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Digital media and shifts in media consumption require a new approach to media relations. Use your experts, partner with other credible sources and provide visual assets to reporters.
Collaborative Media Relations CollaborativeMedia Relations
CredibilityBrands wishing to make their voice heard on anissue or subject need to• Develop clear points of view• Express them across all platforms• Build a network of supporters - offline and online. CredibilityBrands wishing to make their voice heard on anissue or subject need to• Develop clear points of view• Express them across all platforms• Build a network of supporters - offline and online.
Emergence of the Digital Journalist• They are working much harder• Also working much smarter• Not taking “canned” stories at face value• Using a wide range of assets to tell a story• Querying the quality and veracity of a source• Expectation of brand communication is significantly different Emergence of the Digital Journalist• They are working much harder• Also working much smarter• Not taking “canned” stories at face value• Using a wide range of assets to tell a story• Querying the quality and veracity of a source• Expectation of brand communication is significantly different
New Media Relations1. Credibility is vital2. Brands that adopt both social and digital will be better placed to win media coverage New Media Relations1. Credibility is vital2. Brands that adopt both social and digital will be better placed to win media coverage
What the media wants• Access to experts• The full range of storytelling assets: – Video – Images – Infographics – Opinion-led content with a clear point of view What the media wants• Access to experts• The full range of storytelling assets: – Video – Images – Infographics – Opinion-led content with a clear point of view
Find an expert in dry skin (Dr. Peter Helton is in Newport Beach)Find an expert in the healing properties of seaweed – UC IrvineDermatology-School of MedicineTrace the Irish roots of this practice - Irish Seaweed Research Group,Ryan InstituteLink the practice to the location – Newport BeachDevelop a story about the benefits of seaweed for health and skincare Find an expert in dry skin (Dr. Peter Helton is in Newport Beach)Find an expert in the healing properties of seaweed – UC IrvineDermatology-School of MedicineTrace the Irish roots of this practice - Irish Seaweed Research Group,Ryan InstituteLink the practice to the location – Newport BeachDevelop a story about the benefits of seaweed for health and skincare
Experts• Create a database of experts within your company/organization and their areas of expertise• Find out what projects they are working on• Figure out how you could leverage that into a news story with visual assets Experts• Create a database of experts within your company/organization and their areas of expertise• Find out what projects they are working on• Figure out how you could leverage that into a news story with visual assets
Collaborate“We believe journalists, scholars andresearchers can -- and should -- be naturalcollaborators.”Stanford University. Collaborate“We believe journalists, scholars andresearchers can -- and should -- be naturalcollaborators.”Stanford University.
Journalists• Reach out with story ideas based on your expert’s knowledge or research• Include other experts• Invite the journalist/s to develop the story with your expert/s Journalists• Reach out with story ideas based on your expert’s knowledge or research• Include other experts• Invite the journalist/s to develop the story with your expert/s
. MultimediaNews organizations areshort on time andresourcesCollaborate on interactivestories that use emergingmultimedia, datavisualization, and mappingtechniques
. IdeasABC News recently did a story on college bingedrinking.Tie in to National Alcohol and Drug addictionrecovery month.A drug rehab and education nonprofit could partnerwith health experts to develop in-depth coverage ofbinge drinking in college and the possibleconnection to addiction.
. Successful PartnershipsLingerie retailer who sells exercise bras partnerswith UK university researcher to develop a storyabout the health risks for women who exercise.
. Successful PartnershipsThe San Francisco Estuary Institutes AquaticScience Center and Stanford teamed up withKQEDs science and environment programQUEST to address one of the most complex andcontentious stories in California: the fate of theSacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the states mostvital water source.
. • The interactive feature, “Envisioning Californias Delta As It Was,” launched on KQEDs website in May 2012.• More than 20 pages of interactive maps, charts and archival imagery• Historical clues that researchers used to envision what the Delta was like before the Gold Rush• The creation of rich farmlands, and the aqueducts that carry water to farmlands and cities hundreds of miles away.
. Takeaways• Use your newsroom to highlight your experts• Find stories the media might be interested in• Post these story ideas in your newsroom• Develop resources to tell the story with multimedia assets• If you don’t have these resources in-house find an outsourced partner• Post the digital assets in your newsroom• Work with the journalists and researchers to expand and develop the story
. Questions?sally@press-feed.comDemo request?www.press-feed.com@PRESSfeed