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hsbc scholarship

From a past participant

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hsbc scholarship

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    1. HSBC Scholarship

    3. What is the HSBC Scholarship? Unique opportunity for international travel and voluntary work in July 2007 11 week volunteer placement in either India or Brazil Dates: 2nd July – 17th September 2007 (Subject to change. Dates will be confirmed shortly)

    4. Teaching English in rural communities, construction & environmental projects

    5. India

    6. India Local children

    7. India Last year’s participants

    8. India What last year’s participants have to say: “This project has changed my outlook on life and is something that no one in my family has done before it gave me a great sense of self – confidence as I coped well.” “This has made me want to go out and explore more of the under-developed world.” “India made me grow as a person as it made me deal with people that I had never met.” “I feel a lot more motivated as I now know what I want out of life “ “I can now understand why The Beatles went to India - to find themselves.”

    9. India Parents comments: Before my son went to India the only adventures he had had were normal holidays or days out. But since he has come back he certainly appreciates electricity more! He watched a whole cycle of a washing machine cleaning his clothes instead of him having to do himself. I would say that my daughter’s time in India has, without any reservation, been the making of my beautiful daughter. Thank-you for giving my son the opportunity of going to India. It is an experience that he will remember all his life. You have awoken in my daughter the confidence to consider that nothing is impossible if you have the opportunity, the belief and the support of people who care.

    10. Teaching English & sports, health care in the community & environmental development


    12. Brazil Last year’s participants building a playground

    13. Brazil Last year’s participants

    14. Brazil What last year’s participants have to say: This time in Brazil has been one of the best times of my life, something that I will never forget. It was an amazing opportunity that I will truly recommend to others. One of the greatest things about this placement was the friendships that I have made Immense graffiti & masses of it, rice & beans, little humming birds of all colours who drink nectar from cactus flowers, chicken hearts on kebabs, so much dancing. I have learnt how to adapt to new situations. The language barrier that I was faced with definitely helped me to develop this skill. "Achievement through others" - my new motto.

    15. Brazil Parents comments: I have seen the development of a self-reliant and mature daughter, able to plan and control her own progress (quite a change for a girl who waited to be chauffered the 5 minutes to school or a friend’s house). This experience has been, without any question, the best thing that has happened to my daughter.

    16. How to apply Ask your teacher for an application pack Fill in the application form and email to Global Adventures Project with an application fee of £100 by March 30th 2007 (deadline has been extended) Succesful applicants will be informed by 23rd March 2007 E: info@globaladventures.co.uk

    17. Who is eligible? You must be 18 years old by 30th of June 2007 for all of the placements Must submit by 30th March 2007 with all the relevant paperwork. You must be free for the orientation weekend, 19/20th May 2007. You are required to raise £500 towards the cost of the programme, plus additional spending money (approx £400 for personal expenses).

    18. Dates to remember Deadline for applications: 16th March 2007 Compulsory residential orientation weekend in London 19/20th May 2007. Accommodation will be provided on the Saturday night. The weekend will cover the vital areas of health and safety abroad, provide information on the placements, answer all questions and allay any fears. We’re looking forward to your applications!

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