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Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window (EM ECW) 2007-2008. EM ECW - Objectives.
Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window (EM ECW) 2007-2008
EM ECW - Objectives The Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window aims at mutual enrichment and better understanding between the European Union and Third-Countries, through the exchange of persons, knowledge and skills at higher education level Specific Objectives • To enhance the international cooperation capacity of universities in Third-countries • To promote cooperation between sending and hosting institutions • To enable students to benefit linguistically, culturally and educationally from the experience of pursuing academic studies in another country • To improve the transparency and recognition of studies and qualifications • To contribute to provide good students from vulnerable groups with further education and professional development • To enhance the skills and qualifications of foreign higher education staff • To build the capacity of the administration and public and private sector • To enhance in the medium term the political, cultural, educational and economical links between the European Union and Third-countries
EM ECW – Geographical Coverage EU Members States, Acceding (Romania, Bulgaria) and Candidate Countries (Croatia, FYROM, Turkey) EEA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) AND THIRD-COUNTRIES grouped in 9 “geographical lots” • Neighbouring Countries in South Mediterranean and Eastern Europe (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian Territories, Israel, Syria, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Georgia) • Central Asian Republics (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan) • East Of Jordan(Yemen, Iraq and Iran)
EM ECW – Eligible Partnerships Applicants: European HEI (holding an Erasmus Charter) or Association/network of European HEI (including at least 10 HEI with an Erasmus Charter, located in at least 5 different European countries) Partners: Same as applicants + recognised HEI from the Third-Countries covered by the geographical lot Partnership: Minimum size: 5 European HEI (holding an Erasmus Charter) + 1 recognised HEI from each of the Third-Countries covered in the geographical lot (exception for lot 7 and 9: obligation to cover only 2 of the countries concerned) Maximum size: 20 eligible partners (incl. the applicant) The same partnership can apply to 4 lots max (separate applications) Associates Any type of organisation in the eligible countries whose involvement can contribute to the implementation of the mobility scheme(e.g. enterprises, chambers of commerce/industry, research centres, NGOs working with refugees, local/regional authorities, …) Associates must be mentioned in the application but do not benefit directly from the Community funds
EM ECW – Activities and Target Groups ACTIVITIES : Preparation, organisation and implementation of individual mobility exchanges of European and Third-Country students (all levels) and academic staff in a large number priority disciplines. TARGET GROUPS • TARGET GROUP 1: Students and academic staff registered in a HEI member of the applicant partnership • Target Group 1 must represent at least 50% of the total mobility • European mobility is limited to a maximum of 30% of the total mobility • TARGET GROUP 2: Nationals of an eligible Third-Country, enrolled in (or having obtained a university degree from) a HEI of these countries non-member of the applicant partnership • TARGET GROUP 3: Nationals of an eligible Third-Country in a particularly vulnerable situation(e.g refugees, asylum seekers)
EM ECW –Types and Duration of Mobility All mobility flows must start during the academic year 2007/08 !!!!!!!
EM ECW – FUNDING • Total budget of 36,4 mio € • Between 1 and 6 mio € per project(in accordance with the volume of mobility and the available budget per funding instrument) • Project Grant Calculation • 10,000 € per eligible partner for mobility organisation costs (max. 200,000 €) • Unit costs to cover Individual Mobility • Travel costs (from 250 € to 2,500 € according to distance) • Monthly Allowance (from 800 to 2,500 according to type of mobility) • Tuition fees (varies with duration and type of mobility; from “fee waiver” to 5,000 € / acad. year) • Insurance costs (75 € / month abroad) • Max individual grants • Undergraduate TG 1: 13,675 € - Undergraduate TG 3 : 45,500 € • Masters: 30,650 € - Doctorate: 64,050 € • Post-doctorate: 23,750 € - Academic Staff: 7,725 €
EM ECW – Implementation calendar • 31 January 2007: Submission of Applications to the Executive Agency • Third week of February 2007: selection of proposals by independent academic experts : • Assessment and selection of best concept notes (approx. twice as many as the number of proposals fundable with the available budget) • Assessment and selection of best proposals resulting from a) • May 2007: communication of selection results to applicants • As from 3. above and until December 2007: identification and selection of individuals to be mobile during the academic year 2007/08 • December 2007: submission of the list of mobile individuals (incl. reserve list of candidates) • From Sept 07 to April 08: starting date of individual mobility flows
EM ECW – Expected Results • Implementation of a European students and acad. staff scholarship scheme with Third-Country partners, combining the Erasmus type institution-based mobility and the Fullbright free mover mobility, complementary to the Erasmus Mundus Master scholarships. • More than 1,300 individual mobility flows starting in acad. year 07/08 • Cooperation with High level European HEI (holding and Erasmus Charter) and contribution to the Bologna objectives (incl. recognition issues) • Improved cultural understanding and diversity respect
EM ECW – Usefull Links • Call for proposals documents:http://ec.europa.eu/comm/europeaid/cgi/frame12.pl (select: programme "OTHER", status "Open" , type: "Grants", region and country "All", and go to the bottom of the page after having hit the "Submit Query" button) • FAQs: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/static/en/mundus/extcoop/call/index.htm • Functional Mailbox for additional questions: eacea-em-extcoop@ec.europa.eu