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American Housing Survey. The AHS is used by many organizations and government groups. American Housing Survey. Congress through the congressional budget office, congressional research service (library of congress) and general accounting office Congressionally appointed special commissions
American Housing Survey The AHS is used by many organizations and government groups Department of Housing and Urban Development
American Housing Survey • Congress through the congressional budget office, congressional research service (library of congress) and general accounting office • Congressionally appointed special commissions • §Meeting Our Nation’s Housing Challenges: Report of the Bipartisan Millennial Housing Commission Department of Housing and Urban Development
American Housing Survey Trade associations – • National Association of Realtors, • National Association of Home Builders, • National Multi Housing Association, • Mortgage Bankers Association of America. Department of Housing and Urban Development
American Housing Survey Secondary Mortgage Market Government Sponsored Enterprises – Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae Department of Housing and Urban Development
American Housing Survey Policy Groups Department of Housing and Urban Development
American Housing Survey National Low Income Housing Coalition, §Rental Housing Production Need Estimates §Perspectives on Renter Income and Affordable Units §Low Income Housing Profile Department of Housing and Urban Development
American Housing Survey Joint Center at Harvard §State of the Nation’s Housing: 2002 (also 2001, 2000, 1999. 1998, 199,…) §Low-Income Homeownership: Examining the Unexamined Goal Department of Housing and Urban Development
Joint Center at Harvard §State of the Nation’s Housing: 2002 (also 2001, 2000, 1999. 1998, 199,…) American Housing Survey Department of Housing and Urban Development
Harvard’s Remodeling Futures Project §Measuring the Benefits of Home Remodeling American Housing Survey Department of Housing and Urban Development
Joint Center at Harvard §Low-Income Homeownership: Examining the Unexamined Goal American Housing Survey Department of Housing and Urban Development
American Housing Survey Housing Assistance Council, §The State of the Nation’s Rural Housing in 1996; §Rural Rental Housing: HAC's 1999 State of the Nation's Rural Housing Report §Why Housing Matters: HAC's 2000 Report on the State of the Nation's Rural Housing §Taking Stock of Rural People, Poverty, and Housing for the 21st Century Department of Housing and Urban Development
American Housing Survey for the United States – This is the main dissemination method for the Survey and it documents the housing situations of all Americans. Housing is one of the most basic human needs and as a Nation we must give it the utmost attention. Every two years we publish about 15 reports – A National Report and about 14 Metropolitan Areas Reports. American Housing Survey Department of Housing and Urban Development
American Housing Survey Worst Case Needs Report – A Congressionally Mandated Report. Recent reports are: • Worst Case Needs for Housing Assistance, 1990/91 • Rental Assistance at a Crossroads: A report to Congress on Worst Case Housing Needs, 1996 • Rental Housing Assistance – The Crisis Continues: The 1997 report to Congress on Worst Case Housing Needs • Rental Housing Assistance – The Worsening Crisis: A Report to Congress on Worst Case Housing Needs Department of Housing and Urban Development
American Housing Survey Housing situation of the Elderly – Congressional report §Housing Our Elders: A Report Card on the Housing Conditions and Needs of Older Americans Market Dynamics Study – How does housing get allocated over time – filtering and reuse. Telecommuting and working at home. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) requires use of objective and measurable goals and AHS is a major source of data. §FY2002 Performance and Accountability Report American Housing Survey Department of Housing and Urban Development
American Housing Survey Assessing the Quality of HUD Tenants (3 reports, one in process) §Characteristics of HUD-Assisted Renters and Their Units – 1989, 1991 and 1993 Department of Housing and Urban Development
Fair Market Rents – About 1.6 to 1.8 million families receive over $15 billion of housing assistance through the Section 8 Voucher and Certificates program Section 8 FMRs American Housing Survey Department of Housing and Urban Development
American Housing Survey Components of Inventory Change Evaluate new program ideas, i.e., costs of tax credit for housing elderly and/or disabled family members. President’s Homeownership Strategy – used to develop national goal, minority goal and goals for other special needs groups and to track progress Hedonic Rent functions and evaluating Federal assistance programs (General Accounting Office Study by Ed Olson) Department of Housing and Urban Development
American Housing Survey Input to local government Consolidated Plans required as condition of receiving HUD assistance A major component of HUD is the Federal Housing Administration and the AHS has been used to: § Setting maximum loan limits on FHA mortgages. § Monitor mortgage characteristics Assessment of Lead-Based Paint risk and prevalence Department of Housing and Urban Development
American Housing Survey Housing conditions section of the report by the President’s Initiative on Race Housing Aspects of Youth Characteristics NCES §America’s Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being HUD has responsibility for monitoring the GSE Housing Goals – Fannie and Freddie are Federally chartered and have responsibility to provide mortgage lending to underserved areas and low and moderate income families. Department of Housing and Urban Development