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Using Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) profiles for an healthcare DataGrid Based on AliEn. Massimiliano Masi Universita’ degli studi di Firenze Tiani “Spirit” GmbH, Vienna. Marco Meoni CERN / Geneva, Switzerland EPFL / Lausanne, Switzerland. IHE Profiles . EHR definition
Using Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) profiles for an healthcare DataGrid Based on AliEn Massimiliano Masi Universita’ degli studi di Firenze Tiani “Spirit” GmbH, Vienna Marco Meoni CERN / Geneva, Switzerland EPFL / Lausanne, Switzerland
IHE Profiles • EHR definition • Proposed by Industries and Universities • Divided in domains and profiles • IHE Uses mature standards (HL7, Dicom, OASIS, W3C) • Profiles needs use cases • Pilot projects exists in Austria • Connect-a-thons used for testing software
Cross Enterprise Profiles • Cross Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS) • Cross Community Access (XCA) • Cross Enterprise User Assertion (XUA) • Patient Identifier Cross Referencing (PIX)
Cross Enterprise Scenario XDS: registry / repository model (ebXML). Defines Affinity Domains, organization that shares one registry. XDS Source (e.g. doctor’s workstation) submits documents to the registry. Document consumer (e.g. portal, doctor’s workstation) retrieves documents from the repository XCA: definition of gateways (parallel requests) and communities: IHE and not IHE software. Forwards XDS queries to other communities XUA: Uses SAML Assertions with WS-Security, WS-Trust for obtaining security tokens, for authenticating professionals Federation and authorization by using WS-Federation and XACML
Cross Enterprise Scenario Patient Identity Identity Provider Document Registry Document Consumer Document Source Document Repository Initiating Gateway Other Community Other Community
AliEn (ALICE Environment) • Lightweight GRID framework developed by the Alice Collaboration • Will collect data at at a rate of 5 PB per year (10 10 files/y) • The backbone is a distributed file catalogue, which associates LFN to PFN • Provide transparent access, file replication and transport under the control of FT Broker • Maintains information about every job running in the system • Jobs are distributed by the Resource Broker implemented using a pull model • File Transport Resource Broker use the same model
DB CE New Job Submitted Server CM CE Optimizer Broker CM CE OTHER VIRTUAL ORGANISATIONS OR GRID IMPLEMENTAIONS … CM CE LSF,PBS,CONDOR,… AliEn Computing Model • A central server keeps track of all the jobs to be executed in the system • An Optimizer checks the jobs waiting to be executed • Each site has at least one Cluster Monitor (CM) • Asks the Broker for jobs to execute • Takes into account site characteristics • Send jobs to the CE that interacts with local batch queues • Register the output in the system
user Resource Broker Resource Broker server server user job list AliEn Pull Protocol • One of the major differences between ALiEn and LCG grids is that AliEn RB uses the pull rather than push model • EDG/Globus model: • ALiEn model:
Resource (CE or FTD) Tasks (Jobs or Transfers) Broker Match ? No: Next Yes: Select AliEn Brokers • Job and Transfer Brokers have a list with all the description of the tasks that have to be done • Whenever a resource is free it sends its description to the corresponding Broker • The Broker matches the requirements with the highest priority tasks • If no matches, the resource waits for a while and request a new task
DB SE New Transfer requested Server FTD Optimizer Broker FTD SE Castor, HPSS, HIS, Tape adsm, File Disk … FTD SE AliEn Transfer Model • A database with all the transfers that have to be done is the main component • A server inserts new entries in the database • An optimizer checks the entries and sets the priorities for the transfers • Each site runs a FTD that contacts the Broker every minute and requests transfers • Transfers functioning: • the source FTD brings a copy from the local mass storage system into a scratch directory (not necessary if bbFTP can access the storage directly) • the remote FTD fetches the file and puts it into its own storage • the source FTD deletes the scratch copy of the file
Using AliEn for an Healthcare DataGRID • DataGRID is a solution for huge EHR storage (eg. Governmental environments) • Healthcare related GRID projects exists (such as MammoGRID, GP-CALMA ... ) but they could be used only in GRID environments, no target for storing EHRs • AliEn has been succesfully tested for years in thousands machines
AliEn and IHE • AliEn has APIs for maintaining EHR storage, replicas, authorization, authentication, using SOA architecture • It is easy to integrate with existing IHE software (XDS/XDS.b) since it uses open standards and well-known software • With the XCA profile, an AliEn DataGRID could be used as backend for XDS repository and Affinity Domain • With XUA and WS-Trust proxy / brokered trust, it easy to map users (practitioner) identities over the Grid environment
AliEn DataGRID and affinity domain IdP/STS Initiating GW IdP/STS Receiving GW FTD SE File Catalogue FTD Broker FTD SE SE
Process Flow • A XDS query arrives from another community through the XCA gateway • The XCA gateway acts as proxy, translating the XDS query to a file transfer request that AliEn can understand • The query contains a SAML assertion issued by the initiating community Identity Provider: XCA gateway forwards it to the local Identity Provider that validates it and create a new WS-Trust security token that AliEn is able to understand, with the local identity (may need a pseudonym service) • The XCA Gateway creates a new JDL for the file transfer and it forwards it to the Storage Element server • The file location is a Physical File Name (PFN) from the File Catalogue • The request is queued in the AliEn broker and the AliEn pull model is performed • Now the XCA acts again as proxy: it forwards the document from the SE in a XDS reply to the intiating gateway
Conclusion • Using AliEn as XDS storage system and as XCA community includes all the GRID facilities: • Scalability • Replica management • Easy node management • Accountability • Grid Security Infrastructure • ...
Conclusion • Our architecture could be used as well in conjunction with the others healthcare GRIDs that could also perform demographics queries on the EHR of the patient • Example: a researcher could retrieve in only one query, data from MammoGRID and from hospitals in Austria (if the patient consents matches), using XCA
Submits job (JDL) User ALICE central services Site Registers output Yes No Asks work-load Close SE’s & Software Matchmaking Updates TQ Receives work-load Sends job result Retrieves workload packman Submits job agent Sends job agent to site Job submission in AliEn ALICE Job Catalogue ALICE File Catalogue Optimizer Env OK? Execs agent Die with grace CE WN Computing Agent RB
Job splitting • AliEn can split jobs that require data spread over several sites • Each site computes local data • Output of all the jobs is merged (transparent to user) • Job workflow • Includes chart/description?