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ARL Workshop on User Surveys - measurement scales and types of question.
1. ___________________________ARL Workshop on UserSurveys Measurement Scales and Types of Questions
Brinley Franklin
3. ___________________________Importance Of This Section Reliable and valid survey questions are a cornerstone of effective survey research
Done correctly, questions can produce valuable information
Done incorrectly, questions can gather inappropriate information, introduce bias, or even invalidate the user survey
4. ___________________________Topics To Be Covered The effects of attitudes, behavior, knowledge, and demographics on question construction
Understanding the survey’s context
Guidelines for asking survey questions
Open or closed questions?
Response choices/measurement scales
5. ___________________________The Effects of Attitudes, Behavior, Knowledge and Demographics onQuestion Construction Attitudes
Knowledge Questions
Demographic Considerations
6. __________________________Attitudes Attitudes are complex and are difficult to define and measure
Attitude questions often have two components:
how respondents feel; and
how strongly they feel
7. ___________________________Behavior Questions refer to what respondents actually do
Generally concerned with identification, quantity, time, duration, or frequency (what, how many, when, how long, how often)
Asking specific questions about a long period of time yields imprecise answers
Lists help respondents recall things they might have done
8. ___________________________Knowledge Questions Can determine if respondents know enough about a topic to warrant asking their opinion
May identify gaps in knowledge that need to be addressed
Sometimes help to explain attitudes and behavior
9. ___________________________Demographic Considerations Knowing something about the survey’s targeted respondents can help frame the questions and determine an appropriate level of specificity
If specific responses are sought and the range of answers is large, ask for the exact information; don’t present a multiple choice question
Use current words and terms
Decide if comparability is sought. If so, standardize questions
10. ___________________________Understanding the Survey’s Context Focus the questions on the survey’s specific purpose(s) or information sought
Agree upon the precise data being sought in advance
Clarify or define all potentially imprecise or ambiguous terms
Terminology, language level, and time frame should be appropriate for respondents
Stick with the least number of questions needed for adequate measurement
11. ___________________________Understanding the Survey’s Context (Continued) Standardize survey(or)s
Use anonymous surveys to ask sensitive questions about personal behaviors or attitudes
12. ___________________________Guidelines For Asking Survey Questions Ask concrete questions that are precise and unambiguous
use time periods that are related to the importance of the question
Use conventional grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Use the proper context when constructing survey questions
13. ___________________________Using Conventional Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling Use complete sentences
Avoid abbreviations, slang and colloquialisms
Avoid jargon and technical expressions
Have the questions reviewed by experts in survey question writing
Have the questions reviewed by potential respondents
Adopt or adapt questions used successfully in other surveys
14. ___________________________Using Proper Context Shorter questions take less time and often lead to shorter answers
Use longer questions with lead-ins to provide background information and collect data on sensitive concerns (e.g., journal cancellations)
Use loaded questions cautiously
Avoid biasing words or phrases
Avoid two-edged questions (avoid “and”)
Avoid negative questions or ones that require an exercise in logic
15. ___________________________Open Or Closed Questions? Open questions are used to solicit answers in the respondent’s own words
Closed questions, where responses are pre-selected, are considered more efficient and reliable
Use a checklist to decide between open and closed questions
16. ___________________________Open Questions Are useful in getting unanticipated answers
Describe the respondent’s, not the surveyor’s world
Provide quotable material
Are primarily used to make decisions about individuals, not groups
may be difficult to compile, compare and interpret
17. ___________________________Closed Questions Provide standardized data that can be analyzed statistically
Answers have a better chance of relevance and consistency over time
Are more difficult to write and validate
May overlook things respondents might volunteer in open questions
18. ___________________________Checklist For Deciding Between Open And Closed Questions
19. ___________________________Response Choice/Measurement Scales Nominal/Categorical response choices
Ordinal response choices
Numerical response choices
20. ___________________________Nominal/Categorical ResponseChoices Are not numerical or preferential values
Often used to categorize respondents’ characteristics
Findings are usually reported as percentage groupings
21. ___________________________Suggestions For Constructing Nominal/Categorical Responses Generally try to be exhaustive
Try to make choices mutually exclusive
Try to use categories that are meaningful to respondents and will make sense when results are reported
22. ___________________________Ordinal Response Choices Respondents are asked to rate or rank choices
Are often used more than the other types of questions
Are typically used to measure satisfaction
Survey findings are usually reported as an average score or percentage
23. ___________________________Suggestions For Constructing Ordinal Responses Consider five types of response options: Endorsement/Frequency/Intensity/Influence/ Comparison
Determine through pre-testing if a neutral response is called for
Use a 5point to 7point scale (either odd or even)
Know when to put the negative end of the scale first
24. __________________________Numerical Response Choices Ask respondents to quantify a response
Provide completely objective response
Allow many statistical analyses to be
performed and reported
25. ___________________________Suggestions For Constructing Numerical Responses Decide if discrete (i.e. exact) numbers
work best
Consider using intervals if precision is
not needed
Decide if it is most appropriate to offer
numerical responses along a continuum
26. ___________________________Conclusion - You Should Now Have a Better Understanding Of: Why survey questions are important
Characteristics of the user population that influence the question
The context for framing survey questions
Guidelines for asking survey questions
The difference between open and closed questions, and when to
use each type
The three types of response choices: nominal/categorical;
ordinal; and numerical
27. ___________________________Related Readings Babbie, Earl R. Survey research methods. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Press, 1990.
Bradburn, Norman M. and Sudman, Seymour. “The current status of questionnaire design”. In Paul P.
Biemer et al, Measurement errors in surveys. New York: John Wiley, 1992.
Converse, Jean M. Survey questions: handcrafting the standardized questionnaire. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1986.
Fink, Arlene and Kosecoff, Jacqueline. How to ask survey questions. Volume 2 of The survey kit. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1985.
Fowler, Floyd J. Survey research methods. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1993.
Kosecoff, Jacqueline and Fink, Arlene. Evaluation basics: a practitioner’s manual. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1982.
Schuman, Howard and Presser, Stanley. Question and answers in attitude surveys. New York: Academic Press, 1981.
Sudman, Seymour and Bradburn, Norman M. Asking questions. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass, 1982.