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Convergence of railway systems 1435mm – 1520mm CER-EIM High Level Infrastructure Meeting, Warsaw, PKP-PLK Head Office, 5 June 2009 EC Mandate to ERA adopted on the 18th October 2005 EC Mandate to ERA adopted on the 18th October 2005
Convergence of railway systems1435mm – 1520mm CER-EIM High Level Infrastructure Meeting, Warsaw, PKP-PLK Head Office, 5 June 2009
PKP PLK involvement in ERA WP1520 works related to 1520/1524 railway in EU countries PLK was represented from the beginning and was active. PLK was prepared to pass information about 1520mm railway system solutions used on Polish territory. During the 1520 ERA works we have stated many times that in Poland EU law is applicable not only to 1435mm but also to 1520mm railway system. From the very beginning of the discussions on separate 1520mm TSIs we were against that solution.
ERA Feasibility Study on 1520/1524 rail system interoperability – 31 August 2008 No separate1520mm TSIsproposed
ERA works on conventional railway TSIs(TSI CR INF, TSI CR ENE, TSI CR RST) CR TSIs are drafted by ERA workers, NSAs representatives, and speakers representing representative organisations. There is no direct involvement neither of the Member States nor of the railways.ERA has officially proposed to the RISC Committee to exclude the 1520mm system in the Member States (except Finland) from the scope of the CR TSIs. POLAND has officially stated, that we can not accept such solution for many reasons starting from the fact, that different Member States are treated differently.
Why POLAND is against excluding 1520 railway from CR TSIs scope Political arguments: • POLAND can not be treated differently from FINLAND in relation to railway system 1520/1524. We see no good arguments for such differentiation. • POLAND entered European Union in 100% and not only partly and therefore whole Polish railway system has to be covered by EU law the same way as the railway system in any other EU Member State. • Proposed “temporary” solution has to be seen as a solution which can stay for many many years. The 1520mm TSIs will be based on non-EU standards, and non-EU market solutions, which practically means that 1520mm railway system will be dependent from the CIS decisions. • POLAND is not involved in the works of the Council for the Railway Transport CRT and does not accept pushing POLAND towards CRT.
Why POLAND is against excluding 1520 railway from CR TSIs scope Legal arguments: • New consolidated interoperability directive will be applicable to whole railway system in the European Union Member States and therefore all TSIs which does not explicitly exclude 1520mm railway system will be applicable (e.g. TSI NOI, TAF, CCS, PRM, SRT in case of POLAND). Already now although TSIs are legally applicable to the trans-European transport network they are applicable in projects outside TEN-T under requirements of the financial memorandums. • Interoperability Directives and Railway Safety Directive are not the only ones applicable to railway system. There are other EU directives (e.g. Non-road mobile machinery Directive, environmental directives, …) which are applicable. • Excluding 1520mm railway from the three third priority CR TSIs means that they are partly under EU law and partly under Member States law. That means, that there will be no open market for 1520mm railway products.
Why POLAND is against excluding 1520 railway from CR TSIs scope Technical and economical arguments 1/3: • TSI CR ENE - energy:The only electrified section of the 1520mm railway system in POLAND does not differ from electrified sections of the 1435mm railway system in POLAND; As a result no specific cases are necessary to cover 1520mm railway system in POLAND by TSI CR ENE. • TSI CR INF – infrastructure:The 1520mm railway lines differ in a few parameters from 1435mm railway lines; Only a few specific cases are necessary (especially specific cases regarding: track gauge, structure gauge, and distance between track centres) to cover 1520mm railway system in POLAND by TSI CR INF; The components which are in use already today are the same ones as for 1435mm railway lines including rails, slippers, crossings and switches.
Why POLAND is against excluding 1520 railway from CR TSIs scope Technical and economical arguments 2/3: • TSI CR RST – rolling stock 1/2:The 1520 rolling stock owned by Polish companies is practically limited to diesel locomotives taking freight trains from neighbouring railways at the Polish east border; This locomotives are already covered by TSI NOI, by Non-road mobile machinery Directive, by environmental directives, and other EU regulations; This locomotives does not leave Poland and therefore does not need to comply with the law of the CIS countries; Only a few specific cases are necessary (especially specific cases regarding: wheel set gauge, loading gauge, and coupling system) to cover 1520mm railway system in POLAND by TSI CR RST.Although discussion on RS constituents is open at the moment POLAND want to see RS interoperability constituents market covering RS 1520 in POLAND.
Why POLAND is against excluding 1520 railway from CR TSIs scope Technical and economical arguments 3/3: • TSI CR RST – rolling stock 2/2:It has to be stated that in POLAND already today on 1520mm railway lines we use the same type of locomotives as we use on many 1435mm railway lines. Moreover upgrading of those locomotives as well as purchasing new ones takes into account Technical Specifications for Interoperability (excluding the wheel-set gauge)which are already established and applicable (as 1520 RS in PL is not excluded from the scope of established TSIs). We apply the same conformity proving principles, the same UIC fishes, the same EN and PN standards (waiting for RS TSI) and see no technical problems doing so. Puting 1520mm rolling stock out of scope of the TSI CR RST significantly complicates restructurisation of the whole park of 1520 traction rolling stock in POLAND which is urgently necessary and foreseen for the next 3-5 years.
ERA Feasibility Study has been accepted. III priority TSIs are not yet voted but they include minimum 1520mm Specific Cases to be applied on1520mm railway lines in Poland. ERA – OSJD bilateral works are on-going It is not obvious what is the final goal for 1520mm in EU.
Do we have examples of overlapping international railway related legislation? EU - OTIFagreementon RScross-acceptance
Can we base EU – „OSJD” agreement on EU – OTIF model ? We would like but we are afraid it might not be possible.
What do we propose in relation to 1435-1520mm convergence Business goals in 1435/1520mm railway system convergence.Technical and operational convergence needs. Scope of the future agreement between EC and OSJD(and/or CIS Railway Transport Council).Necessary legal tools for 1435/1520mm convergence.