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ELAN Overseas Education Loans has come up with a number of scholarships options for Indian students to study abroad. They can obtain the various schemes benefits provided by State Governments. Check out our Popular Scholarships to study overseas.
ABOUTUS Scholarships can be a great option when planning the financial aspects for education overseas, especiallyif you have a restrictive financial plan to invest in higherstudies. There is the number of universities and colleges all over the worldthatareprovidinganincreasednumberofinternational scholarships.
Indian GovernmentScholarships Toattractsomeofthebrightestminds,governmentsandforeignuniversitiesacross the globe offer various Indian Government Scholarships for Overseas Education to deservingstudents. Padho Pardesh – Scheme of Interest Subsidy onEducation Loan for thestudents belonging to Minority Communities NationalOverseas Scholarship for Scheduled Tribes Students Dr. Ambedkar Central Sector Scheme of Interest Subsidy on Education Loan forOBCs andEBCs NationalOverseas Scholarship for Scheduled Caste Students MaharashtraGovt Scholarship for Open Category students for overseasstudies
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