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Änderungen vorbehalten © INTAQUA AG in the Yellow-Water-Cycle is basically made up of the nutrients – nitrates and phosphate. The following presentation gives a comprehensive explanation of our technology and processes. In a further cycle, the Yellow-Water-Cycle, the human urine is gathered.
Änderungen vorbehalten © INTAQUA AG in the Yellow-Water-Cycle is basically made up of the nutrients – nitrates and phosphate. The following presentation gives a comprehensive explanation of our technology and processes. In a further cycle, the Yellow-Water-Cycle, the human urine is gathered. this cycle holds all bateria and a low amount of nutrients Into a Braun-Water-Cycle that gathers the excrements, paper and the toilet-flush water. By using Seperation-Toilets it is possible to seperate the Black-Water –Cycle even further. Within this cycle practically all nutrients and pathogenic Germs are gathered and destroyed. and is treated in its own treatment system and is used exclusively for toilet flushing. and in a Black-Water-Cycle, this cycle is strictly separated from other water cycles and holds the effluents and urine. These waters are mainly composed of organic materials and salt – for example the ingredients of washing powders. Into a Grey-water-cycle for bath, kitchen, laundry and similar waters, Our system is revolutionary; our process isolates the different sewage flows: At the moment the household sewage is not separated before it is fed into the local sewage systems. Sewage from housing Black Water (Toilette & Urinales) Grey Water (Bath, Kitchen, Washing.) Braun Water (Only Faeces) Gelbwasser (Urin) Human Sewage Flow Grey water holds organic material and salt Black water holds nearly all nutrients and pathogenic Germs Brown water holds nearly all bacteria and a low amount of nutrients Yellow water holds nearly all nutrients (nitrogen/nitrates)
Drinking Water Sweetwater (Ground Water etc.) Sewage Plant Sewage Canal The Rhein river delivers drinking water for millions of people. This means that a percentage of the water that comes from the household taps is toilet water. State of the Art Eventually this water finds it way into the Oceans and becomes undrinkable salt water. Through kilometre long, often ailing severs the water is delivered to the sewage-plants. Because of the state of the severs this water sometimes contaminates the groundwater. We call this the „Giant Saltwater Pump“. The present water politics pumps our groundwater, our heritage, into the sees and it is lost. In every litre of the river Rhein in the area of Duesseldorf, two egg-cups of this water comes from a sewage plant. The present uses freshwater from groundwater or from river-bank filtrate Once in the homes this water is (mostly) used once and then is returned to the sewers. In the plants the sewage water partially treated and then released into “discharge systems” (rivers, streams and others). More often then not, this water has to be extensively treated in Ultra-filtration-plants before used as drinking water. The water is then delivered to the households through kilometre long pipelines, that in itself represent a source of contamination. Drinking Water Production Salt Water (Ozean) Toilette, Bath, Kitchen, Washing Rivers
Faeces, Water Urine Watering Evaporation Natural Water Recource The wastewater is then returned to the sewage-plant through short sewers. When this system fails, the drinking water comes into contact with coliform germs and bacteria and is contaminated. So long that the system works without failure this water is harmless. But the mental barriers are high. Water that has been contaminated by excrement and urine is the basis of that drinking water. All waste-waters, without separation are treated in the local sewage treatment plants. This water is, hygienically seen, harmless. But the consumption hits mental barriers. Water that is lost through irrigation and evaporation is replaced through the natural resources. In the sewage plants the wastewater is filtered, cleaned and returned into the drinking water system. The household uses this water for washing, showers, cleaning and toilet. In addition this water is contaminated withExcrements and urine, and is then disposed of through one wastewater-pipe. Through short pipes this drinking water is delivered to the households. This reduces the danger of contamination. This water is then treated into drinking water. In one State of the Art recycling process fresh-water is given into a treatment system. This means that the drinking water that is delivered by the sewage-plants has inevitably flown through the toilet. Recycling of all types of wastewater in one system. Losses: Excrements and urine are not separated Use in Household Recycling TechnologiesState of the Art 1 Treatment Plant Shower, Kitchen, Toilet Hygienically harmless but is mentally rejected. By system failure conta-mination through coliform germs and bacteria-
Faeces, Water Urine Salt Water (Ocean) Rivers Sewage Plant Sewage Water Canal The water is then delivered to the sewage-plants through kilometre long sewages that are sometimes old and porous. This in itself represent a danger to the groundwater. The water is then used for household purposes – washing, showering, cooking ect –, and part is drained into the sewers A secondary flow of waste-water is used for a second time causing a reduction of the water usage by 30%. Untreated dangerous toxins such as germs, bacteria and hormones flow into the sewage-plants. This small flow is treated for a second time and used a flush water for the toilets. A small flow of the wastewater is separated and fed into a treatment plant. Eventually this water finds it way into the Oceans and becomes undrinkable salt water. In this treatment plant it is filtered and cleand and used as flush water for the toilets. Another small flow is separately fed into a treatment plant. Through kilometre long pipelines the water is returned to the households presenting an additional cause of pollution. This water has to be, and sometimes with enormous expense, treated into drinking water quality. In one State of the Art recycling process fresh-water is extracted from the natural resources. The excrement and urine contaminated waste water is also fed into the sewers. Natural Water Recource Wastewater is partially treated. Toilet flushing using wash water. Use in Household Recycling TechnologiesState of the Art 2 Toilet Shower, Kitchen Treatment Plant Dangerous toxins are not separated. Partial water savings up to 30%
Faeces, Water Washwater Urine Salt Water (Ocean) Watering Evaporation Rivers Sewage Plant Sewage Water Canal Pollution of the wastewater cycle through germs, bacteria and hormones are not retained. A secondary flow of waste-water is used in a cycle process thus saving up to 30% of water usage. is taken from a process water reservoir. The toilet flush-water returns to the sewers. The excrement, urine and toilet flush water contaminated waste water is, as partial flow, fed into the treatment plant or Water that is lost through irrigation and evaporation is replaced through the natural resources. The treatment plants process the waste water and again deliver it as drinking water to the households. is disposed as wastewater and again given to the treatment plants for processing.. The water is then used for household purposes – washing, showering, cooking ect –, and through separate pipes With increasing complexity (ultrafiltration plants) is the water treated to drinking water In one State of the Art recycling process fresh-water is taken from the natural resources. able to contaminate the groundwater.This water finds it way into the Oceans and becomes undrinkable salt water. The necessary drinking water is treated, as far as possible, in an open cycle process. Water that is needed for the toilet flushing is taken from a treatment plant or from a process-water reservoir. Untreated dangerous toxins such as germs, bacteria and hormones flow unfiltered into the sewage-plants. and through kilometre long pipes delivered to the treatment plants. From the treatment plants the water is then delivered, over short distances to the consumers. Through kilometre long, often ailing severs the water is delivered to the sewage-plants. Because of the state of the severs this water sometimes is Natural Water Recource As far as possible drinking water is recycled Losses: Toilet flushing using dishwater Use for Household Recycling TechnologiesState of the Art 3 Toilet Shower, Kitchen Treatment Plant Dangerous toxins are not separated Partial water savings, impurities
Natural water recource (Rain, River etc.) Treated Greywater Household Losses: Bath, Kitchen, Washing Treatment Plant 2 Watering Evaparation Grey Water Artificial groundwater reservoir. The INTAQUA Technology:Loop-Technology for Grey water When using the cycle-technology for the grey-water-cycle the freshwater is delivered by a groundwater reservoir Alone with the Grey-Water cycle it is possible to save upto 70% of the fresh-water usage. Eventual loss caused by evaporation and irrigation are replaced through natural water resources. To eliminate the salting of the water through substances such as detergents, one of the initial steps is desalination. The customer can choose what qualities the drinking water should have, hard, soft, fluorinated, taste ect. In the treatment plant the water is filtered, cleaned and delivered to a wash-water reservoir. This water is used for washing, showering, cocking and drinking and is kept in a separate pipe The water is delivered over short pipelines to the individual households, this minimizes the danger of pollution. into a treatment plant that produces the drinking water. This system delivers drinking water to the individual specified quality. The Grey-Water cycle uses an “open loop” process, in this process only the water losses need to be replaced. and is delivered for a first treatment for the production of wash-water through the Grey-Water cycle. Because of the nature of our processing toxins such as Hormones and Bacteria are totally destroyed and disposed off. Drinking Water Grey-Water is in a „open-loop“ cycle. Desalination is an intermediate Step. Hormone and Bacteria are destroyed. Treatment Plant 1 Infiltration A saving of 70% of fresh-water can be achieved.
Faeces, Urine, Paper Only Gas: H2O, CO2 Dishwater Resources: Mineral fertilizer, Humus Black Water Alone with this cycle it is possible to save upto 30% of the freshwater consumption. The system destroys all hormones and medicines which under normal conditions are released into the environment. The only residues that come out of the system are gases, steam, CO2, mineral fertilizer and humus. As by-products the treatment plant delivers mineral fertilizers and humus which can be used in the agriculture. The waste product are gases from water vapour and CO2 which are then discharged from the system. The toilet flushing water is kept in a separate loop and is fed into an individual treatment plant. The treatment plant pumps the filtered and cleaned dishwater back into the loop, back into the flushing systems Through separate pipelines the Black-Water is fed into the „Black-Water Treatment Plant“. After usage the excrements and urine flow into a separate Black-Water treatment loop. Initially freshwater is given into the treatment plant which processes this to dishwater water. The dishwater is then fed through the short pipelines to the consumers (toilets and urinal). Because of the surplus water (urine), this system is water self containing. It is not necessary to give freshwater into the system. Hospital, Hotels, Settle- ments, etc. Flushing water flows in a closed loop Only resources and gas leave the system. The INTAQUA- Technology: Water Cycle for Black-Water Treatment Plant Toilets, Urinales Destruction of all harmones, medicines It is possible to achieve a 30% water saving
CO2, H2O Faeces, Water Urine Humus Mineral Fertilizer The urine-water is evaporated and the residue is burnt. The result is an oxidised mineral fertilizer free of medicines. Alone with this cycle it is possible to save upto 30% of the needed freshwater. This type of processing is ideal for temporary habitation (offices, restaurants ect), it is cheaper and more effective. This type of processing is easier and cheaper but make it necessary that the separation-toilets be installed. This process is only possible when the excrement and urine are collected and separated by a special „separation” toilet. The flush-water is treated in are closed-loop system and then fed back into the flush loop. This process delivers humus and mineral fertilizers as resources for the agriculture. The urine is handled separately to extract the nutrients which are then treated into mineral fertilizers. The flush-water with the excrements is treated separately and deliver hygienic fertilizer The dishwater is then fed through short pipelines to separation toilets which separate excrements from the urine Initially freshwater is given into the treatment plant which processes this to dishwater. The only „drop-off“ that this system produces are steam and CO2. Dishwater is also in a closed-loop Office, Rest Stop, Ferries, etc. Technology simpler, treat-ment plants cheaper new separation toilets needed. The INTAQUA- Technology: Water Cycle for Brown- and Yellow- Water Toilets, Urinales Treatment Plant The best system for temporary habitation Up to 30% savings in water usage Extraction of Nutrients