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StatCapCA-Project: Improving the measurement of Non-Observed Economy. Tiina Luige UNECE Statistical Division. Meeting of the PWG on statistics: 14-15 June 2007, Geneva. Activities undertaken: 1. Workshop. 1 st Workshop organised on 25-27 April 2007 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
StatCapCA-Project: Improving the measurement of Non-Observed Economy Tiina Luige UNECE Statistical Division Meeting of the PWG on statistics: 14-15 June 2007, Geneva
Activities undertaken: 1. Workshop • 1st Workshop organised on 25-27 April 2007 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan • Topics considered: sources and methods used in measuring NOE, country experiences, specific problems in measuring NOE in agriculture, construction, services, trade • All documents available on: http://www.unece.org/stats/documents/2007.04.noe.htm
1. Workshop – cont. • A special topic: NOE and update of the System of National Accounts: treatment of informal sector, illegal activities, challenges in the implementation of the SNA 93 update • SNA update Project Manager Carol Carson participating • Feedback for the implementation strategy of the SNA 93 update
Planned activities • 2 country visits (autumn 2007/1st half of 2008) • to discuss the NOE measurement in a specific country, possibly to do a small internal seminar on NOE • possible countries Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan • 2nd Workshop (April 2008, back-to-back with the UNECE Work Session on National Accounts in Geneva) on measurement of • non-observed activities in services • illegal activities • owner-occupied housing
Further needs for technical assistance in the area of National Accounts General comments: • Materials needed in Russian, especially concrete and practical country examples on a detailed level • A permanent forum for exchange of experience (in Russian), an Internet discussion group? • Regional seminars very important because of the common understanding in terms of language and of terms and methodologies used
Subject areas for tech. assistance Other topics of interest in addition to NOE: • Capital services; • National wealth; • Multi-factor productivity • Measuring services • Globalisation • Income of population • Employment