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All humans have imperfect memory systems that can interrupt and slow down learning. In this session, the imperfect mind will be explored in order to create a deeper understanding of how Video Games can be used to enhance learning. Experiential Learning and Long Term learning will be the focus, as opposed to games designed to target memorization. The use the of Video Games to create memories will be discussed and explored
Creating Memories Creating Memories for Learning using for Learning using Video Games Video Games Dr. Alicia Sanchez Games Czar, Defense Acquisition University Serious Play, GMU, July 2018
Life M O M E N T S S I T U AT I O N S E X P E R I E N C E S M E M O R I E S L E A R N I N G
Making Content Memorable Otherwise people won’t….remember it You will likely forget 90% of this presentation. will Which parts that be? Ref Dr. Carmen Simon
Life M O M E N T S S I T U AT I O N S E X P E R I E N C E S M E M O R I E S L E A R N I N G
Learning C O N T E N T E N C O D I N G M O T I VAT I O N R E C A L L R E C O N S O L I D AT I O N
Learning C O N T E N T E N C O D I N G M O T I VAT I O N R E C A L L R E C O N S O L I D AT I O N
Mosher’s 5 Moments of Need New Apply Solve More Change
Simulating Experiences
DAU’s G&S Initiative Relevant Relevant Realistic Realistic Maintainable Maintainable
DAU’s Area 41 Buy American Act
DAU’s G&S Initiative Featured Work
DAU’s Genidyne Game Critical Thinking
THANK YOU I hope this has been memorable. Dr. Alicia Sanchez Games Czar, DAU