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Background introduction Methodology of sizing design ECP introduction BUP introduction Criteria of sizing design Selection of situation to be analyzed Analysis of Operating rules and procedures Conclusion. Contents. . . . Background Introduction. MCR FACILITIESOperator Workstation Panels (OWP), 4Large Display Panel (LDP), 4 sectionsBack-up Panel (BUP), 10 sectionsEmergency Control Panel (ECP)Fire Fighting WorkstationCommunication equipmentsMiscellaneou including printers and docum9462
1. Emergency Control Panel & Back-up Panel Sizing Design Yu Guangwei, Tian Hui, MCR Design DepartmentEmail: ygw1441@163.comNovember 2008
4. Background Introduction MCR FACILITIES
Operator Workstation Panels (OWP), 4
Large Display Panel (LDP), 4 sections
Back-up Panel (BUP), 10 sections
Emergency Control Panel (ECP)
Fire Fighting Workstation
Communication equipments
Miscellaneou including printers and document cabinets
5. Background Introduction
6. Background Introduction
7. Methodology of Sizing Design Specify the role and missions of ECP and BUP.
Define the minimum situations which the BUP/ECP is used.
For each situation, defining the essential information and controls required to operate the plant. This is done by analyzing the element process system and operating rules used in the referenced plant due to without the new operating rules.
On the basis of the primary BUP sizing design, draft the BUP operating procedure satisfying the general operating rules.
V&V BUP sizing design and BUP operating procedure to make them consistent.
8. ECP Introduction System level actuation to shut down reactor or initiate the ESFAS function including:
Reactor shutdown;
Safety injection;
Containment isolation phase 1;
Containment isolation phase 2 and Containment spray
Auxiliary feedwater start up;
Steam line isolation;
Main feedwater isolation;
Main transformer trip;
Turbine trip;
Author access.
9. ECP Introduction Conventional technology is used.
Hardwired directly to the breaker or actuators in case of the failure of digital RPS.
10. BUP Introduction Back-Up Panel Missions
*Main computerized Control Means (MCM) available:
used as a cross-check to monitor the main safety parameters and the safety systems status
*Main computerized Control Means (MCM) unavailable:
in case of a short period within 4 hours of unavailability of the MCM in normal plant design situation: to monitor and control the plant in a steady power state
in case of a longer period than 4 hours of unavailability of the MCM in normal plant design situation: to shut down the reactor and keep the unit in a safe state
11. BUP Introduction in case of an unavailability of the MCM during post-accidental plant design situation: to monitor and initiate the appropriate post-accidental functions to reach and maintain a safe state.
12. Criteria of Sizing Design Purpose of sizing design
To list the necessary information and controls needed to perform each of the roles and missions above.
5 criteria have to be considered:
Monitoring of the main safety and state parameters of the plant,
Normal operation, MCM unavailable,
Accidental operation, MCM unavailable,
Switch command MCM?BUP,
Planed shutdown of the MCM during the plant situation fuel removed from the core.
13. Criteria of Sizing Design Criterion 1: monitoring the main safety and state parameters of the plant
monitor the main safety parameters;
monitor the state of the safety systems;
verify the consistency between the applied operating strategy with the status;
verify the essential actions.
14. Criteria of Sizing Design Criterion 2: normal operation, MCM unavailable
Maintain the plant in a steady state
Shutdown transient to reach the RRA connection condition
15. Criteria of Sizing Design Criterion 3: accidental operation, MCM unavailable
Monitor the evolution of the safety functions of the plant, especially the safety classified automated protection functions;
Engage the manual actions after the grace period to reach the safe state and maintain it in a long term;
Monitor the availability of the safety systems that are needed for the post-accidental operation.
16. Criteria of Sizing Design Criterion 4: switch command
Switches are used to transfer the plant operation between the MCM and the BUP supporting three operating configurations of the BUP
state 1: passive state
BUP controls are deactivated,
BUP information is available.
state 2: intermediate state
BUP is not in service, but periodic testing can be carried out
state 3: active state
BUP is in service, BUP functions are available,
MCM controls are deactivated
Large Display Panel could be deactivated too
17. Criteria of Sizing Design Criterion 5: planned shut-down of the MCM
Mainly the information needed to monitor the plant when the reactor is unloaded, which is the plant situation chosen to proceed to the maintenance of the PICS.
The actions are usually taken locally
18. Selection of Situations to be Analyzed Since the core of BUP sizing is for criterion 3, BUP is designed to allow post-accident management for not only design basis accidents (DBA) but also some beyond design basis accidents (BDBA) such as total loss of AC power which makes MCM unavailable.
19. Selection of Situations to be Analyzed
20. Analysis of Operating Rules and Procedures The method to analyze the rules and procedures listed above is based on a step-by-step identification of needed functions and items. Then in element process system identify the implementation of these functions and items with equipment including indicator, controller, alarm window, etc. These information are of primary BUP function list.
21. Analysis of Operating Rules and Procedures Example of analysis
22. Conclusion On the basis of the primary BUP sizing design, draft the BUP operating procedure satisfying with the general operating rules. Then, V&V BUP sizing design and BUP operating procedure to be consistent. It is an iterative job to get a complete satisfactory conclusion.
23. Thanks for Attention