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About Indianscriptures Mail id: indianscriptures@gmail.com India is sacred of so many wonderful scriptures which were initially passed on from gurus to their sishyas through listening. Indianscriptures provides authentic information related to our scriptures. Here you will be aware of hindu Gods, Gurus, temples, festivals, vedic society, vedic knowledge, art and tradition of Indian culture. Our aim is to create a one-stop portal with our Scriptures, epics, articles on our scriptures and also books in the digitized format. The articles are contributed by renowned gurus, scholars and reputed institutions from India as well as from all over the world. These are presented in a logical, scientific and rational manner. The user friendly portal hopes to capture the imagination of the youth and get them interested in our scriptures. Professionals should be able to enrich their lives as they seek answers and suggestions to various aspects of life and living from the wisdom of our seers whose message is both eternal and relevant to any age. marketing@rockmaxpan.com http://www.indianscriptures.com/
Vedic Lifestyle Mail id: indianscriptures@gmail.com What is the way of life propagated by our ancient seers in their infinite wisdom? Is this holistic and relevant in the modern world, does it take it into account all the factors that influence an individual’s life. In short what is the world view espoused by our scriptures? Learn more in this section that helps you have a bird’s eye view of Hindu Philosophy and acquaints the readers with the core values of Hinduism. India is a land of festivals - some part or the other is busy fasting or feasting according to the days of the Hindu calendar. These joyous celebrations are an occasion to celebrate life and the living and are interspersed with legends and anecdotes that help us recall the significance of the event. Find Vedic lifestyle, Cultural Events, Customs and Traditions, Festivals, Food and Health, Rituals, mantra, prayers, marriage tradition and more from Indianscriptures. We will give you information on Vedic lifestyle about how our ancients prescribed a variety of diet to be followed during different seasons according to different body types. marketing@rockmaxpan.com http://www.indianscriptures.com/
Cultural Festivals of India Mail id: indianscriptures@gmail.com International Kite Festival The festival of Uttarayan is unique to Gujarat, when the skies over most cities of the state are filled with kites from before dawn until well after dark. The festival is celebrated when winter begins turning to summer, on MakarSankranti or Uttarayan marking the sun’s transition into the northern hemisphere. ThrissurPooram One of the most popular temple festivals celebrated in the state of Kerala, ThrissurPooram falls in the Malayalam month of 'Medam' corresponding to May in the English calendar. Pooram in Malayalam means Procession and temples in and around the famous temple of Vaddakkunnathan in Thrissurpooram participate in processions on this day to pay obeisance to Lord Shiva. marketing@rockmaxpan.com http://www.indianscriptures.com/
Customs and traditions Mail id: indianscriptures@gmail.com Jain Traditions Dasara or Vijayadashami Jainism is an ancient Indian religion which has been derived from the word ‘Jina’ or Victor meaning a human being who has conquered his inner enemies of anger, greed, pride, desire, attachment and other passions through self discipline to attain ‘KevalaJnana’ or pure infinite knowledge. The ‘Kevalin’ then becomes a liberated soul attaining Nirvana or Moksha and attains Godhood according to Jainism. One who is permanently liberated from the infinite cycles of birth and earth then becomes a Siddha. marketing@rockmaxpan.com http://www.indianscriptures.com/
Festivals Mail id: indianscriptures@gmail.com Dasara or Vijayadashami In the first half of the month of Asvij, Hindus observe a nine day ceremony of fast, rituals and celebrations to honor various forms of Shakti. This nine day ceremony is called Navaratri and it ends with Dasara, on the tenth day. Usually Navaratri and Dasara are celebrated together throughout the country, with great enthusiasm and energy. KumbhMela It is a religious bathing festival of enormous size where monks, pilgrims, and devotees will come from their remote dwellings and hiding places to gather for a historical moment.They come to experience the essence of their culture and to participate in the largest spiritual gathering of humanity, the MahaKumbaMela. marketing@rockmaxpan.com http://www.indianscriptures.com/
Food and Health Mail id: indianscriptures@gmail.com Food and Health in Vedic Scriptures Dharmashastras are Sanskrit texts which lay down the rules for diet or ‘Bhojana’ pertaining to Hinduism. It was given great importance as the type of food, the direction and season in which they were offered, the food offered as sacrificial offerings etc all played a great role in the psychology and health of the individual and in society as a whole. Food Tales from Scriptures The feast of Kubera Once, Kubera decided to hold an extravagant feast for all the Gods in order to show them the extent of his wealth and influence. His arrogance and pride had reached such a pinnacle that to further enhance his prestige he wished to arrange it in a way that had never been witnessed by the Gods before. marketing@rockmaxpan.com http://www.indianscriptures.com/
Mantra & Prayers Mail id: indianscriptures@gmail.com Daily Prayers Lord Ganesh, who wears a white garment, who is all-pervading, who has a bright complexion, who has four arms, who has an ever smiling face, upon that God, I meditate for removal of all obstacles. Morning Prayers AadityaHridayam is an invocation to Paramaatmaa, who exists in the heart of the Sun in the form of energy, which is responsible for the creation, sustenance and ultimate dissolution of the universe. It consists of 31 shlokas which were given to Shree Rama by RishiAgastya. Isha-vandana By your blessings, a mute becomes talkative and a lame climbs a mountain. O Eternally Blissful Madhava, I offer my slautations. marketing@rockmaxpan.com http://www.indianscriptures.com/
Marriage Traditions Mail id: indianscriptures@gmail.com Marriage Ritual- Kanyadana Kanyadanaceremony in a Hindu wedding comes after the Sankalpaceremony. Kanyadana ceremony is a highly complex one, and rightly it is so; for marriage makes or mars a life. The bride’s parents, glad in their hearts, that they have secured a Vedavit for their daughter, treat him with due respect. VivahaSanskaras Indian society strongly believes in the institution of marriage and lifetime commitment. Most Indian marriage forms are based on the ancient philosophies of Vedas and Upanishads. The symbolic union of two persons in holy matrimony has remained virtually unblemished and unchanged for almost 5,000 years. Thus, Indian marriage system follows the oldest and most authentic nuptial rituals in the world. Dharma Sutras in Scriptures The Dharma Sutras and the Grihya Sutras are considered to be two very important sources of knowledge in Hinduism. While the Grihya Sutras describe the duties of the householder and the domestic rites, the Dharma Sutras describe the rules and regulation for the proper discharge of Dharma i.e. law, religion, duty, customs, traditions etc. There are a lot of overlapping ideas in the Dharma Sutras and the Grihya Sutras. marketing@rockmaxpan.com http://www.indianscriptures.com/
Nature Worship Mail id: indianscriptures@gmail.com The Hindu Worship of Rivers One of the greatest strengths of the ancient Hindus has been their love and reverence for all things natural. Nature has therefore never been considered as a foe to be conquered. As a matter of fact the ancient Hindus were forbidden from the exploitation of nature and its elements. Hindus were also advised to recognize the divinity that exists in all elements and these include plants and animals. The Rishis and Munis perceived “that all material manifestations are a shadow of the spiritual”. Significance of Tree Worship In the Indian context we get mixed signals. On the one hand people, especially women worship the tulsi plant while we can see the reverence with which Indians treat the vat and the banyan tree. On the other hand trees are mercilessly cut down to make roads, construct buildings and sometimes for no excuse whatsoever. We also see that there is an awakening all over the world towards saving the ecology that is now the panacea against an increasing carbon footprint. However, the worship of trees did have a religious bias in India. Whether environmental sentiments were actually behind it all or not the reader has to judge for himself/herself. marketing@rockmaxpan.com http://www.indianscriptures.com/
PujaVidhi in Hindi Mail id: indianscriptures@gmail.com DainikPujaVidhi Devi Puja marketing@rockmaxpan.com http://www.indianscriptures.com/
Rituals Mail id: indianscriptures@gmail.com Devotional Rituals Hinduism has hundreds of brief and elaborate rituals. Formerly, the mandir used to be the nucleus of almost every village and town in India. Mostly all activities were centered in and around the mandir. So, the rituals of darshan, arati, seta and celebrating festivals became an intrinsic part of a Hindu's life. From the simple pranam and the chanting of God's names to the elaborate yajna rituals, all are focused on worship and pleasing the Divine. Rituals for the Departed Shraadh Also known as Pitrapaksh or Kanaagath, Shraadh is performed over a period of fifteen days. The date or tithi of death, as per the Hindu calendar, is considered as the day of Shraadh. The other fifteen days are known as the Pitrapaksh. Shraadhs usually fall somewhere between the months of August and September. During the performance of the Shraadhs, the departed members are invited to be a part of the family and feasts are organized in their honor. marketing@rockmaxpan.com http://www.indianscriptures.com/
Hindu Symbology Mail id: indianscriptures@gmail.com Hinduism is rich in symbolism. Many acts of worship, such as puja, are symbolic, a form of visualisation in which worshippers simulate activities normally performed on higher planes of existence. Thus the scope of symbolism is broad and includes physical acts such as offering pranam (obeisances) with folded hands. Such physical gestures tend to induce the appropriate mood and awareness within the practitioner. Many symbols are considered auspicious, embodying the notion of inner purity. Sacred emblems are displayed in the home or temple to invoke good fortune. marketing@rockmaxpan.com http://www.indianscriptures.com/
Hinduism- A way of life Mail id: indianscriptures@gmail.com Hinduism known as Sanathana Dharma or Law Eternal is a way of life and has been in existence since the timeless beginning. The word Sanatana means ancient; it also means eternal or everlasting. Hence, the word Sanatana is defined as that which is old and at the same time ever new. It is ancient yet ever fresh, ever relevant transcending time and age. BhaktiRasas and Bhavas Bhava is the essence of Bhakti Rasa. Bhava is a feeling towards Lord Sri Krishna. Bhava is developed when the Bhakti Rasa is devoid of any selfish goals and Tamas and Rajasika thoughts. Karma and Reincarnation The concept of karma and reincarnation based on Hinduism is amongst one of those knowledge treasures for which this religion is revered by the people of all religions and beliefs. Sadhana- Some Glimpses Life is just not about living so as to survive. In fact, life is about perceiving its meaning in the real sense all the way while experiencing it. Now the question arises how one can start perceiving or reflecting on the real meaning of life. marketing@rockmaxpan.com http://www.indianscriptures.com/
Yajnas Mail id: indianscriptures@gmail.com Devata - the Luminary in a Yajna Vedic literature is the broad foundation on which the magnificent edifice of Yajna has been raised. This mansion is for the devata of the yajna. Just as a king is a unique figure in his kingdom, the devata too is unique to every yajna. All the other constituents of a yajna, such as items of oblation, mantras, priests, etc, can have alternatives, but not the devata. Holistic Ancient Yagya Lifestyle Holistic ancient lifestyle advocates the pursuit of a good, clean and wholesome life. The Yagya routine followed in the ancient days provided the means of quantum healing through Physics, Pravargya and many other skillful traditions. Effect of Yajnas on Rains In Yajneeya Process, hygroscopic aerosol particles generated from medicinal plants and aromatic substance results in pure water from rains and healthy atmosphere for crops and human health. marketing@rockmaxpan.com http://www.indianscriptures.com/
Description of Devatas Mail id: indianscriptures@gmail.com Devatas are natural powers. They are ready to shower grace, but only as long as we are righteous. Pure air is essential for the biosphere and is available in plenty, but if excesses are created whereby the cycle is broken or the balanced proportion of gases in the atmosphere is disturbed, we are punished. In metaphoric language, it means that the devata is satisfied by praise and angry if not worshipped. DevtaDhyanam Before the chanting of suktas/richas (hymns/verses), it is customary to pronounce the name of the rishi, the concerned devata and the metre before dispensation of the sukta/richa. There is a reason for this tradition which can be explained by drawing an analogy. To draw electric current from a source (battery, generator or powerhouse) to a point, the two need to be connected through a medium. Similarly, in the yajnic process when the host or yajamana desires to establish a one-to-one relationship with the devata (with a view to drawing power) he needs to form a connection with it. A medium for this (virtual) connection is formed by 'calling aloud' the name of the rishi, the metre and the devata of the sukta. The chanting of mantras and the rituals that follow, work as a switch to enable the flow of power from the source - the devata. marketing@rockmaxpan.com http://www.indianscriptures.com/
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