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WE @ SEEDWORKS e - Newsle?er 3?? Edi?on April - Dec 2018 For Internal Circula?on Only
Mission Provide superior seed solu?ons by harnessing technology and innova?on to create value for all stakeholders in a sustainable manner Vision Market Leadership in core crops by 2025 Goal Turnover of over Rs. 650 Cr. by FY 23 1
CEO’s Speak Welcome to the third edi?on of our bulle?n “We @ SeedWorks”.This edi?on of We @ SeedWorks will talk about the progress we have made with respect to Project SWIFT, HR Interven?ons, digi?za?on/digitaliza?on journey &the great work happening in other func?ons. As we progressed into Kharif 2018 we experienced headwinds with respect to Shi? in crop acreages in core geographies, Poor distribu?on & ?meliness of rainfall.Fluctua?ng Commodity prices was derailer for Vegetable Business. Let me take the opportunity to thank all of you for the commendable job, in spite o?eadwinds we experienced in the season.We have achieved our highest half yearly revenues ever& came close to the full year revenues of FY'18;@200 Cr, an excellent growth of 27% percent over the same period last year.Our disciplined management of costs helped us register a growth of 24%in EBITDA. Following are the business unit wise results: - 1. India Rice- Budget Achievement of 98%, Revenue growth over same period last year is 20%, Growth lead by Chha?sgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Gujarat & Nepal 2. India Co?on- Budget Achievement of 68%, Revenue growth over same period last year is 24%, Growth driven by North region while South & central had an impact due to erra?c rainfall pa?ern. 3. Philippines Rice- Budget Achievement of 129%, Revenue growth over same period last year is 30% 4. India Vegetables- Budget Achievement of 66%, Major part of the business will be contributed from Quarter III & IV This business performance can be a?ributed to the ini?a?ves enlisted below, Project STAC (Strategy to Ac?on) was company wide ini?a?ve to drive the iden?fied 49 strategic projects. These projects will help us to build sustainable revenues profitability. Project Kaushal- The Learning & Development ini?a?ve which was launched companywide. Our objec?ve behind this project is to bring our employees to speed in Func?onal as well as the so?er management skills. Other interven?ons by HR are in the area of Onboarding (SOW), educa?ng all the employees on the new Performance Management System (SWAYAM) and Rewards & Recogni?on program for catching the people doing good things (SW Ratna). We are making good progress on the Digi?za?on/Digitaliza?on ini?a?ves across func?ons. Our endeavour is to bring a transforma?onal change in this area & make it an integral part of our business strategy. Sales & Marke?ng func?on has designed Signature programs for channel & farmer engagement. Some of which are US AgriStar/ Project Nishta/ Prerak. Project Trinetra (Planning tool at a granular level) is helping us to mine the markets in a structured way. Our investments in R&D as well as in PD are showing encouraging results. Our digitally enabled Product Evalua?on approach this ?me was a transforma?onal step towards trial data capturing. Supply Chain has achieved targeted acreages for Rice & Co?on as per the plan. Co?on Harves?ngs started in early loca?ons and is as st per targets. Rice sowing started from 1 week of November. To conclude, I would like to extend my hear?elt thanks to you for retaining the trust in us through all ?mes&keeping faith in SeedWorks DNA (Collabora?on & Teamwork/ Openness & Transparency/ Data Driven Decisions). We would encourage each one of you to champion safety in your own work area&we are commi?ed to zero tolerance against our corporate values. As we talk, I am ge?ng reminded of a saying from Helen Keller, and would like to close my message with these inspira?onal words… “Alone we can do so li?le; together we can do so much”. 2
Project STAC Project STAC SeedWorks with support from Avalon Consul?ng has successfully completed first phase of Project SWIFT in March'18. This included ar?cula?ng the Mission, Vision and Medium-term Goals of SeedWorks and developing the strategy and business plan to achieve the same. Each phase of the project was full of learnings. We have designed the strategy concisely & are working towards it with full force. As a part of the Project SWIFT, we have iden?fied 8 competencies required at enterprise level. Development centres on these iden?fied competencies were conducted for 55 team members. Training programs were organized subsequently to address the same. As a part of the strategy, several ini?a?ves were iden?fied – some of which were already under implementa?on. SeedWorks with Avalon Consul?ng worked together towards implemen?ng of certain ini?a?ves with varying degree of involvement based on the internal capabili?es and bandwidth. These ini?a?ves will ensure successful realisa?on of our objec?ves.We renamed this phase as Project STAC Ini?a?ves which we have taken on priority are: 1. Se?ng Up a Program Management Office (PMO) PMO was set upto oversee execu?on of various ini?a?ves being driven by SW. We have taken up 49 strategic projects under PMO. Projects are reviewed periodically, 42 projects have been closed so far while 7 are work in process. 2. Value Based Pricing AVALON Team partnered with marke?ng team of field crops and vegetable crops to develop a template for price discovery of our hybrids, Value based pricing as it is called is a powerful tool which will help us to price our products appropriately in market place and will result in a WIN-WIN situa?on for both farmers and SeedWorks. 3. Sourcing Improvements There was a need to streamline the process of procurement of non-seed products whichwill helpreduce the overall cost of procurement. AVALON partnered with finance team members in developing an SOP for sourcing and looking at a targeted saving of 10% over the current sourcing. 4. Salesforce Effec?veness Enhancement Salesforce Effec?veness Enhancement (SFEE) is a process of helping sales team improve theirproduc?vity. We partnered with SS Technologies and conducted 5 training programs covering 102 front line sales team members of VC & FC. We willwork together as a team to make Project STAC a successful journey! Project SWIFT Project SWIFT-Philippines Project SWIFT was extended to Philippines subsidiary and a strategy document was co-created with the help of Carlos & Team to define the road map for the future. The growth strategy is clearly focused on Hybrid Rice and Strategic Vegetables Crops. We have a target of doubling our revenue with 17% market share in Hybrid Rice. The core pillars of growth strategy are: Manage Government Rela?ons Strengthen Trade Channel Generate Brand Pull 3
Vegetable Business Updates SeedWorks at ISF World Seed Congress, Brisbane SeedWorks par?cipated in the Interna?onal Seed Federa?on (ISF) World Seed Congress, held at Brisbane, Australia on 03 – 06 June 2018. ISF World Seed Congress brings together the seed industry professionals to discuss the issues of the global seed industry and promotes the coopera?on among na?onal and regional seed associa?ons/firms globally. From SeedWorks,Mr. Venkatram Vasantavada, CEO, Dr. Balaji Nukal, Advisor and Director on Board of Seedworks and Mr. Ajay Juneja, Business Head (Vegetable crops) a?ended the Congress. Review Preview Mee?ng at Hyderabad Review Preview mee?ng of VC team for Quarter 1 was held on 11 – 13 July 2018 at Hyderabad. The agenda of two - day event hadreview preview of vegetable business along with interac?ve sessions by HR, IT & Finance team. The mee?ng allowed the team to come together, align and work towards the goal of conduc?ng sustainable business. th th Joint Trial Evalua?on held at Nashik Joint Trial Evalua?on was conducted on 2 – 4 September 2018 at Nashik and Sangamner. R&D, Marke?ng, Sales and TD func?ons par?cipated in the evalua?on, aiming at be?er product advancement alignment and right products' iden?fica?on for coming FY. From SLT, Mr. Venkatram Vasantavada, CEO and Mr. Ajay Juneja, Business Head (Vegetable Crops) a?ended the trial evalua?on. Team jointly evaluated Marigold, Cucumber, Bi?er Gourd, Ridge Gourd & Tomato product offerings. nd th Image: VC team during Quarter 1 Review Preview mee?ng held on 11 – 13 July 2018 at our corporate office th Image: VC team during Joint Trial Evalua?on held on 02– 04 September 2018 at Nashik th 4
PAN India Crop Evalua?on Trials Our TD team successfully conducted below crop evalua?on trials PAN India in FY 2018-19: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WaterMelon evalua?on trialat Jhabua on 10 May 2018 Muskmelon evalua?on trial at Anandpur on 19 May 2018 Muskmelon evalua?on trial at Nashik on 25 May 2018 Bi?er Gourd, Bo?le Gourd and Sponge Gourd evalua?on trialat Nashik on 29 May 2018 Tomato and Water Melon evalua?on trial at Pune on 30 May 2018 Tomato and Ridge Gourd evalua?on trial at Kolar on 31 May 2018 th Sweet Corn evalua?on trial at Pune on 30 June 2018 Cucumber and Okra evalua?on trial at Dhar &Khargone respec?vely on 3 August 2018 Sweet Corn evalua?on trial at Ratlam on 17 August 2018 th Sweet Corn evalua?on trial at Sonipat on 9 September 2018 th Chilli evalua?on trialatDhar on 12 September 2018 Marigold & Cauliflower trial evalua?on at Pune & Nashik on 14 – 15 October 2018 Okra & Bo?le Gourd trial evalua?on at Guntur on 23– 24 October 2018 Tomato, Pumpkin & Capsicum trial evalua?on at Bengaluru on 28 October 2018 Sweet Corn, Cauliflower & Tomato trial evalua?on at Pune on 29 October 2018 Cauliflower, Capsicum & Tomato trial evalua?on at Nashik on 30 October 2018 th th th th th st rd th th th th th th Image: Crop Evalua?on Trials 5
VC Produc?on Update We have stabilized produc?on organiza?on to serve the business requirements. We iden?fied key organizer and taken ini?a?ves to build a strong rela?onship, to stabilize produc?on in Karnataka and Maharashtra. This will help us to serve present as well as future requirements. We are glad to share that we received first produc?on lot of the season during October 2018. US Agriseeds : VC Gallery Our field team conducted 750 pluspromo?onal ac?vi?es PAN India in this F.Y. August 2018: Field Day conducted on Okra SW 004 in Punjab August 2018: Field Day conducted on Hot Pepper in Madhya Pradesh SW 404 May 2018: Farmer Mee?ng conducted on Water Melon SW 2204 in West Bengal August 2018: Mandi Campaign conducted on Marigold SW 502 in Karnataka September 2018: Field Day conducted on Okra in Andhra Pradesh SW 005 August 2018: Field Day conducted on Okra SW 002 in Tamil Nadu September 2018: Field Day conducted on Okra in U?ar Pradesh SW 003 August 2018: Dealers' field visit conducted on Okra SW 002 in Gujarat 6
August 2018: Pre-sales farmer mee?ng conducted on Tomato SW 1504 in West Bengal SW 1501 & August 2018: Jeep campaign on Tomato SW 1501 & SW in Jharkhand 1504 October 2018: Field Day on SW 1501 in Chha?sgarh October 2018: Okra campaign in Gujarat SW 002 August 2018: Pre-sales farmer mee?ng conducted on Tomato SW 1501 & SW in U?ar Pradesh 1504 7
SeedWorks@ APSA 2018, Manila SeedWorks Interna?onal Pvt Ltd par?cipated in 25 edi?on of Asian Seed Congress, held at Manila, Philippines., during 12 – 16 November 2018. APSA Congress offers an ideal pla?orm for the seed industry stakeholders to come together, discuss and collaborate on latest trends, updates, developments,opportuni?es and challenges in the sector. Silver Jubilee edi?on of Asian Seed Congresswas hosted jointly by the Asia and Pacific Seed Associa?on (APSA) and the Na?onal Organizing Commi?ee (NOC), Philippines. This annual seed industry event was graced by around 1,300 delegates from more than 50 countries. From SeedWorks,Mr. Venkatram Vasantavada, CEO and Mr. Ajay Juneja, Business head (Vegetable Crops) a?ended the congress. th 8
Field Crop Business Upadate Sales & Marketing Updates Cotton Market Development Seed Industry largely depends on conven?onal means of Market Development ac?vi?es. At SeedWorks we believe in innova?on at every aspect of business hence we have taken unique marke?ng ini?a?ves such as use of anima?on for crea?ng awareness and educa?ng farmers for pink boll worm pest and by digital interven?on through use of Augmented Reality App for Product informa?on. We have also streamlined and revamped our Product Differen?a?on Approach across geographies US 7067- Innova?ve Marke?ng Campaign Unique marke?ng campaign for US 7067; based on specific customers inputs and market research is designed and rolled out in Maharashtra. Project theme is communicated through interes?ng modes of anima?on films and crea?ve inputs (Danglers, Standees). This campaign is appreciated by farmers, trade partners and government official for key message communica?on in simple and effec?ve form. SeedWorks AR app launch at North India • Augmented reality (AR) based appfor accessing details on North India co?on hybrids is rolled out for farmers. • This app will help farmers access mul?media informa?on around Products and SeedWorks 9
New PDA approach • Post Sales planning mee?ng were conducted with regions. In these mee?ng new approach “Lakshya” has been discussed and effec?vely implement across the geography • Involvement of “Prerak” farmers, effec?ve use of demo plots, standard field layout and data capturing in SAFAL app were key elements of this approach. Market Research In order to keep up with the latest market trends and gain a compe??ve edge in the business market research is necessary to analyse and evaluate performances of a company within a market. One such ini?a?ve was taken in North India for iden?fying the user farmers in co?on and follow them for future insights. Farmer tracking project- North India Farmer tracking project in North India ini?ated to iden?fy the user base and develop subsequent programs on this data pool. Coupons with unique 12 digits codes inserted in US 51 Super and US 71 packets. Farmers sent this code from their mobile number; lucky draw event for this program was organized in Bathinda. Customer Loyalty Program Maharashtra co?on distributor meet at Hyderabad • Distributor meet of key 32 distributors from Maharashtra conducted at HICC, Hyderabad on 14 May,2018 • Following the meet next day distributors visited Co?on R&D center, QC lab and Processing plant. This tour-built confidence in trade partners on SeedWorks Quality and Capabili?es. th 10
Rice Market Development New pack roll out New a?rac?ve packs of US 382 and US 305 were launched in April '19. Widley accepted by trade partners and farmers. Project Trinetra With an objec?ve of product fit focused geography approach, a micro level strategy document has been defined basis poten?al markets to increase our presence and market share. Gain, Expand and Retain market share are Trinetras of Rice business. Gain Market Share Retain Market Share Expand Market New PDA approach • “Quality, Not Quan?ty” - Targeted, Focused and Result oriented approach of conduc?ng PDA is in the process of formula?on. It will be supported by Prerak farmers and SAFAL app. • Standard communica?on and PDA layout have been framed. 11
An?-counterfei?ng US Agriseeds Ini?ated a measure to counterfeit the spurious products sold under the brand name of US Agriseeds,through scratch off s?cker pasted on each rice seed packets. Animated video on an?-counterfei?ng and crea?ng awareness about the Genuity of US Agriseeds' products. Market Research • Conducted detailed market research and surveys by offering internship to MBA students. Insigh?ul findings and recommenda?ons were provided. • Outbound Dialling (OBD) for promo?onal calls and SMS in response to delayed rainfall was conducted. • Published pages on our rice hybrids in Krishak Morcha, Krishi Jagran and Fasal Kran? magazines. Customer Loyalty Program US Agriseeds Star Club Launched a new trade loyalty program “US Agri STAR” to be?er connect and reward the performing channel partners. The program has a bonanza of immediate returns as well as long term rewards/benefits of business associa?on with SeedWorks 12
Cutomer Connect Programs PRERAK Prerak is our flagship program that connects “Progressive Farmer” to farmer community. Prerak farmer act as a cri?cal bridge connec?ng customer voice with the company. This program focuses on educa?ng & training the farmers beyond seeds on best of the class agronomy prac?ces as well as crop management techniques. The program aimed at Improving farm yields and income through capacity building of farmers by fellow progressive farmers PRERAK Updates: • Prerak Program launched on April 10, 2018 with a series of mee?ngs from started from 22nd May 2018 in UP to 9th June 2018 in Hubli • Total 18 Prerak Mee?ngs conducted • Total par?cipants: 1010 Prerak Farmers • Through 18 Mee?ngs PAN India we have shared our Mission/Vision/Core values/ & Product informa?on etc. • The Program is very well appreciated by Sales Team, Trade & Prerak Farmers E - SAMVAD For sales force effec?veness through digi?sa?on we rolled out “WhatsApp Campaign” where field teams created WhatsApp group of farmers with an objec?ve to provide customers an easier way to learn more about SeedWorks, our offering, services and solu?ons. Targeted communica?on on Products and USP’s, Tes?monials & Fes?val gree?ngs etc. is being circulated on regular basis E - Samvad Updates: 1182 groups created 175702 farmers added 3034 clips shared 1904 pictures shared 13
Product Development Update Crop Tour Produc?on Evalua?on Trial (PET) crop tours of Co?on and Rice were conducted in the months of September, October and November across the major geographies of India growing Hybrid Co?on and Hybrid Rice. A cross func?onal team from Sales, Marke?ng, Produc?on and Research evaluated the new products in the PET (T-6 stage). Superior entries were shortlisted based on key traits like disease tolerance, Sucking pest tolerance, tolerance to abio?c stress, yield poten?al ,adaptability and crop appeal etc. Rice Co?on Going Digital !! With con?nuous path-breaking advancements in informa?on technology, majority of data in today’s world is stored and captured using digital pla?orms and therefore is a need to migrate to automated methods of data capturing. One such tool for data and scoring of the hybrids in PD Trials is a digital applica?on by the name EFFORT+ which is a cloud based, smart mobile app that is built to maximize produc?vity, the tool makes field staff/sales guys efficient. It enhances the produc?vity by managing all types of field ac?vi?es in one pla?orm. This digital interven?on has transformed the conven?onal ways of data capturing which was intensive and ?me consuming . PD App Development and Training Updates • PD App develeopment is completed for Rice and Co?on • Two rounds of trainings were conducted for PD Team which consisted of Class room Training and Training on the Field • Trainings were conducted across various loca?ons like Lucknow, Raipur, Ranchi ,Hisar, MP ,Aurangabad, Nagpur and Warangal 14
Digital Transformation @ SeedWorks Digital Transformation @ SeedWorks SAFAL SAFAL (Sustainable Accurate Faster and Accountable Approach for Leadership). An end to end field force effec?veness improvement tool for real ?me monitoring and response for sales campaigns. This app is developed in order to address the en?re Product Lifecycle from PDA ?ll Sale Conversion and to track the Sample to Sale process. SAFAL Benefits: • Effec?ve monitoring of product posi?oning ac?vi?es • Timely review of plan vs actual deployment (Quantum, budget, ?melines, etc.) • Accountability established at all Levels • Streamlined communica?on & faster decision making • Efficacy assessment of product posi?oning ac?vi?es • Manpower produc?vity analysis & op?miza?on • Conversion of the planned sales volume in the targeted geographies SAFAL Updates: SAFAL trainings were conducted in 20 Regions with a total of 328 partcipants. This program is launched PAN India and we have achieved 80% target of sample distribu?on. Lucknow is the first region to complete 100% FS data capturing and Pan India 99% FS data capturing has been completed TWARIT To streamline the method of Order Capturing through Digital means. TWARIT app is developed to ensure error free processing of orders thereby delivering speed and main?ng accuracy. This has effec?vely reduced the ?me to process an order and the average lead ?me of Sales Order Fulfilment has reduced from 48 Hours to 7 Hours. TWARIT Benefits: • Instant execu?on of the sales orders • Streamlined & Faster communica?on between stakeholders • Risk minimiza?on through CL/DOS check at all levels • Accountability established between Sales and C&F teams • Efficiency of C&F can be analysed and further Op?miza?on steps can be taken up • Enhanced Sales force produc?vity (be?er liquida?on tracking, order genera?on, collec?ons) 15
TWARIT Updates: • 1000+ Order Executed through Sales Order App • Implemented PAN India (VC + FC) • Covered 61 Territory • Across 331 Customers KRISHAK KRISHAK App is developed in order to have real ?me avaialbility of farmer database centrally. The app has the capacity to capture basic details of farmers and the captured data is pushed into a centralize database which is used for back-end analy?cs and in designing various customised campaigns for segmented markets at farmer level. This database has also been used for sharing informa?on to customers & voice calls in co?on & rice KRISHAK Benefits: • Be?er representa?on of farmers in the dips?ck surveys • Diversifica?on in the farmer group being targeted by the company • Enhancement of the Manpower Produc?vity to promote product • Be?er Analy?cs and faster data-driven decision making KRISHAK Updates: • 5 lakhs farmer data has been captured as on date in Krishak • Lucknow Region first to cross 50,000 Farmers Profiling • Trendse?ers are rewarded 16
True North Pathfinders CDO / CTO Summit 2018 True North Pathfinders CDO / CTO Summit 2018 was held at Bangalore and the Key Speakers & Sessions were KEY SPEAKERS & SESSIONS S-1: IT Skills Augmenta?on Girish Rao, IT Head, Marico/Future Grp S-2: Building Pla?orms Ashish Gupta, CTO, Policy Bazaar S-3: Design Thinking Workshop Vinay Dabholkar, Catalign, Fac IIMB S-4: Innova?on as a Culture Venugopal S, Innov Head, Mahindra S-6: 3A Journey @ True North Shuvam Misra, True North S-7: Internet of Things (IoT) PurnenduS, IoT Head, Tata Group S-8: Data Privacy Sumit Puri, CIO, Max Healthcare S-9: Micro Services / API Manav Sehgal, Head Solns, Amazon Gartner Symposium ITXPO Gartner Symposium ITXPO was held at 13th-16th November 2018, Goa India to explore the strategic trends and technologies that are driving digital transforma?on and shaping the future of IT and business. At the conference, SeedWorks interacted with Gartner and industry experts, cu?ng-edge solu?on providers and peers — and this will help us in uncovering innova?ve ways to approach challenges, make decisions with confidence and become an even more effec?ve leader. 17
Finance & IT Updates Finance & IT Updates Finance & IT Updates • We are Growing: Inclusion of an independent Sourcing Func?on An independent sourcing func?on has been set up for sourcing of all consumables, packing material and assets. Mr. Ramesh is leading the team with support from Mallika and Rama Murthy. Ramesh reports to the CFO. • Speed Ma?ers: Conclusion of the Statutory Audit for the FY 2017-18 The statutory audit for the FY 2017-18 on a standalone and consolidated basis was concluded in a short span of 24 days on 24 April 2018 and the Board adopted the audited financials during the Board Mee?ng held on 4 May 2018. The Overseas wholly owned subsidiary Straits Biotech Pte. Ltd concluded the audit on 16 April 2018 and the step-down subsidiary SeedWorks th Philippines Inc. concluded the audit on 12 April 2018. th th th • We Care - Se?ng up of SeedWorks Interna?onal Employees Gratuity Trust For the first ?me the Company has set up an employees' gratuity trust in the name and style of “SeedWorks Interna?onal th Employees' Gratuity Trust” on26 June 2018. • On Boarding - Visit by Noriel and Anna from Philippines Mr. Noriel – Finance and Admin Manager along with his colleague Anna Monique Tapia from SeedWorks Philippines th th Incorpora?on has visited Hyderabad from 18 to 20 June 2018 for orienta?on. • Revised forecasts for FY 2019 – Capex and Opex The Finance team in ac?ve collabora?on with other func?ons has revisited the Capex and Opex numbers for the balance period of FY 2018-19. • We recognize talent with experience to pave the path for individual growth This has been demonstrated by providing the growth opportunity to Mr. B. Rama Murthy who was part of the finance team. Through this opportunity Rama Murthy with his talent and experience will strengthen the newly created Sourcing func?on. • EPA - Environment Protec?on Act, 1986 – A step forward towards being fully compliant With the help of external legal firm,we studied the compliances related to the Environment Protec?on Act, 1986. They had a complete study of the business ac?vi?es of the Company and has shared their opinion on the applicability of the provisions of the Environment Protec?on Act, 1986 and the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary) Rules, 2016. The necessary trainings and educa?on on the compliances with respect to the above shall be shared with the teams in due course. 18
• Overseas Updates The representa?ve office at Vietnam is closed and the Philippines representa?ve office has closed down its opera?ons and the employees moved to the step down subsidiary SeedWorks Philippines Inc. • We are now Registered ® We are glad to inform you that our 'US Agriseeds' trademark is now registered. Registra?on Cer?ficate - TM No 2119166. • Credit Limits The Credit limits study for the Field Crop business distributors has been set up through an external credit ra?ng agency. Now the sales orders are passed by the Finance Team only a?er approval of the credit limits. • Let's Go Digital: I. Virtual Account Numbers (VAN) for deposit of collec?ons have been allo?ed to all the distributors. A unique account number is shared with each distributor for deposit of collec?ons instead of the normal bank account. This eases the collec?on repor?ng exercise and helps in quick reconcilia?on. ii. The finance team with the help of the IT & Digital Transforma?on team has developed the access to the statement of account to the Distributor from the Company`s website using his Virtual Account Number and One- ?me password. iii. The daily reports on collec?ons, sales, funds posi?on and stock posi?on are automated through Qlickview (Business Intelligence tool). The reports are shared with the CEO, CFO and the Business heads. • Cross Func?onal Collabora?on – The way forward Visit to Bengaluru Research Sta?on: A 3-member team from the finance department visited the research farms at Alkapur and Kadalaveni villagein Bengaluru on 18 July 2018. The research team at the farms led by Dr. Thippeswamy, assisted by Mr. Muniraju conducted a tour of the farms. The team a?er the farm visits had discussions on best prac?ces for accoun?ng, capital expenditure and admin related ma?ers. th • Process Enhancement: Some major processes have been iden?fied and SOPs have been dra?ed for the same. For Field Crops - Sales, Marke?ng, Procurement to pay process SOPs are developed and for Vegetable Crops – Seed Processing SOP has been developed. For Finance - Fixed Assets Management is developed and Finance and Accounts and Inventory Management is being developed. A separate SOP for the Sourcing process is being developed. 19
R & D Updates Rice Research & Development - Rice Redefined breeding projects with focussed segments is being implemented. All experiments are at different stages of phenology ©Photo's taken at our Research facility Test Hybrids Seed produc?on: Seed produc?on of poten?al test hybrids for Research trials in the Kharif 2019 is in progressunder barrier isola?ons. ©Photo's taken at our Research facility Seed chain: Adequate quan?ty and quality of Nucleus and Breeder seed increase of parental lines is undertaken under isola?ons. ©Photo's taken at our Research facility 20
Screening for Bio?c Stress tolerance: Breeding materials are being screened for BLB, BPH and Blast tolerance at ar?ficial host plant resistance screening and athot spots. BLB Disease ©Photo's taken at our BLB screening facility New facility for Blast disease screening has been established in collabora?on with Entomology department. Screening protocol has been standardized and well defined. Hybrid Mul?loca?on Trials 2018: Trails comprising of T3, T4 and T5 are being conducted at 6 strategic loca?ons. Aligned with the new guidelines for conduct of trials. Crop is in good condi?on and Trail evalua?on is being done as per suggestedprotocols. © Photo's taken at our Blast screening facility Alternate Germpalsm storage facility: As a con?ngency measure in the event of unforeseen circumstances, an alterna?ve space for safe storage of germplasm has been finalised. ©Photo's taken at our Trial Fields 21
Cotton Research & Development - Co?on • Cross func?onal team involving a Breeder, Entomologist & Pathologist evaluated CLCuD screening nurseries in Abohar (Punjab) to iden?fy tolerant entries/hybrids • Pink boll worm pest is managed with use of pheromone traps and insec?cide sprays • In North, Central & South zone trialingloca?ons, hybrid trials are well managed & are in good condi?on. Crops is at boll development stage. Evalua?on, hybrid selec?ons are in progress. Funnel to show no. of trial hybrids in different stages of • evalua?on process R&D Team T3 • Overview of Breeding nursery in Hyderabad 10% No of locations Cotton-12, T4 Rice-9, Vegetables-6* Acreages Cotton-140, Rice-32 x 20% A R T5 Initial crosses (Hybrids creation) 33% No of Trials Cotton-314, Rice-359, Vegetables-393 T6 PD Team 50% T7 T8, Commercial Launch Sales & Marketing Team • In North loca?on hybrid selec?on criteria areCLCuD tolerance, Big boll size, Erect plant types, whereas for Central & South loca?ons hybrids with Big boll size, more adop?ve/stable with semi erect to erect plant types are selected 22
Vegetable Crop Brief note on R & D • First screening (S1) of Tomato hybrids will start from this month. • On August, 22 -2018- joint mee?ng of Biotech scien?st with breeders for ongoing MABC-projects in Tomato and chilli. • Screening of okra germplasm for resistance to begomo viruses. • Ini?ated collec?on of Cucurbits germplasm across different ins?tutes of India. • We almost completed R and D infrastructure developmental works at Bangalore sta?on.( Drip and land fencing work) • First set of Screening (S1) of Chilli hybrids is underway at Madya Pradesh and Hyderabad. • All the new cucurbits crop scien?st are going to join in this month. nd Vegetable Crops Grow-out Tes?ng With our strong commitment to provide the quality seeds to our customers, we have ini?ated in-house grow-out tes?ng to have double check on quality for the vegetable crops. Currently field quality team is carrying out the grow-out for various vegetable crops belonging to Solanam, Cucurbits and Crucifer families at our grow-out farm at Gandimysama and at Nandyal. With our strong growth in vegetable crops, QC team is preparing for the development of full-fledged infrastructure to handle the increasing number of lots. Cucurbits grow-out tes?ng at our Gandimysama GOT farm 23
Safety & SeedWorks @SeedWorks, Safety is our Commitment, Safety is our Culture With strong commitment, guidance and con?nuous support from our CEO, various ini?a?ves have been started to create safety awareness and posi?ve safety culture among our employees. Training programmes:Training programmes on“Basic Life Support” and“Basic Fire Safety” conducted by Usha Fire Safety Equipments Pvt Ltd at our Vegetable crops processing plant premises in the month of July. Safety Talks: Safety talks are part of all the SLTs, Townhalls and departmental mee?ngs. Employees are con?nuously educated on importance of wearing seat belts, wearing helmets and safe driving prac?ces. Infrastructure: QC lab, SC office and Vegetable crops processing plant is equipped with fire ex?nguishers, fire alarms and fire snippers (for server rooms). Helmets distribu?on: Helmet requirement for our employees are assessed func?on-wise by the safety champions and the distribu?on is under progress. Integra?ng safety guidelines with SOPs: QA has developed ac?vitywisePPE usage matrix and it is added to the tes?ng SOPs to provide the documented guideline for PPE usage. Vehicle inspec?on: All the four wheelers used for the official purpose are assessed for the necessary safety requirements and ac?ons are put in place to address the non-conformances. Basic Life Support Training Basic Fire Safety Training Safety Talk at GOT farm 24
HR Updates HR Updates SOW UPDATE the elaborated meaning is “SOW”, “SeedWorks OnboardingWorkshop”. We have named our Onboarding process as the process of integra?ng employees into their new work environment. The concept behind employee on boarding is best defined as a systema?c and comprehensive approach to orien?ng new employees to help them get "on board." On boarding is Benefits of On-Boarding can be summarized in the following quote: “Companies that can reduce the on-boarding ?me will find themselves at a compe??ve advantage because employees will reach full produc?vity sooner, will have higher morale and will be more likely to stay on the job.” - Derek Moscato, HR Magazine So far, we have inducted more than 100 employees under this SOW ini?a?ve. We would like to cover all permanent employees before end of this year. We feel there are two high-level goals of the SOW: • To make our new employees feel welcome and comfortable in their new surroundings • To minimize the ?me before new employees are produc?ve members of their new workgroup SOW Session at Pune, Maharashtra. SOW Session at Indore, Madhya Pradesh. 25
KAUSHAL UPDATE: Batch 1: Training program on “Structured Problem Solving”and“EQ Workshop” Leadership Team: Training program on “Competency Based Interviewing techniques” UP Sales Team: Training program on “Selling Skills for Top Performers” Quality & Supply Chain teams: Total Quality Management for MSME's 26
Quality, Supply Chain and R&D teams:Basic Fire Safety & Basic Life Support Performance Management System - SWAYAM We have named our “Performance Management System” as “SWAYAM”, which means ‘Self’ and the elaborated meaning is ‘SeedWorks Appraise You Annually on Merit’. SeedWorks treats all its members fairly with the Openness & Transparency by implemen?ng SWAYAM that promote objec?vely and consistency throughout the organiza?on. SWAYAM is an ongoing process which aims at aligning the organiza?onal goal with individual goals by measuring and improving performance & poten?al of the employees con?nuously. Communica?ng realis?c but challenging job expecta?ons and making team members accountable for their decisions and ac?on results in no?ceable improvements in employee tardiness and organiza?onal commitment. SWAYAM has also focus on individual development and besides helping them to achieve the desired performance. End of the day employees experience greater job sa?sfac?on because they become more successful. Naveen who is a part of HR Team has driven this Performance Management System- SWAYAM and conducted more than 25 sessions across the organiza?on and met more than 200 employees personally. 27
KAUSHAL Update – Apr’18 to Jul’18 No.of Days No.of Par?cipants S No. Training Program 1 Gender Sensi?za?on (Batch-1) – HO 1 40 40 2 Gender Sensi?za?on (Batch-2) - QC Plant 1 40 40 3 Defensive driving Training for Drivers / Road Safety 1 45 45 ISTA Workshop on Quality Assurance & ISTA Accredita?on for Beginners 4 3 1 3 5 Basic Fire safety & Basic Life Support 1 36 36 6 Total Quality Management 5 5 25 Total Training Man-day's from April'18 to July'18 0.7 KAUSHAL Update – August’18 No.of Days No.of S No. Training program topic Mandays Par?cipants 1 Coaching for Development 1 4 4 2 Batch 1 - Structured Problem Solving 2 18 36 3 Batch 1 - EQ Workshop 1 18 18 Selling Skills - Frontline Sales Force Training – UP team 4 3 23 69 5 Competency Based Interview Techniques 1 16 16 Total Training Man-day's in August'18 0.6 KAUSHAL Plan – September’18 No.of Days 2 2 1 2 1 No.of Par?cipantsMandays 4 18 18 18 17 S No. Training program topic 1 2 3 4 5 Handling complaints in Seed business Batch 1 - Conflict Management Batch 1 - Group Dynamics & Facilita?on Batch 2 - Structured Problem Solving Batch 2 - EQ Workshop Management through Excellence in Leadership & Ethos Selling Skills - Frontline Sales Force Training Batch 2 @ Raipur, Chha?sgarh Selling Skills - Frontline Sales Force Training Batch 3 @ Ranchi, Jharkhand Total Training Man-day’s in September'18 8 36 18 36 17 6 1 2 2 7 3 26 78 8 3 20 60 0.98 28
KAUSHAL Update – October’18 No.of Days No.of Par?cipantsMandays S No. Training program topic 1 Batch 1 – Culture of Coaching 2 16 32 2 Batch 1 – Mind Gym 1 16 16 3 Batch 2 – Conflict Management 2 15 30 4 Batch 2 – Group Dynamics & Facilita?on 1 15 15 5 Batch 3 – Structured Problem Solving 2 20 40 6 Batch 3 – EQ Workshop 1 20 20 Total Training Man-day’s in October'18 0.59 KAUSHAL Plan – November’18 No. of Days S No. Training program topic 1 Batch 2 - Culture of Coaching & Development 2 2 Batch 2 - Mind Gym 1 3 Batch 3 - Conflict Management 2 4 Batch 3 - Group Dynamics & Facilita?on 1 Selling Skills - Frontline Sales Force Training Batch 4 @ Hisar 5 3 Selling Skills - Frontline Sales Force Training Batch 5 @ Indore 6 3 29
News & Happenings SeedWorks Day Celebra?on In version 2.0 of our journey we renewed our commitment to the farming community, we also took a Mission of transforming ourselves to Superior Seed solutions organization from a Seed organization to help the farmer get the best out of our seed. Technology is all encompassing and we are developing strategies to participate in the Digital revolution and make SeedWorks a digitally enabled organization. We took the pledge of striving continuously to be a responsible corporate discharging our duties and responsibilities to the larger good of the society. We have a legacy of two decades in serving the farmers of this country with cutting edge seed technologies and have built a reputation of trust and faith among all our stakeholders, SeedWorks Leadership Team profusely thanked each one of us for being a part of this great Journey and putting all the efforts and hard work in making US AGRISEEDS an enviable brand in the Indian seed Industry. On this occasion a small quiz was organised, everybody participated with great zeal and enthusiasm and won many exiting gift items. It was a day of fun & frolic and those blessed moments will be cherished forever. Our CEO's Interview on Seed special issue for Fasal Kran? Magazine SeedWorks associated itself with Fasal Kranti Magazine for their seed special issue. Our CEO Mr. Venkatram Vasantavada interview “on providing better seeds to farmers” got published in their magazine for sept'18 issue. It is the largest circulated agricultural magazine in India with 3,90,000+ circulation in Hindi, Punjabi,Marathi and Gujarati languages with 14 editions which reaches to 14 states - Delhi, UP, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Punjab, MP, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Bihar, Jharkhand, HP, J&K, Maharashtra and Gujarat. SeedWorks whole heartedly thanked to all the farmers for welcoming new technologies and encouraging companies like us. 30
Pheromone Traps Distribu?on by SeedWorks Team SeedWorks believes in stewardship and committed to farmers in improving product performance through agronomic interventions and best agricultural practices. We continue to demonstrate this by unique initiatives to empower farmer with awareness and education on key issues. At SeedWorks we have initiated a drive on creating awareness among farmers on pink boll worm pest. We are collaborating with local Panchayat, agriculture department in states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh & Karnataka. In the series of events we have distributed pheromone traps to farmers with guidance on integrated pest management of cotton crop. This initiative has been appreciated by farmers & respective agriculture departments. The Economic Times: Rural Strategy Summit 2018 SeedWorks Interna?onal Pvt Ltd is recognized as the Champion of Rural Markets by The Economic Times and awarded by Shri SP Velumani (Hon'ble Minister of Rural Development, Govt. of TN) for crea?ng excellence in the rural market by se?ng a yard S?ck for its followers in the following aspects: Innova?ve Penetra?on Method, High Brand Value, Strong Brand Recall, Consumer Sa?sfac?on and Customer Service & Quality 6 annual edi?on of – The Economic Times Rural Strategy Summit – 2018 was held on the 26 & 27 September in Delhi. About 70% of India's popula?on lives in rural areas. For E-commerce giants & start-ups alike, this is where opportuni?es lie. The Economic Times Rural Strategy Summit 2018 discussed the tasks & prospects marketers face in an era where the rural consumer is becoming bold lately due to their exposure towards literacy, technology & their aspira?onal buying. These 2 days witnessed 150+ delegates, comprised of Marke?ng Heads, Rural Marke?ng Heads, Rural Banking Heads, Strategy Heads, Business Heads, etc and few CEO's from SME's. The agenda of the summit was conceptualized based on first-hand informa?on researched from prac??oners within the B2B and B2C space of varied industries. Some of the topics covered in the summit were: • E-commerce in Rural India – Untapped Poten?al, Challenges, & Road to Improvement • The Rural Renaissance and naviga?onal challenges in the Rural Labyrinth • The flipside of going Rural and circumnaviga?ng your way around it – An objec?ve introduc?on to the challenges in cracking the rural market • Roleplay – 5 Actual Rural Influencers and 5 pitches to the Influencer Panchayat • Measurable impact of a successful engagement campaign with the community on the toplines • Breaking the Pricing Paradox – Success story of a luxury brand in Rural India • Retrofi?ng the exis?ng and Urban and Rural Mechanism to solve the challenges SeedWorks Interna?onal was a part of the Panel – Actual Rural Influencers and pitches to the Influencer wherein a scenario-based session was facilitated by Mr. Pradeep Lokhande, Founder & CEO, Rural Rela?ons. It had actual consumers from the hinterlands of India who heard and evaluated the proposi?on of Hybrid Rice and gave first-hand experience to the audience on what it takes to influence the right people. The actual consumers included the following members from different parts of the country were: Dr. Narayan Mudgale, Doctor, State of Karnataka, Kapil Bakki, Youth, State of Telangana, Arun K. Nigam, Pradhan, State of Madhya Pradesh, Awdesh Kumar, Progressive Farmer, State of U?ar Pradesh and Shivam Dubey, Shopkeeper, State of Madhya Pradesh th th th 31
Seed Meets Technology Event-2018 SeedWorks participated at Seed Meets Technology Event @ Amsterdam It was an annual event which took place in week 39 , this year from 25 – 27 September 2018. The event completely focused on the seed industry and exists of an exhibition and several trial fields. In addition to the fair, several symposia and lectures were organized. The event generated more and more publicity resulting in visitors from all over the world. th th th 32
SeedWorks Supply Chain Meet-2018 SeedWorks Supply Chain Meet 2018 was held at Paris under the leadership of our CEO Mr. Venkatram Vasantavada with the Theme "Innovate: Disrupt: Scale”. It is unique of its kind to SeedWorks where in all the SCM team members got the opportunity to embrace the togetherness and alignment towards the vision of the company. @The city of bicycles-Amsterdam. SANKALP - An annual Na?onal Level Business Event (B-fest) was organised by the PGDMA students of NAARM on Oct 3-4, 2018 All the events received astounding response with more than 1000 registra?ons from more than 25 premier B- schools across the country with more than 300 par?cipants from various campuses- B-schools and premier ins?tu?ons of India. SANKALP'17 a?racted students from IIMs, other premier B-schools, IITs & Agricultural Universi?es (AUs) They have also organized a workshop on "Decoding Agri-Start-up: Nurturing & Crea?ng Entrepreneurs (DANCE)" in which 4-5 Agri- Start Ups shared their entrepreneurial journey with the young par?cipa?ng students. Mr. Venkatram Vasantavada (CEO) was invited as Chief Guest of the Inaugural Func?on. Mr. Sundar Raja Vadlamani (VP Supply Chain) and Mr. Ghanshyam Chandra Singh (HR) were invited as Members of the Jury on 3 Oct'18 to mo?vate the students by addressing them. rd 33
Dussehra Celebra?on @ SeedWorks Dussehra is a fes?val that celebrates the victory of forces of good over evil and popular all over India. In Telangana state, the colourful and exo?c floral fes?val Bathukamma also happens at the same ?me which is mainly celebrated by women. SeedWorks glorified the intangible cultural heritage as a part of grandeur celebra?ons on the eve of Dussehra fes?val, held on 17 October 2018 at our Vegetable processing facility. The employees and contractual workers from all departments joined hands together in making this event a huge success. th To take care of various arrangements the employees formed into different commi?ees like Food, Pooja, General, Entertainment etc., with a Team Lead in each group, which helped in a nice team building too. The premises decorated with seasonal flowers, mango leaves, Rangolis truly enhanced the fes?ve spirit. The day started with a holy pooja for the wellbeing of the company, people, machinery and other infrastructure. Games like musical chairs, lemon & spoon made the day magnificent. The fun reminded beau?ful childhood days to all the par?cipants. All the ladies made a floral Bathukamma and danced together around it by singing the local songs, which looked like a circle of unity & love. Prizes were distributed to game winners and best workers from various departments. Such recogni?on truly augmented their mo?va?on and loyalty. In the a?ernoon a sumptuous lunch with wide range of varie?es from salad to desserts was arranged, which ?ckled the taste buds. Entertainment began a?er lunch despite of bellyful delights with some funny indoor ac?vi?es. 34
Inaugura?on of Pathology Lab We con?nue to invest aggressively in Research and Product Development and the enablers to help researchers advance products at a faster pace and with the required traits. A new state of the art Pathology lab was inaugurated on the 25 October 2018 by CEO Mr Venkatram Vasantavada in the presence of VP(HR), Mr Ghanshyam Singh and Sta?on Head and Lead Breeder (Tomato), Mr Thippeswamy. CEO complimented the Team for ge?ng the facility up and running in a short period of ?me, He also appreciated the hard work and efforts put in by the Vegetable Research Team in building up the infrastructure and the progress they were making in breeding. The Mission, Vision and Values of the organiza?on were reiterated to all the Team members. Mr Ghanshyam Singh, VP(HR) updated the Research Team on the company's policies and management working towards making Seed works an aspira?onal employer in the seed industry. th Haapus Crea?ve launches ad campaign for SeedWorks Bengaluru based agency, Haapus Crea?ve has launched a campaign for SeedWorks in the hybrid co?on seeds space. The challenge was to go beyond the usual "informa?on-led" Agri-input marke?ng campaign and add life to the communica?on so that the informa?on provided creates interest and intent. Three regions in Maharashtra (Vidarbha, Khandesh and Marathwada) and Telangana were iden?fied target markets, given their co?on crop poten?al. As part of the campaign, four digital films were created in Marathi (with Telugu dubs) and were supported by on-ground promo?on support for farmer meets et al through posters, cut-outs etc. Whats App-based messaging to a cap?ve database of approximately 74000 numbers belonging to the farmers, channel partners etc. was used. This was further aided by the messages and films going viral. This was the lead medium. The normally assumed "effec?ve rural" medium viz. radio, cinema, bus panels etc. was avoided. CEO, Venkatram Vasantavada said, "The challenge was to sensi?se the farmers about the Pink Bollworm menace. They know about it, but knowledge to sensi?vity is a tough distance to cover. This campaign achieved that and helped us create that buzz. It also helped reinforce our progressive creden?als among trade and industry." Ashish Athawle, co-founder and chief experience officer, Haapus Crea?ve, added, "Working on this campaign was a pleasure, more so since SeedWorks has an extremely progressive outlook. Also, the brief was simple yet pointed." 35
Dhanyavad Yatra Campaign Rice US Agri Seeds conducted a unique campaign, “Dhanyavad Yatra” expressing its gra?tude towards its farmers for making the rice hybrid, US 312 as farmer’s no. 1 choice; highest selling in MP, Chha?sgarh and Gujarat in FY 2019. It was an innova?ve campaign conducted for the first ?me in rice seeds industry. SeedWorks’ team greeted thank you personally to all its user farmers by running a decorated Dhanyavad van across all the regions of highest market share of US 312. For marking the gra?tude directly from the paddy fields, we depicted Prakaram by mass installa?on of Dhanyavad boards in US 312 farms.” Diwali Celebra?on at SeedWorks At SeedWorks the spirit of Diwali celebra?on turned out to be colourful and everyone enjoyed each moment of the celebra?on. The team celebrated Diwali on 06 November 2018 with great zeal and enthusiasm and as a part of celebra?on we organized “Ethnic Wear Day” @ Vegetable Plant to celebrate cultural diversity. The celebra?on was aided by the perfect weather, good food and lots of fun and laughter. There was the spirit of togetherness seen during the fes?val which boosted the morale of everyone and also helped in crea?ng a more inclusive environment across departments. It induced the feeling of team spirit and joy among employees. Some fun Diwali games and ac?vi?es were organised to encourage employees to learn new skills, get to know their colleagues and have a li?le fun such as Rangoli Compe??on, Dumb Charades, Antakshri, Saree folding etc. which was followed by gi? distribu?on. 36
Fostering the engagement of the agri-food sector in resilience to climate change Our CEO, Venkatram Vasantavada has recently par?cipated in a three-day workshop on fostering the engagement on the agri-food sector in resilience to climate change. The workshop was held at Geneva, co-organized by the Interna?onal Trade Centre (ITC) in collabora?on with UNFCCC and with support from Germany. The agri-food sector and its global supply chains stand at the forefront of climate change. The agri-food sector directly contributes to the well-being of communi?es, especially thosein developing countries, and offers millions of people livelihoods: Small and MediumEnterprises (SMEs) are es?mated to cons?tute more than 95% of enterprises globally while accoun?ng for up to 60% of private sector employment in developing countries. Given the links between food security, trade and the need to adapt to climate change in the agri-food sector. The workshop focused on how stakeholders can work towards fostering SMEs' capacity to adapt to climate change. It aims at bringing together prac??oners, experts andresearchers in an interac?ve se?ng, designed to provide inspira?on by presen?ng innova?ve solu?ons, foster the exchange and connec?ons between par?cipants and transfer knowledge. The workshop addressed the climate resilience of the agri-food sector through threethema?c Plenary Sessions and accompanying Mini Workshops and Open Labs: 1. Assessing climate risks in the agri-food sector and preparing adapta?on strategies 2. Implemen?ng adapta?on strategies, with a focus on SMEs, in the agri-food sector through accessing finance, technology, Public- Private Partnerships and capacity building 3. Designing policies and incen?ves for private sector investment in adapta?on, including for formula?ng and implemen?ng Na?onal Adapta?on Plans (NAPs) and Na?onally Determined Contribu?ons (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement 37
SLT Mee?ng @ Singapore SLT for the month of November was held on 20 Nov 2018 at Straits Biotech office in Singapore. The team visited the Straits Biotech facility & had a brief induc?on about the process. SLT was updated with Internal audit findings, Half Yearly results & Year End Projec?ons. A design workshop on Digitaliza?on was conducted to reflect upon the progress we made, learnings, & fine tune the DIGITAL ROAD MAP and recommit ourselves and our Teams for this transforma?on th 38
Cricket League All You Need is Enthusiasm and a Willingness to Par?cipate!! Gubba Cold Storage organised Gubba Premier League (GPL) from 10th Dec to 14th Dec 2018. Total 14 teams par?cipated including SeedWorks, JK, Metahelix, Monsanto, Gubba, Mahindra Seeds, VNR Seeds, Nuziveedu Seeds, HM Clause, UPL, Kaveri, Syngenta and PHI. SeedWorks Go Ge?ers lost to Dinshaw in semi-finals, whereas VNR and Dinshaw went into the finals and ul?mately the champions trophy was bagged by VNR. All the teams performed well and par?cipated with great zeal and zest and also with great sportsmanship. Here are some of the glimpses from the match. 39
International News Government urged to build up Hybrid Rice Program As per reports from Louise Maureen Simeon The Philippine Star - October 5, 2018 MANILA, Philippines — Private hybrid rice seeds producer SeedWorks Philippines is urging the government to beef up its hybrid rice program to ensure the supply of Filipinos' main staple. “Now is a good ?me to look for new technologies,” SeedWorks President and General Manager Carlos Saplala told The STAR on the side-lines of the Agri link 2018 on Thursday. “With hybrid, you just change one input and your poten?al yield could be significant”. The Philippines only produces an average of four metric tons (MT) per hectare but hybrid could yield up to 10 MT per hectare. The challenge really is being able to transfer the technology so that farmers could see the poten?al. The government is now pushing for hybrid technology and that is good. we hope it will con?nue so that growth and adop?on rate will increase,” he added. While hybrid has long been introduced in the country, its growth was slow due to the different priori?es of every administra?on. “I did not feel the focus on hybrid before as it was not a focal program. But the support of the Duterte administra?on on hybrid has been very good,” Saplala said. SeedWorks produces hybrid rice seeds and vegetable seeds in India which are brought into the Philippines. It is doing seed produc?on trials in small scale in the country to be able to reach the yield it is ge?ng in India. SeedWorks is present in major rice producing areas in the country with close to 20 percent of the market share of the hybrid rice industry. “We want to further increase by inves?ng in extension works, reach out more farmers, explain the technology and be there to help achieve the gene?c poten?al,” Saplala said. Bohol Rice Forum Shows SeedWorks Hybrid Varie?es To address the issue of rice produc?on produc?vity and other issues concerning rice, the Department of Agriculture and the Rice Produc?vity Advocacy Inc. (Rice Board) recently conducted the annual Na?onal Rice Technology Forum. The forum tackled agriculture and food security and highlighted the different rice varie?es of the various seed companies. SeedWorks Philippines was one of the private companies that joined the event. The company featured its famous brown rice to the par?cipants led by their celebrity Chef “Boy” Logro. SeedWorks encouraged the farmers to plant hybrid rice because of several benefits like a higher yield, more stress resilient, and higher disease resistance, among others. Moreover, the firm plans to impart sustainable farming to Filipino farmers to ensure they acquire a healthy and produc?ve lifestyle. With these factors and the use of hybrid rice varie?es in farming like the popular US-88 from SeedWorks Philippines, it would ra?onally be easier for the country to finally a?ain rice self-sufficiency and be healthier in no ?me, forum par?cipants said. The US-88 rice variety brings greater yields with premium long and so? grain ideal to be used for brown rice, the company said.Bohol expressed their eagerness to con?nue using the US-88 variety. Farmer co-operatorsAristolDaitol and wife, Cris?na, said: “A lot of our co-farmers are excited to see the fruit of their labour, which definitely exceeded their expecta?ons.” 40
Panel Discussion on “Public-Private Partnership Best Prac?ces” th @ 5 Interna?onal Rice Congress in Singapore “Aligning Expecta?ons between Public and Private Partners for scale up” Towards IRRI's goal to promote/enhance rice produc?on for a be?er world, IRRI had organized the 5 Interna?onal Rice Congress (IRC) at the Marina Bay Sands, Singapore from 14-17 October 2018. As part of the conference, IRRI Tech Transfer func?on arranged for a panel discussion on “Public-Private Partnership Best Prac?ces” and extended a special invita?on to me. It was an honour to share the stage along with other dis?nguished panellists. The focus of the panel discussions was on “Aligning Expecta?ons between Public and Private Partners for scale up”. The panel contained key stakeholders from the Industry, na?onal and interna?onal public systems and the donor organiza?on. th th Some of the panelists were Dr. Patrick Stolt, Intertek, Sweden, Dr. Joshua Cobb, IRRI, Philippines, Dr. Santhosh Chellian, Straits Biotech, Singapore, Mr. George Varghese, BASF, Malaysia, Dr. Joel Lales, DA, Philippines, Moderator:Dr. Ajay Panchbhai, IRRI, Concluding Remarks:Dr. Remy Bitoun, IRRI 41
New Joinees New Joinees New Joinees Voggu Rajesh Kumar Deputy Manager - Processing (FC) DOJ: 19/3/2018 Operations Somireddy Praveen Kumar Territory Manager- Sales (FC) DOJ: 28/3/2018 Sales Shobhit Tyagi Territory Manager- Sales (VC) DOJ: 2/4/2018 Sales Arra Kannaiah Territory Manager- Sales (FC) DOJ: 2/4/2018 Sales Amit Painyuli Deputy Manager - Product Development (VC) DOJ: 2/4/2018 Product Development Jagdish Khandu Rakade Territory Manager- Sales (FC) DOJ: 4/4/2018 Sales Devendra Tiwari Territory Manager- Sales (VC) DOJ: 4/4/2018 Sales Shadakshary Mariswamy Senior Breeder - Research and Development (VC) DOJ: 5/4/2018 Research and Development Burugu Rammohan Deputy Manager - Processing (FC) Manohar Dilip Patil Officer - Sales (FC) DOJ: 12/4/2018 Sales Naveen Kumar Kukatapu Manager DOJ: 30/4/2018 Human Resources Deepak Gupta Officer - Sales (VC) DOJ: 25/4/2018 Sales DOJ: 9/4/2018 Sales Thontadarya R N Research Executive Trainee (VC) DOJ: 2/5/2018 Research and Development Bhausaheb Janardhan Gadekar Officer(QA) DOJ: 2/5/2018 Quality Bikash Kumar Sinha Officer - Sales (FC) DOJ: 2/5/2018 Sales Dnyaneshwar Arun Udage Officer - Sales (FC) DOJ: 2/5/2018 Sales Rakesh Chandra Territory Manager- Sales (VC) DOJ: 2/5/2018 Sales Manikant Kashyap Senior Officer- Sales( VC) DOJ: 24/5/2018 Sales Chaitanya Mishra Territory Manager- Sales (FC) DOJ: 4/5/2018 Sales Punit Kumar Territory Manager - Product Development (VC) DOJ: 31/5/2018 Product Development 42
New Joinees New Joinees New Joinees Dharmendra Singh Shivashankar Territory Manager - Product Development (VC) DOJ: 10/7/2018 Product Development Satchidananda Panda Senior Officer - Finance and Accounts DOJ: 20/7/2018 Finance and Accounts Giriraj Sharma Deputy Manager - Logistics & Inventory Management (VC) DOJ: 6/8/2018 Operations Deputy Manager - Product Development (VC) DOJ: 19/6/2018 Product Development Yogesh Kumar Territory Manager- Sales (FC ) DOJ: 10/8/2018 Sales Nagesh G C Research Executive Trainee (VC) DOJ: 27/8/2018 Research and Development Chandrashekar Basanagouda Patil Breeder(Cotton) DOJ: 20/8/2018 Research and Development Bhanu Sarvankumar Kalahasthi Assistant Manager - Biotechnology DOJ: 13/8/2018 BIOTECH Braj Mohan Sharma ASM (VC) Rohit Kumar Tiwari Breeder(Cotton) DOJ: 3/9/2018 Research and Development Shaik Yaseen Deputy Manager(Finance) DOJ: 5/9/2018 Finance and Accounts Vivek Khirwar Officer - Sales (FC) DOJ: 5/9/2018 Sales DOJ: 1/9/2018 Sales Ratan Chakraborty Officer - Sales (FC) DOJ: 5/9/2018 Sales Sachhidanand Gain Officer - Sales (FC) DOJ: 5/9/2018 Sales Kapil Kumar Territory Manager- Sales (FC ) DOJ: 6/9/2018 Sales Harsha A Manager - Production (VC) DOJ: 10/9/2018 Veg Corporate Manjunatha Research Executive Trainee (VC) DOJ: 10/9/2018 Research and Development Praveen Kumar Territory Manager- Sales (FC ) DOJ: 10/9/2018 Sales Santosh Kumar Dhakad Senior Officer - Product Development (FC) DOJ: 3/9/2018 Product Development 43
New Joinees New Joinees New Joinees Deo Sudhakar Pandey Assistant Manager - Product Development (FC) DOJ: 25/9/2018 Product Development - FC Mohsin Musaddik Rohman Territory Manager- Sales (FC ) Shrikant Sanjay Patil Territory Manager- Sales (FC ) DOJ: 19/9/2018 Sales (FC) Munna Lal Officer - Sales (FC) DOJ: 1/10/2018 DOJ: 24/9/2018 Sales (FC) Sales (FC) Rajkumar Mukati Robin Singh Jidiya Shankarbhai Vithalbhai Vipin Kumar Officer - Sales (FC) DOJ : 29/10/2018 Sales (FC) Territory Manager- Sales (FC ) DOJ : 1/11/2018 Sales (FC) Officer - Sales (FC) DOJ :1/10/2018 Officer - Sales (FC) DOJ : 1/10/2018 Sales (FC) Sales (FC) Ashutosh Kumar Mishra Mogali Chinna Srinuvasurao Sumanta Kumar Sahoo Solanki Amit Bachubhai Territory Manager- Sales (FC ) Territory Manager- Sales (FC ) DOJ : 1/11/2018 Sales (FC) Senior Officer- Sales( VC) DOJ : 1/11/2018 Sales (VC) Officer - Sales (FC) DOJ : 1/11/2018 Sales (FC) DOJ : 9/11/2018 Sales (VC) Prashanth Katageri Ajeet Kumar Manish Kumar Regional Manager-Sales (VC) Regional Manager-Sales (VC) DOJ : 21/11/2018 Post Graduate Research Trainee DOJ : 12/11/2018 DOJ : 19/11/2018 Sales (VC) Research and Development - FC - Rice Sales (VC) 44
New Joinees New Joinees New Joinees Sumant Kumar Maurya Territory Manager- Sales (FC) DOJ: 3/12/2018 Sales (FC) Locharla Thrinadha Officer - Research & Development (VC) DOJ: 1/12/2018 Research & Development - VC Pujari Ramakrishnaiah Territory Manager- Sales (VC) DOJ: 3/12/2018 Sales (VC) Prashant Bhaskar Nalawade ASM (VC) DOJ: 8/12/2018 Sales (VC) Mayur Balkrushn Zarekar Parvatraddy Vatsya Krishnan Aniruddha Pratap Singh Senior Officer - Senior Officer- Sales( FC ) DOJ : 26/12/2018 Sales (FC) Senior Officer- Sales( FC ) DOJ : 2/1/2019 Sales (FC) Territory Manager- Sales (FC) DOJ : 26/12/2018 Sales (FC) Research & Development (VC) DOJ : 15/12/2018 Research & Development - VC Sudip Basu Choudhury Territory Manager- Sales (VC) DOJ : 2/1/2019 Sales (VC) 45