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PART III. Brand Equity Communicative Competitive Scope. THE BRAND EQUITY COMMUNICATIVE SCOPE. 1) Shortfalls of Traditional Brand Positionning 2) Lessons from semiotics 3) The Brand Identity Concept revisited 4) Evaluate Brand’s communicative indicators strength .

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  1. PART III Brand Equity Communicative Competitive Scope PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  2. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  3. THE BRAND EQUITY COMMUNICATIVE SCOPE 1) Shortfalls of Traditional Brand Positionning 2) Lessons from semiotics 3) The Brand Identity Concept revisited 4) Evaluate Brand’s communicative indicators strength PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  4. 1) Shortfalls of Traditional « positionning » FOR WHOM ? WHICH PROMISE And WHY ? NAMED PRODUCT SERVICE AGAINST WHO ? TO DO WHAT ? (BENEFIT) PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  5. "Structure of Brand speech implied by « positionning » statement : U.S.P PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  6. ? Who is responsible for defining how the Brand will talk ? The advertising agency creative man and his art director ! PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  7. 2) Lessons from semiotics (Semiotic) Definition of the Brand • A brand is the assembly of all the speeches made on it by all the subjects involved in generating it. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  8. GLOBAL DISCURSIVE IDENTITY OF THE BRAND THE BRAND CONVEYS “SENSE” (Semprini) IT HAS 4 MAJOR DIMENSIONS : - SEMIOTIC (meanings) - RELATIONSHIP (emotions) - INTERSUBJECTIVITY (system) - CONTRACT(engagement) PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  9. Brands have the CAPACITY to CREATE WORLDS Brands have the CAPACITY to attribute MEANINGS to Products and Services Brands CAN BUILD RELATIONS It’s the BRAND SYSTEM that is at work Brands CONTRACT OUT : they are committed Implications PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  10. Major componants of a Brand discourse • nature of living with time & space • type of actor • type of relationship • nature of passions PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  11. THE BRAND SPEECH PYRAMID . Rarely change Values Always recognizable : Territory of expression = style of discourse +Brand roles Brand Role & Mission Takes environment + brand reality into consideration Is « re-created » constantly Brand Offer & Scenarii PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  12. Analyse levels of language of your brand and its discourse • Stories/words • Scenario  • Values & beliefs • Rôle(s)/mission of the brand • Functional & Emotional benefits • Demonstrated Features/processes/attributes PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  13. Lifestyles are expressions of sub-cultures Signs : icons, indexes & Symbols Heroes Rituals BRAND ? Values Expressions of cultures A value is a broad Tendency to prefer a certain state of affairs Over others PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  14. The Brand Value Pyramid Meaningfulness Beliefs & Values Addressed to Functional & Emotional Benefits Provided Features, Processes and Attributes To be shown/desmontrated Easiness to Copy & communicate PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  15. Major types of values (meanings) consumers «search» when choosing among brands Reliability Functionality Perceived quality Affective experience Emotional arousal Self-Identity Existential valorisation Practical valorisation Critical valorisation Ludic valorisation Value for money Benefit/cost perception Refinement Play PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  16. 4 faces of consumers The functionalist The sentimentalist Practical value seeker Existential value seeker Critical value seeker Ludic value seeker The pragmatist The Hedonist PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  17. 4 major types of Brands Missionary Brands Euphoric Brands The sentimentalist The hedonist The Prag- matist Informative Brands The functionnalist Project Brands PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  18. Type of Brand Euphoric Sentimentalist Pragmatist Hedonist Functionalist PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel


  20. We need to take into account what the brand has acheived,what it is • 3) - The Brand Identity concept PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  21. Most typical Physical offer and salient aspects Of Brand Most typical/salient aspects of Brand « Persona » Most typical/active apects of Brand Culture & Ligitimacy Nature & activenessof Relation established by Brand BRAND IDENTITY Brand Non-Adepts’ Set of mind of Brand & of Brand Adepts Brand Adepts’ set of mind of Brand & of themselves PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  22. HEXAGONE DE L’IDENTITE DE MARQUE Personnalité : -référence sur le marché de l’eau -grande crédibilité -montagnes Alpines -marque active (innovations packaging, actions de communication diverses) Physique : -bouteilles adaptables -couleurs claires (rose:jeunesse ; bleu: pureté) Culture : -référence aux Alpes -qualité / pureté -vivifiante (source de vie et de jeunesse) -groupe Danone (engagement social) Relation : -amicale -sur le long terme (fidélisation) -implication auprès des consommateurs Réflexion : -qualité/haut de gamme -cible très large -produit assez cher Mentalisation : -qualité/haut de gamme -pureté (Alpes) -produit de santé (bienfaits) PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  23. Brand Identity Personality: Active, Rebellious, Cheeky, Dynamic and Fun Physical: Coloured Green, Natural Ingredients And Wake-up Nature of Relationship: Life Enhancing and Achiever Culture:Youthful, Freedom and Societal Busyness Reflexion: Distrust, Danger, Busy, Fashion And Legalised Drug Mentalisation: Busy People, Anti-Establishment, Fashion, Status PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  24. Physique : Magasins et logos bleus et jaunes (réf. au drapeau suédois) Personnalité : Culture suédoise Créative, imaginative Culture : Suédoise Hygiène de vie Art de vivre Relation : Self-service Amical Réflexion : Qualité médiocre (self service et prix bas) Mentalisation : Modernité Jeune, tendance Qualité / Prix Fidélisation des clients Art de vivre L’ HEXAGONE DE L’ IDENTITE DE LA MARQUE PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  25. Brand Identity Physical: Coloured Gold, Stamina Personality: Energetic and Conservative Nature of Relationship: Life Enhancing Culture:Heritage, Freedom and Societal Busyness Reflexion: Busy And Legalised Drug Mentalisation: Busy People, Fashion, Status PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  26. The Top 20 Ad Campaigns of the Last 20 Yearsadweek PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  27. TBWA\Paris 1 décembre 2001 France PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  28. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  29. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  30. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  31. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  32. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  33. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  34. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  35. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  36. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  37. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  38. “Persona”- lity • Sincerety: down-to-earth, Honesty, wholesomness, Cheerfulness …. • Excitement : Daring, Spirited, Imaginative, up-to-date …. • Competence : Reliability, Intelligence, Successfulness …. • Sophistication : Upper-class, Charming ... • Ruggedness : Outdoorsy, Tough, …. • Etc ... PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  39. Sincerity Down-to-Earth Honest Wholesome Cheerful Excitement Daring Spirited Imaginative up-to-date Competence (skills) Reliable Intelligent Successful Sophistication Upper Class Charming Ruggedness Outdoorsy Tough Brand Personality Scale PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  40. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  41. PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  42. Define relative weight of elements and Brand Identity Comparative Profiles Brand A Brand B PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  43. Comparative Brand Identity Profile PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  44. Brand Identity Comparison PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  45. Audi Brand Hexagon Physical 4 chrome rings short, catchy name in red letters, founder Persona sportive, cutting edge progressive, sophisticated experienced, premium Culture quality, innovation design, strong corporate culture Relationship pride, individualized fascination Non-Adaptors flamboyant, too expensive, image projecting, excessive- ness Adaptors best quality and best design, self-conscious increased level of confidence PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  46. BMW Brand Hexagon Persona experianced, traditional elegant, premium Physical classic, simple, blue/white=Bavaria acronym Culture high quality, tradition prestige Relationship pride, loyalty exclusivity Non-Adaptors too expensive, show off, too traditional Adaptors power and performance self esteem, eludes PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  47. Audi/BMW Hexagon Comparison PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  48. Brand Identity Hexagon Physical Personality BMW: Blue / White Mercedes: Three-legged Star is 5th best known trademark BMW: Outgoing / Exciting Mercedes: Refined / Sophisticated, serious Mercedes BMW Nature of Relation Culture BMW: Dynamic Mercedes: History, Tradition BMW: Fun Mercedes: Loyal friend Reflection Mentalization BMW: Intriguing Mercedes: Classy BMW: Powerful Mercedes: Luxurious PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  49. Brand’s communicative strength indicators • Major measurable indicators that the brand is doing well its communi-cative job PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

  50. Brand Strength indicators • Uniqueness of the associations and beliefs consumers have about the Brand • Brand loyalty, measured by behavior and attitudes • Awareness & saliency measures • Perceived Quality • Image, positionning and other associa-tions with the Brand, level of Attachment. • accounting/selling value of property and intangibles assets • price premium potentiality PSU - 2006 - Global Brand Management - Alain Hutinel

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