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GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop (ECW) December 16-17 , 2013 Marrakech, Morocco

GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop (ECW) December 16-17 , 2013 Marrakech, Morocco. Simplified Vicious Circle of Cross-effects of Climate change, Desertification and Biodiversity Loss. CC, LDD (including water quantity and quality problems) and BD Loss: Complex Interlinkages ;

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GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop (ECW) December 16-17 , 2013 Marrakech, Morocco

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  1. GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop (ECW)December 16-17,2013Marrakech, Morocco

  2. Simplified Vicious Circle of Cross-effects of Climate change, Desertification and Biodiversity Loss • CC, LDD (including water quantity and quality problems) and BD Loss: • Complex Interlinkages; • The greatest challenges to Sustainable Development; and • A huge threat to Life on Earth • They Impact each other Directly or Indirectly & through their Interactions

  3. Important Linkages between BD Loss, CC, LDD • Unsustainable use of resources • Impacts on BD, CC, LD • Climate change • Exacerbates Current Situations of LDD and BD Loss  Increased vulnerability • Carbon and Water Cycles: • Are two large-scale processes crucial for life on Earth; and • Depend on biodiversity Biodiversity can help: • Enhance resilience to the effects of climate change; • Combat land degradation and desertification; • Alleviate poverty to which it is strongly linked. Huge opportunity for Proactive, Coherent, Holistic and Integrated Strategies and Measures: Joint Projects on the ground and Policy fora...

  4. Individual/Isolated Activities and Response Measures • Many Global Environment Treaties & Goals Developed in a Fragmented way; • Isolated Activities and Responses unless necessary, tend to lead to: • Less cost-effectiveness; • Burden for Parties in terms of fulfilling obligations and reporting; • Possibilities of unintended negative indirect impacts and externalities; • Failure to account for changing population size and dynamics. • Reduced contribution/impact to global environmental goods and services... • Need for Synergy and Integrated Projects wherever Possible

  5. Vision of Coherent, Holistic and Integrated Projects • Vision: Efficiently enhance multiple benefits bysynergistically: • Combining activities and efforts of the Conventions; and • Meeting the Conventions’ overall objectives: • Without wastage of resources; and • In a way that produces synergistic value-added benefits at local, national and global levels; • With appropriate institutional arrangement and communication protocols with respect to NAP, NAPA, NBSAP… • Reverse the Vicious Circle of Cross-effects and Meet the Objectives and Strategic Plans, and fulfil the mandates. • The UN recognizes: • The interdependenceof the Conventions; • The strong synergies between their efforts; and • The complementary nature of their activities that underpins the need for a holistic, coordinated and integrated approach.

  6. Rationale for Integrated Projects and Challenges • Rationale for Synergy and Integrated Projects: Very well known! • Coordinated Management; • Sharing Tools (M&E, indicators, tracking) and Information; • Reduction of duplication of effort and unintended negative impacts; • Cost Efficiently and Cost and Risk Sharing; • Participation of indigenous and local communities without undue burden; • Effective provision of support, capacity building, and enabling activities; • Multiple benefits at local, national and global levels… • Challenges: • Design and implementationof Integrated Projects/Activities • To realize the principles laid out in Rio+20; • To Meet the Strategic Goals, Targets and Plans of the Conventions • In line with GEF’s Strategic Goals and its Guidance to COP...; • Linkingto local actor’s activities, accounting for best practices and gender focussed traditional knowledge; • Involving relevant stakeholders without undue burden and fatigue, establishing institutional arrangements…  Myriad of Benefits but Little Clear Guidance Available!

  7. Coordinated, Holistic and Integrated Projects UNFCCC Projects : CC Strategic Objectives, NAPs, NAPAs, NAMA’s UNCCD Projects : LDD Strategic Objectives & Plan 2008-2018; Rio approved plan.. . CBD Projects: BD Aichi Targets & Strategic Plan & ABS and Biosafety Other MEA, National... Projects: various Strategic objectives • A synergistically Integrated Project helps achieve selected objectives of the Conventions simultaneously (Intersections) – Linkages between the Conventions become substantial where the need for enhanced cooperation is crucial to maximize the potential implementation of the Conventions; • Individual/Isolated projects require measures to avoid unintended negative impacts on each other’s objectives and facilitate co-benefits

  8. Identification of Area and Integrated Projects for Implementation • Integrated Project Selection • Where & which CC, LD or BD loss impacts are most critical to address? - Priority to areas of high vulnerability and critical for environmental integrity for the provision of ecosystem goods and services; - Projects of high potential multiple benefits/co-benefits &Alleviation of Poverty • Human potential response, participation… (Gender, Traditional Knowledge, Best Practices…) • Identify goals and possible benefits and expected outcome (Short, medium and long-term results); • Address current data/knowledge gaps(for baseline, indicators, M&E tools) • Estimate resource requirements: Feasibility, cost and source of funding • Availability of resources accounting for all sources... • Funding sources (ex. GEF and co-financing) and Partnerships possibilities; • Domestic sources of funding? • Main Risk Condition: Lack of efficient management and life cycle project reviews, clear objectives, and M&E tools and outcome indicators... • Main criteria: Equity consideration; Institutional compatibility of policy combinations; cost and long-term environmental effectiveness.

  9. Identification of Area and Integrated Projects (Cont.) • Example 1. Drylands (Global issues) • 41.3% of land surface of the Earth; • 8 of 25 global hotspots; • 36% of Global Population (2.1 billion people) – (90% in Developing Countries, 84 % in Grasslands and Rangelands and 50% below poverty line); • 44% of the World’s cultivated Systems

  10. Identification of Area and Integrated Projects (Cont.) • Example 2: Peatlands (Global issues): • 3% of the Earth surface- 4 million km2 (with peat of 30cm); • 5-10 million km2 (with peat < 30cm); • 10% of global freshwater resources; • Healthy Peatlands/wetlands provide myriad benefits • Nutrient & toxicant assimilation and carbon storage • Flood attenuation, erosion control, sediment trapping; • Water, harvestable resources and cultivated foods… • Adaptation to CC – Buffer to natural disasters. Source: Various sources

  11. Efforts to Enhance Coordination and Synergy • The three Rio conventions foresee and promote the creation of synergies between them for their harmonized implementation; • A joint Liaison Group (JLG) between UNFCCC, CBD UNCCD since 2001 • An ad Hoc technical expert group (AHTEG) on CC and BD …since 2001 • The GEF’s Efforts while fulfilling its own Mandate and COP Guidance: (numerous projects)  MANY WORKSHOPS, COP DECISIONS, AHTEGs AND PRESENTATIONS BUT VERY LITTLE RESULTS ON THE GROUND

  12. Exercise session on Synergy between the Conventions • Stakeholders will be invited to present the reality on the ground: • How the Conventions are implemented; • What actions are taken to promote synergies both at institutional (between the ministries involved in implementation of the Conventions) and operational levels (concrete projects and programmes); • What are the hindrances to the effective materialization of such synergies; • What best practices can be identified… • GEF –ECW gives unique opportunity to discuss Synergy among the Rio Conventions as it gathers • Rio Convention Focal Points, • GEF Operational Focal Points, and • Representatives of the Civil Society  Huge opportunity to discuss cross-cutting issues for all Conventions

  13. Objectives and Expected Outcome of the Exercise Session on Synergy • OBJECTIVE: • To have concrete recommendations coming from the main actors of the implementation of the Rio Conventions present at this ECW on how to develop concrete synergies between the Rio Conventions; • EXPECTED OUTCOME: • Recommendations that Focal Points will take to their Ministries; • Record of the recommendations in the ECW minutes for use in other ECWs. The Secretariats will compile all of the recommendations on how to achieve synergies from all ECWs and make them available for use by all stakeholders

  14. How the Exercise Session will take place • First Part: Work groups, the participants are divided by countries. Identifying similarities, duplications, opportunities for synergies in NAP, NAPA and NBSAP. • The focal points present priorities of their respective NAP, NAPA and NBSAP and how the foreseen actions are implemented and financed. (10mn each) • Discussion to identify the main and pressing similarities, duplications, overlapping activities what could be jointly implement, what are the hindrance to such joint implementation. • Wrap-up of the discussions identifying and writing on papers • Part Two: Wrap-Up and Clustering of issues • Part Three: Presentation and Approval of recommendations  THE PRACTICAL EXERCISE ON SYNERGY FOLLOWS

  15. Questions ? Thank you Picture credit: Dubrovsky, 1990

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