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7 Symptoms Of Cataract

If you want to know about early signs and symptoms of cataracts then go through this presentation. Expert eye specialists at Disha Eye Hospitals offers excellent cataract surgery and treatment at an affordable cost.<br><br>To know more click on: http://www.dishaeye.org/cataract<br>

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7 Symptoms Of Cataract

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 7Symptoms OfCataract

  2. Introduction You have started to rely on your lens or eyeglasses more. Be it simply watching TV or reading a newspaper, simple tasks are taking longer to accomplish as you cannot see properly. Does that mean you have developed cataract? Well, there are sure shot signs for that. Want to know what they are? Read on.

  3. CloudyVision Initially, cataracts (the clouding of your eye lens) are pretty small. And as such, it won’t bother you much. You may feel a difference in your vision but that’s manageable. However, gradually increases and your vision will become cloudy, followed by blurry, and then finally, it will dim. its effect

  4. PoorNightVision As your cataracts progress, you will see a difference in your night vision. Things will start to darken and whatever you see will usually have a brownish or yellowish tinge. This mainly starts to affect your night vision and it will be difficult for you to perform nighttime activities such as driving in the dark. If you think that your night vision is getting worse, avoid driving and doing any other outdoor activities. That’s for your own safety.

  5. YourEyesCanNo LongerTolerateGlare Cataracts bring with them light sensitivity. Bright lights and glares will seem to hurt your eyes a lot. In case you have a posterior subcapsular cataract, then things will be really difficult for you. This type of cataract mainly affects the back side of your eye lens. It blocks the path of light and hampers your reading vision.

  6. YouWillSeeHalos Once your lens starts to cloud, the light that’s entering your eyes may diffract (breaking up of light rays). And as a result, you will see halos everywhere. It’s possible that you might see rings forming around every light. At times, these halos will be colourful. And this can make seeing under light pretty difficult for you.

  7. YouWillFindYourselfChanging PrescriptionFrequently It’s because as your vision turns poor, you will need stronger glasses. So you will often find yourself changing However, this is not going to solve your problem. You need to visit an eye specialist and undergo a cataract surgery. This is the only way to get some relief and save your vision. your lenses.

  8. AreYouSeeingDouble It’s because as your vision turns poor, you will need stronger glasses. So you will often find yourself changing However, this is not going to solve your problem. You need to visit an eye specialist and undergo a cataract surgery. This is the only way to get some relief and save your vision. your lenses.

  9. It’sYellowEverywhere That’s another tell-tale sign of an advancing cataract. The diffraction of light caused by the clouding of your eye lens will make you see double images. This condition is also known as Diplopia and cataract is often one of the most common causes of Diplopia.

  10. Do not ignore these signs and meet an eye surgeon. If you are planning to undergo cataract surgery in Kolkata and looking for the best eye doctor in Kolkata, Disha Eye Hospital is the place you should visit. For more details, visit http://www.dishaeye.org/contact-us

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