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Outline of the talk. Overview of structural aberrationsUsing genotyping array for CNV studyExamples of disease mappingPractical issues. terminology. Copy number variation ( germline, inherited)= inherited: also present in parents' genome = de novo: absent in parents' genomeCopy number alteration (somatic, e.g. in cancer cells)Copy number polymorphism (relatively common CNV, with a fixed starting/ending position).
1. Copy Number Variations: a new type of genetic marker in whole-genome association studies Wentian Li, Ph.D
Center for Genomics and Human Genetics
Feinstein Institute for Medical Research
North Shore LIJ Health System
Oct 31, 2008
Consumer Genomics Workshop
Center for Genetic Medicine
Northwestern University
3. terminology Copy number variation ( germline, inherited)
= inherited: also present in parents’ genome
= de novo: absent in parents’ genome
Copy number alteration (somatic, e.g. in cancer cells)
Copy number polymorphism (relatively common CNV, with a fixed starting/ending position)
4. Overview of structural aberration
Different length scales
2. Using genotyping array for CNV study
3. Examples of disease mapping
4. Practical issues
5. length scales of aberrations/variations/polymorphisms
6. “structural aberration” (1) whole genome duplication Polyploidy is common in plants (Rare in animals)
Survival rate after WGD may be very low. Major genomic instability would follow including massive gene losses
In vertebrates, WGD is thought to occur twice around 500 million years ago (2R hypothesis)
7. Structural variation (2)gain or loss of certain chromosomes Aneuploidy: monosomy[1], trisomy[3], tetrasomy[4]
either fatal (spontaneous abortion) or responsible for abnormal phenotypes
Chromosome-specific aneuploidy rate? less number of chiasmata -- shorter chromosomes: ch21,ch22
Down syndrome: trisomy 21
9. Structural aberration (3):microscopically-visible aberrations Breaks
Double-breaks (inversion, translocation)
Deletions (4p, 5p, 9p, 11p/11q, 13q, 18p/18q). deletion syndromes
Duplications (inverted 15p). Iso-chromosomes are inverted duplications of the whole arm.
“balanced” vs. “unbalanced” (deletion/loss, duplication/gain)
10. translocation between ch7 and ch13: “balanced”
11. extra copy on ch16, extra two copies on ch6: “unbalanced”
12. Chromosome CGH: comparative genome hybridization (Pinkel 1992) advantages:
No need to prepare chromosomes, only DNA
Simple color scheme: e.g.,duplications show up as red, deletions as green, normal as yellow disadvantages:
Need sophisticated microscopic/image analysis
Long time (~days) in hybridization
Time-consuming analysis of the result
13. Structural aberration (4): from microscopic to submicroscopic, from chromosome CGH to array CGH (Pinkel/Albertson 2001)
14. ROMA: representational oligo-nucleotide microarray analysis (Lucito/Wigler 2003)
15. Overview of structural aberration
Using genotyping array for CNV study
R-ratio and theta series
Cumulative plots
Hidden Markov model
3. Examples of disease mapping
4. Practical issues
17. The basic idea behind CNV detection using genotyping array
18. Hemizygous deletion (CN=1)
19. Homozygous deletion (CN=0)
20. Duplication (CN=3)
21. Delineate CNV regions Eyeballing the theta and R-ratio plots (for large CNV regions)
Cumulative plots
Hidden Markov model
22. CNA in cancer cell: chronic lymphocytic leukemia (black: normal, blue: cancer cell) [ch13]
23. cumulative plot, detrended cp
24. Combining two cumulative plots into one – for hemizygous deletion
25. … for homozygous deletion
26. CLL, ch6
27. Hidden Markov models
28. Some HMM-based CNV detection programs QuantiCNV www.well.ox.ac.uk/QuantiSNP/
PennCNV www.neurogenome.org/cnv/penncnv/
dChip biosun1.harvard.edu/complab/dchip/copy.htm
29. advantages and points-to-consider (HMM) Using information from R-ratio and theta series simultaneously
Standard algorithm Using the same set of parameter throughout the sequence implies that heterogeneity is not allowed
The fixed parameter implies a characteristic length for CNV regions
30. Overview of structural aberration
Using genotyping array for CNV study
Examples of disease mapping
Crohn’s disease
4. Practical issues
32. Example(1): Autism Brain development disorder
Age of diagnosis: 3
Impairment in social interaction, in communication, restricted interests, repetitive behavior
“autism spectrum disorder”: Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified
Concordance rate in MZ twin: 70%/90%, in DZ twin: 5%/10%
33. Sebat et al. Science (Apr 20, 2007)
34. Example (1): More details Roughly 200 patients and 200 controls (patients either have, or do not have, affected siblings)
ROMA technology is used: resolution is 35kb
14 CNVs detected in 195 ASD, 2 CNVs in 196 controls (statistically significant)
Out of 14 CNVs, 12 in sporadic cases, 2 in multiplex families
12 out of 15 CNVs in cases are deletions, the 2 CNVs controls are duplications
36. Example(2): Schizophrenia Mental disorder
Auditory hallucinations, paranoid delusions, disorganized speech and thinking.
Age of onset: early adulthood
Concordance rate for MZ twins: 48%, for DZ twins: 4%
38. ISC paper: more details ~3000 cases and ~3000 controls
Affymetrix Human SNP 5.0 and 6.0 array
6751 (>100kb) CNVs are detected. 1.14 CNV per person in cases, 0.99 in controls
Various attempts to increase the odd-ratio (gene load, single CNV, larger-sized CNV), but more or less the same
Confirming a known risk deletion on ch22q11: 13 in cases, none in controls
Other 271 (>500kb) deletions (161 in cases,110 in controls). 15q13 (new). 1q21.
40. deCODE paper: more details 1433 cases, 33250 controls, followed by 3285 cases, 7951 controls
Illumina HumanHap300, 550, Affymetrix GenomeWide 6.0
Only search for de novo CNV (in 9878 parent-child transmissions): 66 are found
Three deletions: 1q21.1, 15q11.2, 15q13.3
42. Example(3): Crohn’s disease(McCarroll et al. Nat.Genet.2008)
44. Contributions of these new CNV studies Autism: new explanation on why the concordance rate in MZ twins is high: the twins share the same deletion/duplication event.
Schizophrenia: narrowing the 22q11.2 risk deletion region from 17-21Mb to 3Mb
Crohn’s disease: within the associated region/gene, locate the causal mutation
46. Overview of structural variations
Using genotyping array for CNV study
Examples of disease mapping
Practical issues
common CNPs vs. de novo CNVs
47. Common vs. de novo CNV Present in general population with a fixed starting/ending positions
Similar to SNP, especially SNPs with the same frequency
Are they already captured by SNPs?
48. Common CNV
49. Common vs. de novo CNV More deleterious. The evolutionary negative selection makes it more relevant to diseases like autism and schizophrenia.
de novo CNVs should be easier to detect than de novo SNPs (until we have cheaper sequencing technologies)
Similar to cytogenetic studies (either genetic or cancer studies): smaller sample sizes, individually distinct mutations
50. de novo CNV
51. Share similar issues as SNP-based whole-genome association studies ethnic/population stratifications
missing-typing rates differ between case and control groups (usually the hetero-zygotes are most likely to be untyped)
Multiple testings
52. summary CNV as a new detectable source of variation/mutation/polymorphism should not be overlooked
Studies on de novo CNV in autism and schizophrenia represent a new promising strategy
CNV hot spots (e.g. segmental duplication regions)
Relevance of common CNVs to common diseases is to be examined
53. Source materials Feuk et al (2006), “Structural variations in the human genome”, Nat. Rev. Genet.7:85-97.
URL: www.nslij-genetics.org/duplication/ (600 papers)
Peiffer, Gunderson (2006), “SNP-CGH technologies for genomic profiling of LOH and copy number”, Clinical Laboratory International (May06).
Li, Lee, Gregersen (2009), “Copy-number-variation and copy-number-alteration region detection by cumulative plots”, BMC Bioinf, to appear.
Sebat et al (2007), “Strong association of de novo copy number mutations with autism”, Science, 317:445-449.
Stefansson et al. (2008), “Large recurrent microdeletions associated with schizophrenia”, Nature, 455:232-236.
Int. Schizophrenia Consortium (2008),”Rare chromosomal deletions and duplications increase risk of Schizophrenia”, Nature, 455:237-241.
McCarroll et al. (2008), “Deletion polymorphism upstream of IRGM associated with altered IRGM expression and Crohn's disease”, Nature Genet. 40:1107-1112.
McCarroll (2008), “Extending genome-wide association studies to copy-number variation”, Hum. Mol. Genet. 17:R135-R142
URL: www.nslij-genetics.org/cnv/ (300 papers)