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Computer Software Application . The computer's versatility is built upon its: *Hardware: The physical part. *Software: The instructions that tells hardware how to transform the input data (information in a form it can read) into the necessary output. Monitor. CD-ROM drive DVD drive.
ComputerSoftware Application Software Applications
The computer's versatility is built upon its: *Hardware:The physical part. *Software:The instructions that tells hardware how to transform the input data (information in a form it can read) into the necessary output. Monitor CD-ROM drive DVD drive speakers System unit Keyboard Mouse Software Applications
PC Software Basics: Applications: Computers in Action *Application programs: software tools that enable you to use a computer for specific purposes. • Application programsalso called simply application. • Most PCs today use some version of the Microsoft Windows operating system . Software Applications
Application programs: • Word processing • desktop publishing • Spreadsheets and other number-crunching applications • Databases • Computer graphics and digital photos • Digital audio, digital video, and multimedia • Telecommunication and networking • Artificial intelligence • Entertainment • General problem-solving Software Applications
Word Processing • You can use a word processing program, such as Microsoft Word, to create memos, letters, term papers, novels, textbooks, or Word Wide Web pageـــــ just about any kind of text-based document. • In the PC world, a document is a file created by an application. Software Applications
You can type and edit a word processing document using standard PC techniques and tools. • Word processing program, contain text editing tools for changing and rearranging the words on the screen. • Most computer users are familiar with the Clipboard, which can temporarily store chunks of text and other data, making it possible to cutor copy words from one part of a document and paste them into another part of the same document or a different document. • Text formatting commands enable you to control the format of the document .for Example, you can change the way the words will look on the page. Most modern word processors include commands for controlling the formats of individual characters and paragraphs as well as complete document. Software Applications
What is desktop publishing? The process of producing a book, magazine, or other publication includes several steps: • Writing text. • Editing text. • Producing drawing, photographs, and other graphics to accompany the text. • Designing a basic format for the publication. • Typesetting text. • Arranging text and graphics on pages. • Typesetting and printing pages. • Binding pages into a finished publication. With Desktop-Publishing (DTP) technology, the bulk of the production process can be accomplished with tools that are small, affordable, and easy to use. Software Applications
Why Desktop Publishing? • Desktop publishing offers several advantages for businesses. • Desktop publishing saves money also saves time. • Finally, desktop publishing can reduce the quantity of publication errors. Software Applications 8
What is The Spreadsheet ?? • The spreadsheet has changed the way people do business. • Spreadsheet software enables the user to take control of number, manipulating them in ways that would be difficult or impossible otherwise. • A Spreadsheet program can make short work of tasks that involve repetitive calculations: budgeting, investment management, business projections, grade books, scientific simulations, checkbooks, and so on. • A spreadsheet can also reveal hidden relationships between numbers, taking much of the guesswork of financial planning and speculation. Software Applications
You can creating worksheet with Microsoft Excel Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that lets you organize your data into lists and then summarize, compare, and present your data graphically. For example,you can have Excel find the sum, average, or maximum value for sales on a given day; creat graph showing what percentage of sales were in particular range; and show how the total sales compared with the total sales of other days in the same week. In short, Excel saves you from having to create these summaries by hand. Software Applications
PowerPoint PowerPoint is a complete presentation graphics package. It gives you everything you need to produce a professional-looking presentation. PowerPoint offers word processing, outlining, drawing, graphing, and presentation management tools- all designed to be easy to use and learn. Software Applications
Network and Internet Basics PC Network Basics: The internet is an elaborate network of interconnected networks ـــــa network that is dramatically change the way people work, play, and communicate. Internet Basics: A PC can be a window into the global system of interconnected networks known as the internet, or just the Net . Software Applications
The Internet Revolution The Emergence of Networks Local-Area Networks (LANs): computers are physically close to each other, usually in the same building, so they could share resources, such as storage, printers. Wide-Area Networks (WANs) extends over a long distance. • a remote computer could connect to a network through standard telephone lines by using a modem, or using wireless connections. • a modem is an electronic device that could translate computer data into signals compatible with the telephone system. Software Applications
The Internet Explosion Some examples about Internet Explosion : Electronic mail E-mail softwaremade it easy to send messages across the office or around the world World Wide Web Led the Internet’s transformation from a text-only environment into a multimedia landscape incorporating pictures, animation, sounds, and video people connect to the web each day through Web browsers: Programs that, in effect, serve as navigable windows into the Web Software Applications
artificial intelligence The branch of computer science concerned with making computers behave like humans. Artificial intelligence includes games playing:programming computers to play games such as chess and checkers expert systems: programming computers to make decisions in real-life situations (for example, some expert systems help doctors diagnose diseases based on symptoms) natural language: programming computers to understand natural human languages neural networks:Systems that simulate intelligence by attempting to reproduce the types of physical connections that occur in animal brains robotics: programming computers to see and hear and react to other sensory stimuli Software Applications
database management system A collection of programs that enables you to store, modify, and extract information from a database. There are many different types of DBMSs, ranging from small systems that run on personal computers to huge systems that run on mainframes. The following are examples of database applications: • computerized library systems • automated teller machines • flight reservation systems • computerized parts inventory systems Software Applications
To access information from a database, you need a database management system (DBMS). This is a collection of programs that enables you to enter, organize, and select data in a database. (2) Increasingly, the term database is used as shorthand for database management system. database : 1)Often abbreviated DB. A collection of information organized in such a way that a computerprogram can quickly select desired pieces of data. You can think of a database as an electronic filing system. • Traditional databases are organized by fields, records, and files. A field is a single piece of information; a record is one complete set of fields; and a file is a collection of records. For example, a telephone book is analogous to a file. It contains a list of records, each of which consists of three fields: name, address, and telephone number. • An alternative concept in database design is known as Hypertext. In a Hypertext database, any object, whether it be a piece of text, a picture, or a film, can be linked to any other object. Hypertext databases are particularly useful for organizing large amounts of disparate information, but they are not designed for numerical analysis. Software Applications
Graphics Software Terminology Graphics jargon can be confusing, especially for those who are just learning how to edit digital photographs or work with images for printing or Web pages. There are countless graphics software packages available, each with its own options and even different names for the basic functions you can use to manipulate images (also called image enhancement). To help you better grasp graphics software, we take a look at the genre and define some the common terminology to help you better maneuver your way through the basics of working with your digital images. Software Applications
Original Image Artistic Effect: Neon Glow Illumination Effects: Sunburst Texture Effects: Tiles some the common terminology • Image Effects • Many graphics programs come with predefined algorithms that enable you to add special effects to your images. The actual effects will depend on the software you use. However, there are some standard ones that you can expect to find in a good program Software Applications
some the common terminology (continued) 2. Color DepthIn computer graphics, color depth is how you describe the range of colors that can be used in an image. The more colors used in an image, the more realistic it will look 3. EraserEraser tools allow you to erase areas within your image to leave behind transparency or a background color. There is also a Background Eraser which provides more control in removing a background to transparent (Zoomed 200x185 crop) 256 colors (8 bit) Original image (24-bit) showing zoom area Background Eraser Paint Tool Software Applications
To learn more about Microsoft Office visit: www.office.microsoft.com And to learn more about software application visit: www. webopedia.com Software Applications
Reference Software Applications