8/22/24, 9:35 PM 64 Phrasal Verbs With 'Up' In search of examples of action phrases in the English language that contain a specific verb? Have a look at this list of phrasal verbs with "up." You'll find the vocabulary you're looking for here. act up draw up heat up rack up add up dream up hike up rip up back up dress up hold up save up ball up drink up hurry up screw up beat up dry up hush up set up blow up eat up keep up show up break up end up lift up speak up bring up fill up line up split up burn up finish up look up stand up call up fix up make up take up catch up free up measure up tangle up cheer up get up mess up throw up clean up give up open up turn up come up grow up pack up use up crank up hang up perk up warm up dig up heal up put up zip up https://www.proofreadingservices.com/pages/phrasal-verbs-with-up 1/1