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Understanding Operating Systems. 2. How Does Processor Manager Allocate CPU(s) to Jobs?. Process Manager performs job scheduling, process scheduling and interrupt management.In single-user systems, processor is busy only when user is executing a job
1. Chapter Four : Processor Management Introduction
Job Scheduling Versus Process Scheduling
Process Scheduler
Process Identification
Process Status
Process State
Process Scheduling Policies
Process Scheduling Algorithms
Cache Memory
Interrupts Job Scheduling
Process Scheduling
Interrupt Management
2. Understanding Operating Systems 2 How Does Processor Manager Allocate CPU(s) to Jobs? Process Manager performs job scheduling, process scheduling and interrupt management.
In single-user systems, processor is busy only when user is executing a jobat all other times it is idle.
Processor management is simple.
In multiprogramming environment, processor must be allocated to each job in a fair and efficient manner.
Requires scheduling policy and a scheduling algorithm.
3. Understanding Operating Systems 3 Some Important Terms Program inactive unit, such as a file stored on a disk.
To an operating system, a program or job is a unit of work that has been submitted by user.
Job is usually associated with batch systems.
Process (task) active entity, which requires a set of resources, including a processor and special registers to perform its function.
A single instance of an executable program.
4. Understanding Operating Systems 4 Important Terms - 2 Thread of control (thread) a portion of a process that can run independently.
Processor ( CPU, central processing unit) part of machine that performs calculations and executes programs.
Multiprogramming requires that the processor be allocated to each job or to each process for a period of time and deallocated at an appropriate moment.
5. Understanding Operating Systems 5 Job Scheduling vs. Process Scheduling Processor Manager has 2 sub-managers:
Job Scheduler
in charge of job scheduling.
Process Scheduler
in charge of process scheduling.
6. Understanding Operating Systems 6 Job Scheduler High-level scheduler.
Selects jobs from a queue of incoming jobs.
Places them in process queue (batch or interactive), based on each jobs characteristics.
Goal is to put jobs in a sequence that uses all systems resources as fully as possible.
Strives for balanced mix of jobs with large I/O interaction and jobs with lots of computation.
Tries to keep most system components busy most of time.
7. Understanding Operating Systems 7 Process Scheduler Low-level scheduler assigns the CPU to execute processes of those jobs placed on ready queue by Job Scheduler.
After a job has been placed on the READY queue by Job Scheduler, Process Scheduler that takes over.
Determines which jobs will get CPU, when, and for how long.
Decides when processing should be interrupted.
Determines queues job should be moved to during execution.
Recognizes when a job has concluded and should be terminated.
8. 8 CPU Cycles and I/O Cycles To schedule CPU, Process Scheduler uses common trait among most computer programs: they alternate between CPU cycles and I/O cycles.
9. Understanding Operating Systems 9 Poisson Distribution Curve I/O-bound jobs (such as printing a series of documents) have many brief CPU cycles and long I/O cycles.
CPU-bound jobs (such as finding the first 300 prime numbers) have long CPU cycles and shorter I/O cycles.
Total effect of all CPU cycles, from both I/O-bound and CPU-bound jobs, approximates a Poisson distribution curve.
Figure 4.1
10. Understanding Operating Systems 10 Processor Manager : Middle-Level Scheduler In a highly interactive environment theres a third layer
called middle-level scheduler.
Removes active jobs from memory to reduce degree of multiprogramming and allows jobs to be completed faster.
11. Understanding Operating Systems 11 Job and Process Status Job status -- one of the 5 states that a job takes as it moves through the system.
12. 12 Job and Process Status
13. Understanding Operating Systems 13 Transition Among Process States HOLD to READY : Job Scheduler using a predefined policy.
READY to RUNNING : Process Scheduler using some predefined algorithm
RUNNING back to READY : Process Scheduler according to some predefined time limit or other criterion.
RUNNING to WAITING : Process Scheduler and is initiated by an instruction in the job.
WAITING to READY : Process Scheduler and is initiated by signal from I/O device manager that I/O request has been satisfied and job can continue.
RUNNING to FINISHED : Process Scheduler or Job Scheduler.
14. Understanding Operating Systems 14 Process Control Block (PCB) Process Control Block (PCB) -- data structure that contains basic info about the job
Process identification
Process state (process status word, register contents, main memory info, resources, process priority)
Accounting (CPU time, total amount of time, I/O operations, number input records read, etc.)
15. Understanding Operating Systems 15 PCBs and Queuing PCB of job created when Job Scheduler accepts it
updated as job goes from beginning to termination.
Queues use PCBs to track jobs.
PCBs, not jobs, are linked to form queues.
E.g., PCBs for every ready job are linked on READY queue; all PCBs for jobs just entering system are linked on HOLD queue.
Queues must be managed by process scheduling policies and algorithms.
16. Understanding Operating Systems 16 Process Scheduling Policies Before operating system can schedule all jobs in a multiprogramming environment, it must resolve three limitations of system:
finite number of resources (such as disk drives, printers, and tape drives)
some resources cant be shared once theyre allocated (such as printers)
some resources require operator intervention (such as tape drives).
17. 17 A Good Scheduling Policy Maximize throughput by running as many jobs as possible in a given amount of time.
Maximize CPU efficiency by keeping CPU busy 100 % of time.
Ensure fairness for all jobs by giving everyone an equal amount of CPU and I/O time.
Minimize response time by quickly turning around interactive requests.
Minimize turnaround time by moving entire jobs in/out of system quickly.
Minimize waiting time by moving jobs out of READY queue as quickly as possible.
18. Understanding Operating Systems 18 Interrupts There are instances when a job claims CPU for a very long time before issuing an I/O request.
builds up READY queue & empties I/O queues.
Creates an unacceptable imbalance in the system.
Process Scheduler uses a timing mechanism to periodically interrupts running processes when a predetermined slice of time has expired.
suspends all activity on the currently running job and reschedules it into the READY queue.
19. Understanding Operating Systems 19 Preemptive & Non-preemptive Scheduling Policies Preemptive scheduling policy interrupts processing of a job and transfers the CPU to another job.
Non-preemptive scheduling policy functions without external interrupts.
Once a job captures processor and begins execution, it remains in RUNNING state uninterrupted.
Until it issues an I/O request (natural wait) or until it is finished (exception for infinite loops).
20. Understanding Operating Systems 20 Process Scheduling Algorithms First Come First Served (FCFS)
Shortest Job Next (SJN)
Priority Scheduling
Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)
Round Robin
Multiple Level Queues
21. Understanding Operating Systems 21 First Come First Served (FCFS) Non-preemptive.
Handles jobs according to their arrival time -- the earlier they arrive, the sooner theyre served.
Simple algorithm to implement -- uses a FIFO queue.
Good for batch systems; not so good for interactive ones.
Turnaround time is unpredictable.
22. Understanding Operating Systems 22 FCFS Example Process CPU Burst (Turnaround Time)
A 15 milliseconds
B 2 milliseconds
C 1 millisecond
If they arrive in order of A, B, and C.
What does the time line look like?
Whats the average turnaround time?
23. Understanding Operating Systems 23 Shortest Job Next (SJN) Non-preemptive.
Handles jobs based on length of their CPU cycle time.
Use lengths to schedule process with shortest time.
Optimal gives minimum average waiting time for a given set of processes.
optimal only when all of jobs are available at same time and the CPU estimates are available and accurate.
Doesnt work in interactive systems because users dont estimate in advance CPU time required to run their jobs.
24. Understanding Operating Systems 24 Priority Scheduling Non-preemptive.
Gives preferential treatment to important jobs.
Programs with highest priority are processed first.
Arent interrupted until CPU cycles are completed or a natural wait occurs.
If 2+ jobs with equal priority are in READY queue, processor is allocated to one that arrived first (first come first served within priority).
Many different methods of assigning priorities by system administrator or by Processor Manager.
25. Understanding Operating Systems 25 Shortest Remaining Time (SRT) Preemptive version of the SJN algorithm.
Processor allocated to job closest to completion.
This job can be preempted if a newer job in READY queue has a time to completion that's shorter.
Cant be implemented in interactive system -- requires advance knowledge of CPU time required to finish each job.
SRT involves more overhead than SJN.
OS monitors CPU time for all jobs in READY queue and performs context switching.
26. Understanding Operating Systems 26 Context Switching Is Required by All Preemptive Algorithms When Job A is preempted
All of its processing information must be saved in its PCB for later (when Job As execution is continued).
Contents of Job Bs PCB are loaded into appropriate registers so it can start running again (context switch).
Later when Job A is once again assigned to processor another context switch is performed.
Info from preempted job is stored in its PCB.
Contents of Job As PCB are loaded into appropriate registers.
27. Understanding Operating Systems 27 Round Robin Preemptive.
Used extensively in interactive systems because its easy to implement.
Isnt based on job characteristics but on a predetermined slice of time thats given to each job.
Ensures CPU is equally shared among all active processes and isnt monopolized by any one job.
Time slice is called a time quantum
size crucial to system performance (100 ms to 1-2 secs)
28. Understanding Operating Systems 28 If Jobs CPU Cycle < Time Quantum If jobs last CPU cycle & job is finished, then all resources allocated to it are released & completed job is returned to user.
If CPU cycle was interrupted by I/O request, then info about the job is saved in its PCB & it is linked at end of the appropriate I/O queue.
Later, when I/O request has been satisfied, it is returned to end of READY queue to await allocation of CPU.
29. Understanding Operating Systems 29 Time Slices Should Be ... Long enough to allow 80 % of CPU cycles to run to completion.
At least 100 times longer than time required to perform one context switch.
Flexible -- depends on the system.
30. Understanding Operating Systems 30 Multiple Level Queues Not a separate scheduling algorithm.
Works in conjunction with several other schemes where jobs can be grouped according to a common characteristic.
Priority-based system with different queues for each priority level.
Put all CPU-bound jobs in 1 queue and all I/O-bound jobs in another. Alternately select jobs from each queue to keep system balanced.
Put batch jobs background queue & interactive jobs in a foreground queue; treat foreground queue more favorably than background queue.
31. Understanding Operating Systems 31 Policies To Service Multi-level Queues No movement between queues.
Move jobs from queue to queue.
Move jobs from queue to queue and increasing time quantums for lower queues.
Give special treatment to jobs that have been in system for a long time (aging).
32. 32 Cache Memory Cache memory -- quickly accessible memory thats designed to alleviate speed differences between a very fast CPU and slower main memory.
Stores copy of frequently used data in an easily accessible memory area instead of main memory.
33. Understanding Operating Systems 33 Types of Interrupts Page interrupts to accommodate job requests.
Time quantum expiration.
I/O interrupts when issue READ or WRITE command.
Internal interrupts (synchronous interrupts) result from arithmetic operation or job instruction currently being processed.
Illegal arithmetic operations (e.g., divide by 0).
Illegal job instructions (e.g., attempts to access protected storage locations).
34. Understanding Operating Systems 34 Interrupt Handler Describe & store type of interrupt (passed to user as error message).
Save state of interrupted process (value of program counter, mode specification, and contents of all registers).
Process the interrupt
Send error message & state of interrupted process to user.
Halt program execution
Release any resources allocated to job are released
Job exits the system.
Processor resumes normal operation.
35. Understanding Operating Systems 35 Key Terms aging
cache memory
context switching
first come first served
high-level scheduler
indefinite postponement
internal interrupts
interrupt handler
Job Scheduler
job status
low-level scheduler
middle-level scheduler
multiple level queues
non-preemptive scheduling policy
36. Understanding Operating Systems 36 Key Terms - 2 preemptive scheduling policy
priority scheduling
Process Control Block
Process Scheduler
process scheduling algorithm
process scheduling policy process status
response time
round robin
shortest job next (SJN)
shortest remaining time
synchronous interrupts
time quantum
time slice
turnaround time