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Your educational certificates are the final documents you are given once you have finished your schooling. Before you begin the process of changing name in educational certificate, ask your school or institution if there are any unique protocols they follow
INTRODUCATION Your educational certificates are the finaldocumentsyouaregivenonceyou havefinishedyourschooling.Beforeyou begintheprocessofchangingnamein educational certificate, ask your school orinstitutionifthereareanyunique protocolstheyfollow
If you find yourself in a predicament like this, you just need to write one affidavit. All you havetodoiscombinetheincorrectandproper names, which calls for a name change on educational certificates in India. Additionally, you must undergo the same name-changing procedure in India if you want to alter your namewhileinclass12. WHATIFMYNAMEAPPEARSDIFFERENTLYON MY10THAND12THGRADETRANSCRIPTS?
DOESTHENAMEONEDUCATIONALCERTIFICATES HAVETHEOPTIONTOBECHANGED? Since genuine names are appreciated, theanswerisyes.Forthosewhodemand perfection in everything they do, names arethemostimportantconsideration. Thereisadetailedprocedureyoumust followifyouwanttochangeyourname onyoureducationalcertificates.
WHATDOCUMENTATIONISREQUIREDTOCHANGE ANAMEONACERTIFICATEOFEDUCATION? Certain specific paperwork are needed for distinctnamechanges.Forinstance,ifyourname changes after marriage, you must provide evidenceofyourmarriage.Here,youmustsubmit agazettenotificationoragazettenamechange form to alter the name on your educational certificates.
02 Newspaper publicationfor namechange 04 required to send your documentstothesecretary of the Department of CommerceandTransport 01 GetYour Affidavit HOWCANICHANGEMYNAMEONAN INDIANEDUCATIONALCERTIFICATE? 03 publishedasa gazette notification
In India, different states charge different amounts to change a name on educational credentials.Itfluctuatesfromtimetotimeand fromstatetostate,withsomeplacescharging around3,000andotherscharging5,000. WHATISTHECOSTOFCHANGINGA NAMEONACADEMICCERTIFICATES?