecast 15,020/day 65% from 2000 2nd 4th 1st 5th Southbound Cars, Peace Arch 2000-2001 Southbound Cars, Pac. Hwy 2000-2001Slide 13:2000 SB Passenger Vehicles Detroit, MI 22905 Buffalo, NY 20980 Blaine, WA 9129 – combined Peace Arch and Pacific Highway Port Huron, MI 6390 Calais, ME 63902000 SB Passenger Vehicles Detroit, MI 22905 Buffalo, NY 20980 Blaine, WA 9129 – combined Peace Arch and Pacific Highway Port Huron, MI 6390 Calais, ME 6390
Pacific Highway Port-of-EntryPhoto: US INS, Blaine, WA N Canada Customs US INS US Customs Brokerages Duty Free Stores Brokerages Brokerages Brokerages Duty Free StoresSlide 15:IMTC Projects
1999 Coordination of Binational Planning PACE/CANPASS promotion Cross-border Travel Study 2000 ITS-CVO Phase II 2001 Southbound ATIS Rail Study Abbotsford-Sumas Improvement Design Cross-border Regional Traffic Model Cross-Border Transit Study
Slide 16:IMTC Projects
2002 BC Hwy 15 NEXUS Lane Abbotsford-Sumas Construction Foothills Corridor Study Blaine Interchange Studies Pacific Hwy Truck Lane Design BC Hwy 99 NEXUS Lane Extension Weigh-in-motion software integration ITS-CVO III Concept of Operations NEXUS Marketing and Application improvements Cascade Gateway Operations Plan
Slide 17:All IMTC Project Funding By Source 1999-2002
Total Funding $9,336,143
Slide 18:All IMTC Project Funding By Source 1999-2002 With SHIP*
Total Funding $12,100,643 *Estimated
Slide 19:Accomplishments
A trust-based forum. 5+ years of sustained dialogue and consensus building. Identification and initiation of improvements aimed at shared objectives. Funding partnerships.
Slide 20:Evolving Issues
Changing border dynamics. Increased inspection activity. Emphasis of pre-approval programs. Growing importance of dedicated infrastructure. Increasing harmonization of U.S. & Canadian entry processing? Upcoming facilities upgrades (Peace Arch, Aldergrove) FAST – Free And Secure Trade
Slide 21:Reasons for Success
Mid-term funding Lead agency with permanent staffing Voluntary participation An issue-based forum with a bi-national and regional focus
Slide 22:Where is IMTC going?
A Re-authorization Border Program or Policy? More in-depth work with inspection agencies More emphasis on coordination in a more quickly evolving environment A finer balance of needs
Slide 23:IMTCInternational Mobility and Trade CorridorProject
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