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ZAMBIA 2010. Short Term Trip ... Life Long Change. Greetings. My Name: Rob Richards & my wonderful wife Sheril We are very excited about this Trip
ZAMBIA 2010 Short Term Trip... Life LongChange
Greetings My Name: Rob Richards & my wonderful wife Sheril We are very excited about this Trip We so appreciate each one of you for being here today. You probably have more fun and exciting things to do than attend a missionary meeting. Instead, you have given priority to learning more about what God is doing around the world. The fact that you care that much makes you very important to us. Thank you so much for coming.
WARNING: • This will not be a vacation! • The trip will be short but the journey may be long as we prepare our Hearts to be changed forever! • We will be taking a Holistic approach to Missions—We will take into account the spiritual, social and personal needs of the people. • We are going as learners—We will be daily inviting God the opportunity to break our hearts for the people of Zambia! • Please know that the leadership at Northlake is praying with you as you prayerfully consider this great opportunity.
Where? We will be spending most of our trip here
Where will be STAYING Pronounced Chi-yawn-O
Interesting Facts about Zambia • It is slightly larger than Texas • The nearest Ocean is 600 miles away • The average yearly income is $400. • Life expectancy averages 38 years. • The unemployment rate is 80%. • The primary industries are mining, agriculture, and tourism. • It is one of the 20 poorest nations in the world • The population is over 10 million • Lusaka has over 1.5 million • Lusaka was originally planned for 200,000 people • Zambia is one of the hardest hit nations with AIDS • Half of the population is under the age of 16 • An African child dies every 30 seconds from malaria, • which is a treatable disease • Up to 650,000 orphans live in Zambia; 100,000 of them live on the streets, many due to death and abandonment from AIDS.
Total Average COST. • The cost will vary, but here is a general idea: • Flight from US to Lusaka, Zambia: • $1,800 – 2,500 • Room and board in Zambia: • approximately $50 per night • Visa in Zambia $50 • Misc. (taxes, potential of Safari or Victoria Falls trip; $450) • Total cost: $2,800-3,500 • (could technically be more)
Qualities Needed • Availability • Willingness to serve • Flexibility • A sense of adventure • A love for the Lord • A desire to be obedient to the Great Commission • Skills of nearly any kind • An enjoyment of people
For the Visual Folks Like me...
An Open Mind Attentive Ear PureHeart Busy Hands ReadyFeet
Stages of our Journey • 7 month Mar thru Sept Called Challenged Changed!
Called (the Anticipation) This is the Pre-field preparation 1 Chronicles 4:10 "'Oh, that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me, and that you would keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me!' So God granted him what he requested." This is our team anticipating things like the following: Who are the people we will be impacting? What will the service projects, teaching time, and worship be like? How will you get along with the other members of the team? What does God have in store for you to learn? How will God use you to make a difference? ETC…
Challenged(the Experience) This is the on-field experience. 2 Corinthians 3:4-5 "And such confidence we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God." This is where we experience ZAMBIA! What have you gotten yourself into? What has been unexpected so far? How has God been working today? In what ways has he captured your attention today? (Reliant on Him not your talents, brains, etc..) How are you being conformed to the likeness of Christ?
Passport, Visas and Shots Changed (the reflection) This is the Post-field time of reflection Philippians 1:3–6 "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now. For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." How have you processed all you have learned from our trip? Will our trip impact the rest of your life? How? How did it feel to get your hands dirty? What was it like to meet people that live and have less then you? How did it feel to serve others while you gained nothing? Describe a moment when God/Holy Spirit was making your heart and blood pump as He provided just the right words for you as you were sharing Jesus with someone you just met? How has God transformed you? What has God started in you? (rev.4:8) (eph 2:10) Now what? How is God going to use you to make a difference now?
Serving Opportunities& our Partners • Action Zamia-Our very own Missionaries Steve & Stephanie Allen • Help get Local Church started in Awana Program • AWANA-Empowering Christian LeadersWorldwide to Train Children to Know, Love and Serve Christ • Awana will be our avenue to reach out and make a lasting impact • We will be primarily working with Awana Leaders • Goal to Learn from them • Encourage them through support and prayer • Share our lives and our Experience • Practice and Do Ministry together with the local Kids • Potentially participate in the Zambia Awana Inl. Conference
Other Opportunities • God’s invitation • to Change • our hearts • To learn from our Brothers & Sisters in their Culture • To Be a Jesus Magnet • (1st Team to Reach out in the Rural area) • Local Orphanages • Rural Zambian People • The Local Church • To One Another
Continued... • Victoria Falls • Decision that needs to Be Made • If we go to Victoria Falls it will take up about 3 days out of our 10. We are told it is AWESOME. • We have an opportunity to be a part of the Zambian Awana Conf. • Which would mean we would not take the 7 hour trip to the falls & would stay closer to Ciyanjano and go to a closer one day activity with great food and still experience the wild life.
Now What? • Pray • Complete Personal Information Forms & give to Rob • (Page 10 ,11 & 12 in Manual) • Apply for Passport • Start Meeting Regularly • Recruit 10 Faithful Prayer Supporters • Write Support Discovery Letter & Start raising support • Mail Support Letters to family and friends • Receive Immunizations • Give a copy of your passport to Rob • Write Testimony
Next Meeting February 28th $500 Deposit Due (Per Person)