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KATILINGBANONG PAMAHANDI SA MINDANAW FOUNDATION INC. COMMUNITY WEALTH CREATION INITIATIVES IN MINDANAW. The Social Enterprise Institution of Balay Mindanaw Group . KPMFI… . relatively newcomer in the field of social enterprise
KPMFI… • relatively newcomer in the field of social enterprise • registered with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) last Oct. 17, 2006 • It is an institution that has been conceptualized by the leadership of Balay Mindanaw Foundation, Inc. (www.balaymindanaw.org) after seeing the need for an institution that will focus on social enterprises • It is also a logical evolution of its area based development work for the last 11 years.
Rationale • Integral part of our SIAD work as realized when we implemented the SIAD Program • Putting value from the existing initiatives (SIAD – COCOBREAD) • Taking –off from the strength of the livelihood projects of the partner communities in the last five years (production, processing and marketing) • How to ensure that “small victories and gains” achieved by the partner PO’s and partner barangay and local government units will be protected and enhanced to grow stronger as the vehicle towards development and become a foundation for building sustainable peace in the partner communities
Vision (Internal) • A Social Enterprise NGO with big dreams for its partner communities under the BM Group of NGOs, with professionalism at par with national and global standards, and a local NGO with a passion to revolutionize production technologies and contributing to market reforms thus making it accessible to the poor…
Mission : • Helping Build Community Sustainable Enterprises • Helping Build Opportunities for Wealth Creation for Local Entrepreneurs • Helping Build Vibrant Local Economies • Helping Build Foundation of Sustainable Peace • Helping Build Sustainable Business Models for Social Enterprises
Goals and Objectives(in 10yrs): • Establish at least 10 farm based and off-farm sustainable and viable community enterprises • Develop at least 1500 community based entrepreneurs • Establish direct joint venture investments with at least 10 business corporations, with LGU’s (province, municipalities/cities and barangays) and with enterprising NGO’s and PO’s and other civil society groups.
Strategies and Programs(SE Promotion or Scaling-up) • Community-Based Work (Participatory Local Governance, Access to Justice and Peace Building) • Capacity Building program for partner PO’s and LGU’s on sustainable enterprises • Joint venture partnerships with business corporations, enterprising NGO’s/PO’s, Local Government Units (province, municipality/city and barangays) • Business Development Servicing • Market Development and Linkages (both for mainstream and niche markets) • Capital Sourcing from Government, Donors and Business Corporations
KPMFI’s CORE BUSINESS Helping Transform Agri-Based Poor Households to become Entrepreneurs
Context… Rural Household Usual Situation in terms of Income and Expenses
Rural Household Usual Situation in terms of Income and Expenses Result: Poverty Low Income Low Production Limited Capacity to Produce Diminishing Capital
Immediate Challenge… 1. Increase Farmer’s Income Daily – Weekly – Monthly – Quarterly – Semestral • Good Social Enterprise Triple Bottom Lines: a. Raise the Quality of Life of the Poor (Doing Good) b. Generate Social Enterprise Income (Doing Well) c. Address Social Issues (Doing Right)
Rural Enterprises thru Crop-Livestock-Aqua Integration-Intensification Model (RECLAIIM)
TRANSFORMATION PROCESS OVERVIEW Basic Value Chain Production Input Supplier Value Chain Actors Farmer Supplier/ Transporters Processors Whole-salers Local Market Retailers Exporters External Market Retailers Intra-chain/Inter-actor support, coordination, facilitation and consolidation and Supply Chain Management KPMFI core interven-tion and Programs Processing Community Development Work Business Devt. Services Market Development Multiplier Farm (Research and Development) Marketing Value Chain Supporters Franchising Development MFI/BANKS BUSINESS CORPORATION GOVT. Donors NGOS
ManokMindanaw Backyard Poultry Production Project 2006 • Context: • Provide additional Household income • Maximizing productive local resource (land, labor, water and indigenous materials) • Revolutionize the poultry industry through backyard poultry project (breaking tradition)
Current Trend and System of Broiler Industry in the Philippines : Commercial Contract Grower (Conventional) Distribution Fresh, Frozen and Processed Product Supplier 1 Supplier 2 Marketing Supplier 3 Integrator -Magnolia, Bounty, GAMA, ACI Feed Mill Food Processing Dressing Plant • Inputs • DOC • Feeds • Vaccines, Medicines • Technical Contract Agreement : ALW = 1.4 HR = 95% FCR = 1.85 GF = Pph 8.00/bird Output 30-35 day old chicken • Large Contract Growers • 120,000 birds/Grower • Flockman : 1 Supervisor • (25% Labor and 75% Owner)
Revolutionizing the Broiler Industry in the Philippines : Commercial Contract Grower to Backyard Contract Grower Household BACKYARD MODEL Distribution Fresh, Frozen and Processed Product Suppliers Feed Mill Integrator ACI/Sr. Pedro LM Marketing • Inputs • DOC • Feeds • Vaccines, Medicines • Technical KPMFI’s Fee = 2/kl Food Processing Dressing Plant KPMFI FACILITATOR, ORGANIZER AND CONSOLIDATOR Output 30-35 day old chicken Contract Agreement : ALW = 1.4 HR = 95% FCR = 1.85 GF = Pph 8.00/bird Management Fee = 3% of total INPUT Cost (Pph 1.40/kl) Backyard Contract Growers 120,000 birds @ 600 birds/Grower 200 Households 100% GF goes to the Household
Revolutionizing the Broiler Industry in the Philippines : Commercial Contract Grower to Backyard Contract Grower KPMFI INTERMIDIARY, FACILITATOR, ORGANIZER AND CONSOLIDATOR Recruitment, Orientation and COing Contract Agreement : ALW = 1.4 HR = 95% FCR = 1.85 GF = Pph 8.00/bird Initial Investment of 3 M Technical Training on Broiler Mngmt. Setup of Admin and Finance Technical Monitoring KPMFI’s Fee = 2.00/kl Warehousing Technical Persons Delivery and Distribution Warehouse and Logistics Management Fee = 3% of total INPUT Cost (Pph 1.40/kl) Sampling and Harvesting Trucks (1 chickvan and 2 harvester with crates) Billing and Payment Growers Assessment and Programming 700 Households engage into Contract Growing
AS of May 2008 Finance ?
Project Process Overview Construction of Poultry House and Purchase of basic facilities and equipment Site Inspection of the Proposed BBPP Approval and Signing of MOA – Memorandum of Agreement Basic Orientation on BBPP (1 day) Billing to ACI and Grower Inspection of poultry house and equipment and approval Payment and Collection of Payment from ACI Harvesting and delivery to Dressing Plant (35th day) Payment to Growers (15 days after harvest) Technical Training on Broiler Management and Scheduling Growers’ Evaluation and Scheduling for Next Cycle Sampling for Harvesting Final Preparation of Housing and Brooding Area. Delivery of Initial INPUTs (feeds and medicine) Monitoring on Growing Stage Next Production Cycle (21 days after harvest) Delivery of Feeds Placement of Day Old Chick (DOC) Delivery and Administration of Vaccines Brooding Period (14 days)
Pre-production Stage Production Stage Post-production Stage Basic Orientation on BBPP (1 day) Placement of Day Old Chick (DOC) Billing to ACI and Grower Site Inspection of the Proposed BBPP Brooding Period (14 days) Payment and Collection of Payment from ACI Approval and Signing of MOA – Memorandum of Agreement Delivery and Administration of Vaccines Payment to Growers (15 days after harvest) Construction of Poultry House and Purchase of basic facilities and equipment Delivery of Feeds Growers’ Evaluation and Scheduling for Next Cycle Inspection of poultry house and equipment and approval Monitoring on Growing Stage Final Preparation of Housing and Brooding Area Delivery of Initial INPUTs (feeds and medicine) Sampling for Harvesting Next Production Cycle (21 days after harvest) Harvesting and delivery to Dressing Plant (35th day) Technical Training on Broiler Management and Scheduling
Backyard Broiler Production Project Flow BACKYARD GROWERS ANACIANO, INC. (INTEGRATOR) KPMFI (INTERMEDIARY) Stakeholders Production (30-35 days of broiler raising) Logistics (Delivery and Distribution) Supply of INPUTS and Technical Services Logistics (Harvest, Consolidation and Hauling to Dressing Plant) Processing Produced Chicken Billing and payment Billing and payment Billing and payment Offsetting of Inputs Purchases and Sales of Stocks with Hauling Cost Offsetting of Purchases of Stocks and Sales of INPUTS and Hauling Cost
BACKYARD GROWERS ANACIANO, INC. (INTEGRATOR) KPMFI (INTERMEDIARY) Production Supply of INPUTS and Technical Services Logistics (Delivery and Distribution) Production (30-35 days of broiler raising) Logistics (Harvest, Consolidation and Hauling to Dressing Plant) Processing (Dressing Plant) Produced Live Chicken Marketing ManokMindanaw The Healthy Chicken Premium Size (50% ) Out Size (US/OS (30%) Premium Size (20%) Sr. Pedro LitsonManok
Target Costumer Target Area Dressing Plant CDO, Iligan, Ozamis,Zamboanga, Gignoog, Butuan, Surigao, Davao, Bukidnon... Domestic Packaging Bulk Dealer Distribution Retailer Individual Pack Cebu, Bohol, Dumaguete, Iloilo, Bacolod Hotel/Res Promotion Out Size (US/OS ) 3,000 kls. Supermarkets Merchandising NCR ? Premium Size (2,000 kls) Sales/Collection Export Importer Malaysia, Brunie, Singapore…