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AstroCollider Physics. ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS AND THE LHC. James L. Pinfold University of Alberta. Menu. The LHC and its multi-purpose detectors, for high p t physics (and forward physics?) Forward physics at the LHC and Cosmic Ray physics The cosmic ray energy spectrum
AstroCollider Physics ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS AND THE LHC James L. Pinfold University of Alberta
Menu • The LHC and its multi-purpose detectors, for high pt physics (and forward physics?) • Forward physics at the LHC and Cosmic Ray physics • The cosmic ray energy spectrum • Understanding cosmic ray air showers & the NEEDS project • Exotic physics (already seen in CR emulsions?) • UHECR and SUSY • The synergy between astroparticle physics and high pT LHC physics • WMAP & SUSY dark matter (MSUGRA, GMSB and split SUSY) • LHC and dark matter (eg neutralino Dark Matter) • Direct detection of dark matter • Indirect detection of dark matter • A brief look at gravitino dark matter • Extra dimensions • Collider signatures of Extra Dimensions • Evidence for Extra Dimensions from the cosmos • Mini black hole production at the LHC and in HECR interactions • COSMOLHC – the direct detection of cosmic rays with LHC detectors • Conclusions
The LHC Collider LHC ring ~26km in circ. • SCHEDULE • LHC install by the end of 2006 • First beam: April 2007 • First collisions: ~July 2007 • 2007: First physics = 4 fb-1 • 2008-09: Low lumi = 20 fb-1/y • 2010+: High lumi = 100 fb-1/y
The LHC Detectors • PHYSICS TARGETS • ATLAS, CMS: • - Higgs boson(s) • - SUSY particles • …?? • ALICE: • Quark Gluon Plasma • LHC-B: • CP violation in the B sector • TOTEM: • Total pp x-section • MoEDAL: • Monopole search • (LoI stage only) CMS MoEDAL
Measuring the Forward Region at the LHC ? CMS The present LHC coverage TOTEM • TOTEM (at the CMS IP)~ 3 Roman Pot stations at both sides of IP to detect leading proton in elastic scattering and in diffractive interactions plus 2 telescopes (3<||<7) to study inelastic interactions in forward region • Similar coverage being planned for ATLAS
A Benchmark Measurement of stot(pp) Goal of CMS/TOTEM and ATLAS: ~ 1 % precision Measured by TOTEM -t (4-mom. transfer)2 (pscat)2 (p=7 TeV) Nel, Ninel : no’s of elastic & inelastic events (dNel/dt)|t=0: (extrap.of) diff. elastic rate at t=0 Re[forward amp.] /Im[forward amp.] = 0.10 0.01 Curves are ~ (log s) To achieve ~ 1% accuracy on tot need to Measure Ninel over large rapidity range to minimize acceptance correction For || 7 acceptance is 99 % measure dNel/dt down to -t ~ 2 x 10-2 GeV2 to minimize extrapolation to t=0 Of particular interest for cosmic ray physics is the measurement of the total & inelastic X-section as well as the ratio of sdiff/sinel
Forward physics at the LHC and Cosmic Ray Physics
The LHC & HECR Energy Spectrum • Studies of LHC collisions with pp (& pA, AA) x-sections are important in refining our understanding the HECR energy spectrum. • Is there something that colliders can contribute to understanding of the knee? For example, a new threshold: • The sextet quark model where enhanced WW/ ZZ production has a threshold at the knee (~1015 eV) • The Tevatron energy is just too low but the LHC could see a clear effect. • Is the CR spectrum, beyond the GZK cut-off, due to physics beyond the SM? • From monopoles • From extra dimensions that induce strong n x-sections • Originating from massive relic particle decay with MX >1012 GeV, • From SUSY particles such as the S0 (uds-gluino) High energy CRs consist of protons, nuclei, gammas,… GZK Cut-off HECR manifest themselves as extended air showers (EAS)
Forward Physics - the LHC & CRs • Forward directions (| |>5): few particles with low pT but very high energy (>90% of the event energy) relevant to HECR • Collider physics measurement emphasis: • High Transverse energy: Jets, Leptons, Leptonic secondaries & ETmiss • Cosmic Ray Extended Air Shower (EAS) measurements involve primarily: • Total/inelastic x-section; fraction of diffractive dissociation; energy flow; particle multiplicity distributions; hadronic secondaries • The study of hA interaction is mostly limited to fixed target (FT) energies, (sNN)hA < 0.03 TeV (new data from RHIC (Au-Au) is at~0.2 TeV) but Feynman Scaling breaks down at higher energies (eg Tevatron, LHC). • Uncertainties in the MC prediction of the development EAS are due to uncertainties in the calculation of hadronic interactions. ET E EAS EAS
Colliders & CR EAS - The NEEDS Meeting • Major uncertainties in our understanding of Cosmic ray observables still exist • The NEEDS workshop - held in Karlsruhre in 2002 - discussed which measurements of hadronic interactions are key to our understanding of CR physics. Some central questions were: • How important are the uncertainties in our knowledge of hadronic interactions in the determination of CR flux & comp. • Will planned expts reduce these uncertainties. • What additional expts are necessary. • A brief list of some of the most important measurements for shower development: • A precise measurement of the stot & sinel. proton cross-sections • Energy distribution of the leading nucleon in the final state • Measurement of sdiff/sinel • Inclusive p-spectra in the frag. region xF >0.1 • Ideally make these measurements for pp, AA, and pA at the LHC. EG-1 The HECR Energy spectrum EG-2 World data:<log mass>
Cosmic Ray Exotics at the LHC • Centauro events have been predominantly observed in CR emulsion exposures in balloons • Centauros all characterized by: • Abnormal hadron dominance in multiplicity/energy. • Low hadron mult. (wrt AA collisions of similar energy) • PT of produced particles more than “normal” (PT~1.7 GeV/c) • Pseudorapidity distributions consistent with formation & isotropic decay of a fireball • The CASTOR (CMS) proposal makes charge particle mult. & EM/HAD E-flow up to |h| ~8 • A tungsten/quartz fibre calorimeter • CASTOR’s objectives, measure: • EEM/Ehad • Longitudinal shower evolution • Search for Centauros, etc. • L=1.5m, 8 sectors ~ 9
HECRs and SUSY • A possible origin of UHECRs is the decay of a supermassive particle Mx with mass related to the unification mass scale 1024 GeV • Schematic view of a ‘jet’ for an initial squark from the decay of the ‘X’ particle • Particles with mass of order mSUSY decay at the 1st vertical line. For mSUSY< Q < 0.1 light QCD DOFs still contribute to the evolution of the cascade. • At the second vertical line, all partons hadronize and unstable hadrons + leptons decay. • At best we would only detect on earth one particle of the ~104’s of particles produced in the decay of an ‘X-particle’. • Thus, we will only be able to make studies of the single-particle inclusive spectra of protons, n’s, LSPs & g’s. • Thus, input from the LHC wouldl be vital to study physics at energies up to 1012 GeV. hep-ph/0210142)
The Synergy Between Astroparticle Physics and High pT LHC physics
WMAP & Dark Matter • Launch of WMAP satellite in June 2001 1st data, February 2003. • The vastly increased precision of the WMAP CMB data, revealed temperature fluctuations that vary by only millionths of a degree. • Best fit cosmological model (including CB, ACBAR, 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey and Lyman alpha forest data) give the following energy densities (units of the critical density): • ΩL = 0.73±0.04 (Vacuum energy) • Ωb = 0.044±0.004 (baryon density) • Ωm = 0.27±0.04 (Matter density • One can derive the cold dark matter density • 0.94 < ΩCDM h2 < 0.129 (95% CL) (Cold dark matter) – normalized Hubble Constant =0.71 ± 0.04 • Little or no hot dark matter
Constraining Dark Matter Candidates Disfavoured by BR (b s) from CLEO, BaBar BELLE BR (b s) = (3.2 0.5) 10-4 used Favoured by g-2 (E821) Favoured by cosmology assuming 0.1 h2 0.3 Favoured by cosmology assuming 0.094 h2 0.129 i.e. new WMAP results b s • Dark matter candidates are legion: axions, gravitinos, neutralinos, KK particles, Q balls, superWIMPs, self-interacting particles, branons… SUSY DARK MATTER (MSUGRA) (5 params m0- common scalar mass; m1/2 – common gaugino mass; A0 - common trilinear coupling; tanb; m - Higgsino mass parameter) mSUGRA A0=0 , Ellis et al., hep-ph/0303043 Co-annihilation region Focus point region Forbidden LSP = stau Bulk region “co-annihilation region” “bulk region”
Investigating DM at the LHC SUSY studies at the ATLAS/LHC will proceed in four steps: • SUSY Discovery phase (inclusive searches) success assumed! • Inclusive Studies (comparison of significance in inclusive channels etc). • First rough predictions of Wch2 within specific model framework (e.g. Constrained MSSM / mSUGRA). • Exclusive studies (calculation of model-independent SUSY masses) and interpretation within specific model framework. • Model-independent calculation of LSP mass for comparison with e.g. direct searches; detailed model-dependent calculations of DM quantities (Wch2, scp, fsun etc.) • Less model-dependent interpretation. • Approach to model-independent measurement of Wch2 etc. through measurement of all relevant masses etc.
First Step - Inclusive Constraints ATLAS constraints Direct Detection jets+ETmiss+X channel in ATLAS Dan Tovey WIMP-N x-section (pb). Dan Tovey M0 (GeV) The next direct DM searches (~1tonne) could probe cosmologically favoured regions (s~10-10 pb) not accessible to the LHC: 1) Focus point scenarios (large m0); 2) models with large tan(b). 5s reach of the inclusive SUSY searches at ATLAS for mSUGRA with large tanb probing regions inaccessible to the current DM expts
Step 2 Inclusive Studies LHC Point 5 (Physics TDR) • Assuming that SUSY is revealed at the LHC the next step will be to test broad features of the potential DM candidate. • 1st Question: is R-Parity Conserved? • If YES possible DM candidate • LHC experiments sensitive only to LSP lifetimes < 1 ms (<< tU ~ 13.7 Gyr) • 2nd Question: is the neutralino the LSP? • Natural in many MSSM models • If YES then test for consistency with astrophysics • If NO then what is it? • e.g. Light Gravitino DM from GMSB models (not considered here) R-Parity Conserved R-Parity Violated ATLAS Non-pointing photons from c01gGg GMSB Point 1b (Physics TDR) ATLAS
Stage 2/3: Model-Dependent DM CMSSM A0=0 , Ellis et al. hep-ph/0303043 Disfavoured by BR (b s) = (3.2 0.5) 10-4 (CLEO, BELLE) Favoured by g-2 (E821) Assuming = (26 10) 10 -10 from SUSY ( 2 band) 0.094 h2 0.129 (WMAP) Forbidden (LSP = stau) • If a viable DM candidate is found initially assume specific consistent model • e.g. CMSSM / mSUGRA. • Measure model parameters (m0, m1/2, tan(b), sign(m), A0 in CMSSM): Stage 2/3. • Check consistency with accelerator constraints (mh, gm-2, bgsg etc.) • Estimate Wch2g consistency check with astrophysics (WMAP etc.) • Ultimate test of DM at LHC only possible in conjunction with astroparticle experiments gmeasure mc , scp, fsunetc.
Step 3 - Mass Measurements e+e- + m+m- 30 fb-1 Point 5 ATLAS TDR llq threshold lq edge llq edge 2% error (100 fb-1) 1% error (100 fb-1) 1% error (100 fb-1) p p ~ c01 TDR, Point 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ q c02 g lR TDR, Point 5 TDR, Point 5 ATLAS ATLAS ATLAS q q l l • Model parameters estimated using fit to measured positions of kinematic end-points observed in the chain of decays in SUSY event. Model independent estimate of masses will also be made • At point 5 expected precisions after 30 fb-1on M0, M1/2 & Tan b are ± 2.3%, ± 0.9% and 0.5% respectively
Stage 2/3: Model Parameters Point m0 m1/2 A0 tan(b) sign(m) LHC Point 5 100 300 300 2 +1 SPS1a 100 250 -100 10 +1 LHC Point 5 (A0 =300 GeV, tan(b)=2, m>0) Sparticle Mass (LHC Point 5)Mass (SPS1a) qL~690 GeV ~530 GeV 02233 GeV 177 GeV lR157 GeV 143 GeV 01122 GeV 96 GeV Point SPS1a (A0 =-100 GeV, tan(b)=10, m>0) ~ ~ ~ ~ • First indication (Stage 2) of CMSSM parameters from inclusive channels • Compare significance in jets + ETmiss + n leptons channels • Detailed measurements (Stage 3) from exclusive channels when accessible. • Consider here two specific example points: ATLAS
Step 34 Relic Density Scenarios • Use parameter measurements to estimate Wch2 , direct detection cross-section etc. (e.g. for 300 fb-1, SPS1a) • W c h2 = 0.1921 0.0053 & log10(scp/pb) = - 8.17 0.04
dR =p.Af(A) .S(A,ER).I(A).F2(A,ER).g(A).e(Ev) dEv Direct Searches for WIMPs • Predicted nuclear recoil energy spectrum depends on astrophysics (DM halo model), nuclear physics (form-factors, coupling enhancements) and particle physics (WIMP mass and coupling). p = WIMP-nucleon scattering cross-section, f(A) = mass fraction of element A in target, S(A,ER) ~ exp(-ER/E0r) for recoil energy ER, I(A) = spin/coherence enhancement (model-dep.), F2(A,ER) = nuclear form-factor, g(A) = quenching factor (Ev/ER), (Ev)= event identification efficiency.
Direct DM Searches EDELWEISS CDMS DAMA ZEPLIN-I CRESST-II ZEPLIN-2 EDELWEISS 2 ZEPLIN-4 GENIUS XENON ZEPLIN-MAX • Next generation of tonne-scale direct Dark Matter detection experiments should give sensitivity to scalar WIMP-nucleon cross-sections ~ 10-10 pb. (Slide supplied from D. Tovey)
Indirect Dark Matter Searches • Indirect neutralino dark matter can be detected via neutralino annihilations giving rise to 3 main signals. • The 1st of these signals arises from n’s produced by neutralino annihilation in the sun’s/earth’s core. These n’s detected via CC interactions (ν µ conv’s) in n-telescopes such as AMANDA. • The planned neutrino telescopes ANTARES & IceCube are sensitive to Eµ > 10 GeV & Eµ > 25–50 GeV, respect. • The 2nd signal stems from g-rays originating from neutralino annihilations in the galactic core & halo producing hadrons, giving rise to g’s primarily from p0 decays. • These signals can be detected by space- based detectors such as EGRET or GLAST with thresholds as low as 100’s of MeV and in atmospheric Cerenkov telescopes on the ground, with detection thresholds in the range 20100 GeV. • The 3rd signal is provided by hard cosmic ray positrons produced in the decays of leptons, heavy quarks & gauge bosons from neutralino annihilations in our galactic halo. A “clumpy halo” is required to get sufficient s/n. • Space-based anti-matter detectors such as AMS-02 and PAMELA will provide precise measurements of the positron spectrum and may be able to detect a possible positron signal from neutralino annihilation. • All of these measurements are prone to large systematic uncertainties, for example on quantities such as neutralino densities and density variations in the core & halo of the galaxy.
Putting it All Together The black contour depicts the exclusion that we can expect from the planned future direct detection (DD) dark matter experiments (σSI> 10-9 pb). The S/B > 0.01 contour for halo produced positrons (blue-green contour) and The LHC (100 fb-1) can cover the HB/FP region up to m1/2 ∼ 700 GeV, which corresponds to a reach in mgluino of ~1.8 TeV Reach of IceCube ν telescope with Fsun(μ) = 40 μ’s/km2/yr and Eμ > 25 covering the FP region to 1400GeV The Tevatron (10 fb-1) could cover the Higgs annihilation corridor as shown by red dashed line If SUSY lies in the upper FP region, then it may be discovered 1st by IceCube (+ possibly Antares), & confirmed later by direct DM detection and the LC1000.
What if the Graviton is the LSP? • Assume gravitino is LSP. Early universe behaves as usual, WIMP freezes out with desired thermal relic density • Gravitinos are superweakly-interacting massive particles –“superWIMPs” as all interactions are suppressed by MW/MPl ~ 10-16 • Current scenarios favour a long lifetime for the WIMP (~1 year) - A year passes…then all WIMPs decay to gravitinos • Are there observable consequences? Well late decays, t̃→ t G̃ can modify light element abundances • Independent 7Li measurements are all low by factor of 3 - SuperWIMP DM naturally explains 7Li ! MPl2/MW3 ~ year
Collider Phenomenology • Each SUSY event produces 2 metastable sleptons with a spectacular signature: highly-ionizing charged tracks • Current bound (LEP): ml̃ > 99 GeV • Tevatron Run II reach: ml̃ ~ 150GeV • LHC reach: ml̃ ~ 700 GeV in 1 year • Slepton trapping: • Sleptons live for roughly a year, so can be trapped for the decays to be observed later • LHC: 106 sleptons/yr possible, but most are fast. By optimizing trap location and shape, can catch ~100/yr in 1000 m3we. (a 1000 a year at the LC) • Measurement of G mG̃ • WG̃. SuperWIMP contribution to dark matter • SUSY breaking scale • Early universe (BBN, CMB) in the lab
Extra Dimensions • The broad features of theories of Extra Dimensions (EDs) are as follows: • Compactification of the n EDs generates a KK (Kaluza-Klein) tower of states - a generic feature of models with compactified EDs. • Most of the ED models fall into 3 classes • 1st, the large extra dimension (LED) ADD scenario in which: • Gravity propagates in the bulk, the matter gauge forces live on the 3-brane. • There is an emission and exchange of large KK towers of gravitons finely spaced in mass. • 2nd - In the RS scenario where the hierarchy is generated by the large curvature of the EDs: • There exists 1 ED and the TeV+Planck branes within a 5-D space of constant -ve curvature that forms the bulk - where gravity can propagate. • All of the SM particles and forces are confined to the TeV brane • 3rd - The UED scenario all fields can propagate in the bulk and branes do not need to be present Often assume that EDs have a common size R (3+1+n ) dimensions (3+1) dimensions
Searching for EDs at Colliders • Searches for LEDs have usually assumed the ADD scenario. EG at LEP graviton emission & virtual graviton effects from LEDs have been sought • Hadron collider reach (ADD scenario) for real graviton emission and virtual graviton effects • In RS scenario there are KK excitations of the SM gauge fields with masses ~TeV, that would manifest themselves at the LHC as resonances. • The constraints from data + theoretical asssumptions/ requirements mean that the RS scenario could be ruled out completely at the LHC N=27 ~80 pb-1
Astrophysical/Cosmological Limits on EDs Anomalous heating of neutron stars by gravitionally trapped KK graviton modes SN cooling via graviton emission Radiative decay of gravitons to g’s, contribute to the diffuse g back-grounds • Although some of these limits are stringent they are indirect and contain large systematic errors. Although the n =2 scenario looks to be in trouble. • Ignoring these limitations we see that the astrophysical constraints allow low-gravity models with MD ~1TeV, n 4. • If extra dimensions are discovered at the LHC it would provide useful input to our understanding of astrophysics/cosmology.
Extra Dimensions & the Radion • In the RS scenario the radion field is a scalar field which stabilizes the size of the extra-dimensions. Parameters: radion mass (m ), radion vev ( ), h- mixing () • The presence of the radion is one of the key phenomenological consequences of theories of warped EDs such as RS. • Similar couplings as SM Higgs but with different strengths ( gg is enhanced wrt the Higgs , WW/ZZ suppressed in some cases); HH important if open. << H • Precise measurements of couplings needed to disentangle /H. The determination at the LHC would be ~10%. • The experimental efforts to determine the properties of the radion field have a cosmological significance since the size of the interaction of the radion field with SM particles determines whether it can decay quickly enough to avoid overclosure by the beginning of BBN. • The ADD scenario also admits a light radion (10 MeV > Mf > 10-3 eV) that is a potential source of dark matter similar to axionic dark matter
Searching for the Radion at ATLAS • = 1 TeV mH=125 GeV (For 100 fb-1 of data)
Black Hole Production at the LHC • Big surprise: BH production is not an exotic remote possibility, but the dominant effect! (Limitation:lack of knowledge of quantum gravity effects ) • Main idea: when the Ecm reaches the fundamental “Planck”scale, a BH is formed; x-section is given by the black disk; σ ~ πRS2 ~ 1 TeV-2 ~ 10-38 m2 ~ 100 pb • The underlying assumptions rely on 2 simple qualitative properties: the absence of small couplings; the “democratic” nature of BH decays • Black holes decay immediately ( ~ 10-26 s) by Hawking radiation: large multiplicity, small Etmiss, jets/leptons ~ 5 • Black holes to hadrons/leptons/g,W,Z/Higgs ~ 75%/20%/3%/2% James Pinfold ATLAS Athens Physics Workshop 20
Black Holes in ATLAS Preliminary studies : reach is MD ~ 6 TeV for any in one year at low luminosity. MBH ~ 8 TeV By testing Hawking formula proof that it is BH + measure of MD, Precise measurements of MBH & TH needed (TH from lepton & g spectra) • The end of short-distance physics? Naively – yes, once the event horizon is larger than a proton, a HEP collider would only produce BHs! • But, gravity couples universally, so each new particle, which can appear in the BH decay would be produced with ~1% probability (if its mass is less thanTH ~ 100 GeV) • Time required for a 5s Higgs discovery: MP = 1/3/5 TeV 1 hr/1 wk/1yr. SUSY particles would also enjoy a similar rapid discovery mode • Black hole decays open a new window into new physics! Hence, rebirth of the short-distance physics! Clean BH samples would make LHC a new physics factory as well
Black Hole Production by Cosmic Rays (Feng and Shapere, hep-ph/0109106) hep-ph/0311365 • Consider BH production deep in the atmosphere by UHE neutrinos - detect them, e.g. in PAO, Ice3 or AGASSA • OFO 100 BHs can be detected before the LHC turns on • But can the BH signature be uniquely established? nD=6 PAO limit (96% CL)
COSMOLHC – the Direct Detection of Cosmic Rays with LHC Detectors
Cosmo-LHC • The LHC detectors will deploy unprecedented areas of precision muon tracking, tracking and calorimetry ~100m underground • In the spirit of Cosmo-LEP the LHC detectors could be used to detect and measure cosmic ray events directly
Muon Physics Plus with CosmoLHC • CosmoLHC – carrying on CosmoLEP (L3+C, CosmoALEPH). Topics to study: • Single/inclusive m’s (pt spectrum >20 GeV 2TeV, angular dist. 0 < q < 50o, charge ratio, etc.) • Upward going m’s (E spectrum, angular distribution, etc.) • Multi-m’s (composition measurements, etc.) • Muon bundles (evidence for new physics?) • Isoburst events seen in LVD, KGF (an hyp. is that they are due to the decay of WIMPS (M> 10 GeV) – better measured at the LHC.) • These measurements will yield data on: • Forward physics of hadronic showers • Primary composition of cosmic rays • Non-uniformities (sidereal anisotropies, bursts, point sources, GRBs) • New physics (eg anomalous muon bundles)? • One can also place detectors in coincidence (cosmic strings) L3+C Single muon data L3+C A muon “bundle” event
Concluding Remarks • There is a considerable and growing synergy between collider & astroparticle physics A good example of this partnership is the search for dark matter. Ultimate test of DM at LHC only possible in conjunction with astroparticle experiments g measure mc , scp,, fsunetc. • The nature of discovery physics is that it often occurs when it is least expected astrocollider physics maximizes the coverage of “possibility space”
ATLAS Weight 7K tonnes 46m 25m Scale
LHC- Direct Search for Monopoles • An LOI for the MoEDAL experiment to search for monopoles, dyons & other highly ionizing objects has been accepted by the LHCC. • The MoEDAL detector is essentially a “partial” plastic ball deployed around the LHCb vertex chamber region. • Highly ionizing objects are detected by etching the plastic’s “ionization damage” zones • Threshold Z/b > ~10. (Z/b for a highly relativistic monopole ~1500) • Advantages: • Minimizes assumptions about the nature of the monopole or dyon • Essentially no SM background. In principle 1 event should be enough for a discovery • Very Very cost effective (plastic ball) Detection medium, plastic track-etch detectors (CR39)
Indirect Search for Monopoles/Dyons pT1 + pT2 Also searched in cosmic rays ATLAS, 100 fb-1 Caveat: there will be large form factor suppression in the cross-section if the monopole is not point-like
The Mysteries of an Opaque Universe • The universe is opaque to UHECR • In the case of the GZK cut-off a 5x1019 eV proton has a mfp of 50 mpc due to interaction with photons in the the CMB. • But no nearby sources have been identified • How are the protons with energy > EGZK getting to us? There are two scenarios: • BOTTOM UP: acceleration in AGNs, g-ray bursters, etc. Then production of a neutral (n, so,etc). • BOTTOM UP with GZK cut-off relaxed by violation of Lorentz Invariance, etc. • Or TOP DOWN: topological defects (cosmic strings, monopoles, etc.) or massive relics, etc. Region restricted by GZK cut-off ~100 Mpc 10,000Mpc Size of observable universe
Cosmic Ray Exotica • Centauro, Mini-Centauros, Chirons, Geminions are all characterized by: • Abnormal hadron dominance in multiplicity/energy. • Low total hadron multiplicity compared to that expected for A-A collisions in that energy range • PT of produced particles higher than “normal” • PT ~1.7 GeV/c for centauros • PT of 10-15 GeV/c for chirons • Pseudorapidity distributions consistent with formation and isotropic decay of a fireball with: • Nh ~100 & MFB for centauros and chirons • Nh ~15 and MFB ~ 35 GeV for mini-centauros • Anti-Centauros: • Events with abnormal EM dominance • Long Flying Component: • Unusually penetrating cascades, clusters of showers… • Halo Events: • Dense EM cascade containing several hadronic cores spaced closely together (small rel. PT)– in many multi-halo events the halos are aligned, where halos are EM showers in jets. • Muon Bundles: • Events where bundles of muons with very small lateral separation as if produced in a process with very small PT A Centauro Model Does the production of strangelets play a role in Centauro-type phenomena?
Focus Point Region • Relic density can also be reduced if c has significant Higgsino component to enhance Feng, Matchev, Wilczek (2000) • Motivates SUSY with multi-TeV g̃, q̃, l̃ c±/c0 highly degenerate • Such SUSY would be missed at LHC, discovered at LC Baer, Belyaev, Krupovnickas, Tata (2003) James Pinfold Fermilab June 2005
DM Detectors (as of summer 2004) • CDMS (Stanford/Soudan) • CDMS I Shallow site (Stanford) • punch through fast neutrons from cosmic ray µ spallation. • Subtraction by MC checks on multiple scatters limit at 3x10-6pb. • CDMS II underground operation at Soudan mine from April 2003 • 56 live days data collected, blind analysis completed, limit at 4x10-7pb • CRYO-ARRAY tonne scale detector in planning stages • XENON (DUSEL) • R&D programme to develop two phase xenon target completed • Proposal submitted for construction of 100kg module for 2007 deployment • Intend tonne scale final detector for deployment at DUSEL • XMASS (Kamioka) • 3kg two phase xenon dark matter detector in operation. • High background due to radon contamination (200 Bq/m3!) • 20kg module under construction • DAMA (Gran Sasso) • 9x9.7 kg crystals in shield: 7 years data analysed • Annual variation observed in total event rate < 6keV (+ noise rej.) • LIBRA (250kg) NaI array construction completed • Edelweiss (Frejus) • Ge thermal/ionisation detector. 50 kg.days data from 4x320g units • 2002 no events in recoil region (one on boundary) giving ~10-6pb limit. • 2003 data runs see neutron events in nuclear recoil region, confirms limit. • 28x320g array expected operation in 2004: 40kg array planned • CRESST (Gran Sasso) • CRESST I: Sapphire bolometer: low WIMP mass, spin interaction reach • CRESST II: CaWO4 thermal/scint: 300g demonstrator operated • Engineering runs completed: neutrons observed, no shielding • 10kg (33x330g) stack in construction: SQUID readout incorporated
Parameter Expected precision 30 fb-1 300 fb-1 m0 3.2% 1.4% m1/2 0.9% 0.6% tan(b) 0.5% 0.5% Point m0 m1/2 A0 tan(b) sign(m) LHC Point 5 100 300 300 2 +1 SPS1a 100 250 -100 10 +1 Point m0 m1/2 A0 tan(b) sign(m) LHC Point 5 100 300 300 2 +1 SPS1a 100 250 -100 10 +1 Sparticle Mass (LHC Point 5)Mass (SPS1a) qL~690 GeV ~530 GeV 02233 GeV 177 GeV lR157 GeV 143 GeV 01122 GeV 96 GeV ~ ~ ~ ~
Colour Sextet Quark Model - Notes Dfirectly rom Mike Albrow’s talk - “GTEV Gluon Physics at the Tevatron”