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AGENDA. Adoption de l'ordre du jour (Adoption of the Agenda)Adoption des minutes de la derni
1. Assemblée Générale ExtraordinaireSamedi 14 Juin 2008
8. Report on actions
Members: Neil Lawrence, Emmanuel d’Haluin,
Francis Cappe, François Romanet
13. Background Status :
-Companies have contributed large sums : BNP Paribas, Soc Gen & Eurocopter
-Since then, no further large scale success because of undefined sums sought, lack of tangible benefits proposed, necessity for most companies to go back to their HQ for approval for what is seen as a donation with little/no benefit
multiple approaches to the same Companies by us during the course of each single year.
Actions :
We have created a coordinated approach that:
-is once per year for all Companies
has a positive proposition offering net tangible benefits
can be approved locally
Linked to projects
The brochure is prepared and mail list designated and action now beginning…
14. 1. (Nutritional) A new kitchen for the canteen : $140,0002. (Health) New outdoor sports courts : $250,0003. (Scientific) A new secondary science lab : $100,0004. (Events) Upgrade of the School Hall: $150,0005. (Artistic) Musical, lighting and Sound equipment : $75,0006. (Culture) Improvement of Library facilities: $75,0007. (Sustainable) Full landscape design with eco garden: $200,0008. (School environment) Building and playground works: $350,000 9. (Numeracy) Upgrading of IT system & hardware: $175,000
Sustainable Development & Canteen
Members : Kate Guilfoyle, Emmanuel d’Haluin
16. Sustainability Committee Objectives:
To improve the environmental footprint of the school
To educate the students in sustainable living
To make the school grounds a source of sustaining biodiversity
Actions 07/08:
Environmental Audit of the school in June 08 (120 students)
Resource & Power and Energy usage: sourcing the use of products
Presentation by the students to the other participants,
Debriefing on return to school in the new school year.
Actions 08/09:
Application for sustainable grants with a dedicated long term program included in the pedagogical program
17. Canteen Committee
The school canteen is unique in the Sydney area in the service it provides
Provision of a nutritionally balanced meal to the students
Provision of meal at a time of day that best suits the physical needs of the students
Education in meal etiquette
Actions 08/09:
to maintain the best quality
to provide for the students: Lectures on nutrition, Cooking classes
Meeting between parents & nutritionist
Parents days at the canteen
Brainstorming for mandatory canteen
PLAN 2008
Members : Kate Guilfoyle, Neil Lawrence, Emmanuel d’Haluin, E
19. Background Self-contained Kindy area with own playground
Extension of tabled area outside canteen
Awnings in Kindy and PS
Security (outside) : Lollypop man and crossing, Programme of traffic awareness with parents, staff, children, neighbours and police & redefinition of pedestrian access for PS
Extra surveillant coming out of Primary area
Basketball hoops replaced and padding in area
Regular maintenance
20. Background
22. ITMembers :Jean Lancelin, Olivier Pingot, Patrick Leroul, Emmanuel d’Haluin, Francis Cappe, François Romanet
23. What has been done? Web site :
New web site to be launched 15/08/2008
Tiptopweb has been selected
Easy access for teachers to insert work & image
New content such as virtual tour, easier access to information, etc
Possibility of “cahier de texte” on line (depending on teachers choice)
Integration of SchoolPro & web site
Teachers training on Word/Excel and web site usage
Administration for SchoolPro
Upgrade of Physics laboratories
Investment: 10 PCs for Administration and IT rooms, ProSchool software, 1 smart board for CP, 2 video projectors, 3 Tvs & music equipment
24. Our plan for 2008-2009 Increase budget to AUD $105 000 (vs AUD $30 000 in 2007-2008)
to launch:
Network architecture (optical fibre,...), Servers infrastructure (Application server,...), Security equipment and procedures
Purchase of PCs for students and teachers
New software for CDI
3 smart boards and TVs for info display
25. IB Members: Kelly Noble, Len Olender, Bernd Fichtner
26. Aim :
To increase the student intake for IB 2008
Increase awareness of the IB within the school and externally
Updated the IB pages with comprehensive and downloadable information on our IB program
IB Information Stand at the Lycee Kermesse March 29th
Created and designed an advertisement for IB at the French School
Print advertising in the Wentworth Courier and Southern Courier April 8/April 22/April 29
Q & A Evening with Mr Greg Valentine, head of IB Asia Pacific
Information Evening on May 6th for prospective students and parents
To Do
Explore other avenues of advertising through ethnic community publications
Highlight IB program on the main Lycee website entry page
27. Results Table 1: student numbers in IB-related classes 2006/7 to 2008/09
The awareness of IB programs at Condorcet steadily increasing
Increase of IB-related students more rapid than that of the other lycée classes
Proportion of IB-related students in Year 10-12 growing fast
28. AnimationManagers : Pierre Garcia & Laurence Crussol (other volunteers)
29. Activities done in 2007-2008 Sub-committee was supervised by Pierre Garcia and 14 volunteers parents
Zita Rohr & some other volunteers in charge of the annual Gala.
Events organised :
Garage sales in July 07 and May 08
Drinks with parents in August 07 & Dec 07
Melbourne Cup in October 07
Children Carnivals : Swimming Carnival in Dec 07 & Athletism in April 08
Fête de Noel 07
Mardi Gras in February 08
School Fete in March 08
Séminaire des Métiers in March 08 (organised by Secondary teachers)
Gala in May 08
Les Olympiades in May 08
Cultural exhibition in La Perouse in June 08
30. Comité des fêtes 2008-2009 The Comité des fêtes will be led by Mrs Flore Armand, president,
Mrs Sandra Charpentier, vice president and 7 other volunteers so far.
The Comité des fêtes will be in charge of all activities for the year and will work in coordination with all directors.
The Comité des fêtes is reporting to the board and therefore will be invited to the board meeting.
Main focus for next year : The school 40th anniversary
31. PRESCHOOL/PRIMARY SUBCOMMITTEE Members: Janine Pearce, Kelly Noble, Pierre Garcia, Katherin Bonatakis, Isabelle Tyrbas
“The Buddy System’Aim: To institute a ‘buddy system’ by linking a CP student who is new to the Grand Section with a CE2 student who can act as a peer or mentor. Starting August 2008, we envision having 1 morning tea meeting between the buddies and 1 other organised activity as a continuation of the buddy relationship.
Learning to Study ProgramAim: Teaching staff have observed that students’ inability to plan and structure their work is primarily due to a lack of independent study skills. An extracurricular program to teach students how to develop these skills would be of great benefit at all levels of Primary School.
Soutien Scolaire/Homework SupportAim: Parents have expressed concern that children who are at Camp Australia or attend other extracurricular afternoon activities have no time to start or complete homework or do so without supervision. An extracurricular program headed by a FSS teacher will help with homework supervision and support.
33. 3. Encouraging better Community RelationsAim: To increase parental involvement in the school, thereby improving school community relations. The following ideas have been proposed (a) organising a morning tea for new parents to be arranged 2-3 weeks after school’s return in August; (b) fundraising activities to encourage parents and students to work together towards a common goal.4. ‘The Buddy System’ ExpansionAim: To institute a ‘buddy system’ throughout the Primary and Secondary Schools in concert with an initiative from Bernd Fichtner.5. Increased After-School ProgramsAim: To increase the diversity and range of after-school programs outside of Camp Australia. Possible activities could include sport and creative arts .6. Anti-Bullying ProgramAim: Institute an anti bullying policy and program in the Primary and Secondary School.
36. 2007-2008 au Lycée Condorcet Effectifs en augmentation constante
Excellents résultats aux différentes évaluations
Création d’une filière internationale à partir de la seconde
Bons placements dans l’enseignement supérieur
Animation culturelle
Vie sociale qui se développe
37. La structure du Lycée Condorcet
38. Les effectifs
39. Le projet d’établissement Assurer la continuité du service public français d’éducation à Sydney
Tirer le meilleur parti de l’insertion du Lycée Condorcet de Sydney dans son contexte australien
Développer la section du Baccalauréat International
Enseigner les langues à haut niveau
Aider les élèves
Bien vivre ensemble au Lycée Condorcet
Participer au développement durable
Développer la vie artistique au Lycée
Enseigner avec les nouvelles technologies
40. Les évaluations Évaluations françaises
Évaluations australiennes
Résultats aux examens
Concours SESAME
Concours de mathématiques de la zone
Cambridge Certificate
41. Les faits marquants de l’année Forum des métiers
Emission de radio
Séminaire du Comité de gestion
Participation au Prix Azimut
Prix de mathématiques régional
Conférences de M. Lejosne
Garage sales
42. Les visiteurs Nancy Huston
Olivier Wieviorka
Habib Dembele et Pitcho Womba Komba, les acteurs de Peter Brook
Le sénateur Yung
Mme Gagnon Tremblay
Philippe Claudel
Bob Carr
43. Orientations post-bac Nos élèves sont admis de droit dans les universités françaises avec le baccalauréat français
Admissions en Australie, au Canada, aux Etats-Unis, en Grande-Bretagne
Admissions en classes préparatoires
Louis le Grand, Ecole Centrale
44. Perspectives Croissance des effectifs
Accueil d’un nouveau directeur primaire
Accueil des nouveaux parents le jour de la rentrée
Un nouveau site internet à la rentrée
Création d’un groupe de réflexion : un « Salon »
Collaboration avec Pinchgut Opera
46. Report from the treasurer General Assembly June 2008 Expected/budget 2007-08
Budget 2008-09
47. Due to confidential information in this report, only members of the school can have access to the finance report. Any member of the school can get a copy of the final report presented during the meeting upon request to the treasurer of the school.