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Budget Activity: H A064 - Lead Based Paint Hazard Mitigation Purpose: Ensure work performed within homes that contain lead-based paint is completed in a safe and healthy manner Agency Goal: Improve the health and safety of communities and families
Budget Activity: H A064 - Lead Based Paint Hazard Mitigation Purpose: Ensure work performed within homes that contain lead-based paint is completed in a safe and healthy manner Agency Goal: Improve the health and safety of communities and families Priority of Government: Improve the safety of people and property and Improve the health of Washingtonians FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2008 FY 2009 Analysis: • The Lead Chemical Action plan was reworded by Ecology to focus on harm to children, including harm due to led based paint. It should be available to the public by the end of April 2009. • During Q7 the number of individuals certified in lead-base paint inspection were 61 higher than the target. The economic stimulus generated interest among general construction professionals in obtaining lead certification. H005 - Number of firms and individuals certified in lead-based paint inspection and remediation (output) How target was set: Estimates based on historical data Data Source: Databases kept by individual programs in HD (HIP)
Budget Activity: H A064 - Lead Based Paint Hazard Mitigation Purpose: Ensure work performed within homes that contain lead-based paint is completed in a safe and healthy manner Agency Goal: Improve the health and safety of communities and families Priority of Government: Improve the safety of people and property and Improve the health of Washingtonians FY 2008 FY 2009 Analysis: • CTED was awarded a Lead Hazard Control Grant #2 funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). We signed the contract with HUD on April 14, 2009. • Agencies have ramped up to complete 240 units for this grant by July 31, 2009. Their earlier production was slower so they speeded up their production this quarter to catch up to their performance measures. • CTED extended the LHCP #1 through October 31, 2009 inorder to spend all the $3 million in grant funds. H006 - Number of units preserved through lead-hazard remediation(outcome) How target was set: Estimates based on historical data Data Source: Databases kept by individual programs in HD (HIP)
Budget Activity: H A065 - Low Income Weatherization Program Purpose: Improve energy efficiency and preserve affordability of low-income housing through energy conservation measures Agency Goal: Improve the health and safety of communities and families Priority of Government: Improve the safety of people and property and Improve the health of Washingtonians FY 2008 FY 2009 Analysis: • We did not meet our 7th quarter target, 2,215 units were weatherized this fiscal year: a 465 units increase over our estimate for quarters 5-7 (FY 2009). • Follow-up on previous action items: - In partnership with the Energy Project, we convened a Weatherization Summit on March 11, 2009 to consider the opportunities and challenges presented by a large-scale expansion of the Weatherization Program. As a result, new partnerships were formed and next steps identified. - The unit finalized a Tiered Model guide for weatherization, which will enable agencies to serve more homes faster to meet our Governor’s and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) goals. H007 - Number of units preserved through weatherization(outcome) How target was set: Estimates based on historical data Data Source: Databases kept by individual programs in HD (HIP) Budget: 07’-09’ Biennium $43,367,000
Budget Activity: H A065 - Low Income Weatherization Program Purpose: Improve energy efficiency and preserve affordability of low-income housing through energy conservation measures Agency Goal: Improve the health and safety of communities and families Priority of Government: Improve the safety of people and property and Improve the health of Washingtonians FY 2008 FY 2009 Analysis: • The division is currently redesigning the HRRP to create a state-funded rather than a federally-funded program. • The Mobile Home Replacement Pilot (MHRP) project involves 10 contractors who were awarded $2 million to replace 27 older mobile homes with new manufactured homes. • Agencies had a slow Q6 due to stormy snowy winter weather. The units they started during that time were closed in Q7 thus catching them up to their performance measures. H008 - Number of units preserved through rehabilitation(outcome) How target was set: Estimates based on historical data Data Source: Databases kept by individual programs in HD (HIP) Budget: 07’-09’ Biennium $43,367,000
Budget Activity: H A068 - Mobile Home Relocation Assistance Purpose: Provide financial reimbursement to low-income families displaced due to mobile home park closure Agency Goal: Move low-income and vulnerable families to self-sufficiency Priority of Government: Improve the economic vitality of businesses and individuals 243 FY 2008 FY 2009 Analysis: • 11 homeowners were reimbursed from the waitlist Q7 (cumulative of 328), maintaining allotment plan to ensure fund stability. Homeowner reimbursements were reduced due to a decline in revenue received. Reimbursements were disbursed within allowable allotment plan limits. • * Unique high number of homeowners served Q1 due to one-time-only allocation from Governor’s budget ($2 million). • 1. The Manufactured Housing Community Preservation Advisory Team met four times during Q7. The consultant provided updates at all meetings, however did not meet the revised completion date of February 11, 2009 for the final report, Local and State Policy Options for Washington State. H009 - Number of homeowners receiving relocation assistance (output) 11 31 11 How target was set: Estimates based on historical data Data Source: Databases kept by individual programs in HD (HIP) Budget: 07’-09’ Biennium $1,188,000
Budget Activity: H A153 - Farm Worker Housing Purpose: Provide seasonal, permanent and emergency housing development for migrant and local farm workers Agency Goal: Move low-income and vulnerable families to self-sufficiency Priority of Government: Improve the economic vitality of businesses and individuals FY 2008 FY 2009 Analysis: • Outcomes are higher than had been anticipated in Q7, this is because some projects that were projected to be completed earlier in the year came in behind schedule. With completion of these projects, this measure is now back on target and current projections indicate that we will exceed the overall target for FY09. • This measure includes both permanent (year-round) and seasonal housing. Seasonal housing includes both on-farm and off-farm projects. Each of these is funded through a separate process using different guidelines. • Permanent projects are funded through the HTF’s biannual competitive process and are reported as “units.” H011 - Number of farm worker units created (includes units and beds) (output) How target was set: Estimates based on historical data Data Source: Databases kept by individual programs in HD (HTF) Budget: 07’-09’ Biennium $848,000
Additional Analysis: Off-farm, or community-based, seasonal projects are funded through the HTF, but applications are accepted on an open-door basis. Projects are reported as “beds.” On-farm seasonal projects are funded through a separate program for agricultural employers. Projects are funded on an ongoing basis and are reported as “beds.” Original projections for all units/beds were based on projects funded, but actuals are being reported on beds placed in service; i.e., completed and available for occupancy. Targets have been revised for FY09 to reflect units/beds projected to be placed in service. Funding for on-farm infrastructure loans is currently 88% obligated and will likely be exhausted prior to the end of Q7. The 2008 supplemental appropriation to the HTF included $2 million for on-farm seasonal housing and expanding assistance to include construction loans in addition to infrastructure financing. Targets for FY09 have been revised to reflect an anticipated increase in beds created as a result of this program expansion. Loan awards will begin in Q7 and funds are expected to be fully obligated prior to the end of Q8.
Budget Activity: H A153 - Farm Worker Housing Purpose: Provide seasonal, permanent and emergency housing development for migrant and local farm workers Agency Goal: Move low-income and vulnerable families to self-sufficiency Priority of Government: Improve the economic vitality of businesses and individuals FY 2008 FY 2009 Analysis: Same as units created. See Performance Measure H011 H012 - Number of farm worker seasonal beds preserved (output) 23 How target was set: Estimates based on historical data Data Source: Databases kept by individual programs in HD (HTF) Budget: 07’-09’ Biennium $848,000
Budget Activity: H A153 - Farm Worker Housing Purpose: Provide seasonal, permanent and emergency housing development for migrant and local farm workers Agency Goal: Move low-income and vulnerable families to self-sufficiency Priority of Government: Improve the economic vitality of businesses and individuals FY 2008 FY 2009 Analysis: • This measure includes seasonal projects supported with operating assistance and is reported as “beds.” It currently includes four migrant camps and the Rent-a-Tent program. • Due to the seasonal operation of these projects, data is reported only in those quarters that the beds are available for occupancy. It is a duplicated count, as it includes beds receiving operating support in any given quarter (i.e., a bed may be reported in more than one quarter). Since none of these projects are operational during winter months, there are no outcomes reported for Q7. • Targets are lower for FY09 than they were for FY08 due to the closure of the Pangborn camp (350 beds) at the end of '08. The Pangborn camp was funded under a 5-year contract with Douglas County and was intended to serve as an interim measure to provide critically needed seasonal housing while other longer term housing options were developed within the area. H013 - Number of farm worker seasonal beds supported (output) 530 How target was set: Estimates based on historical data Data Source: Databases kept by individual programs in HD (HTF) Budget: 07’-09’ Biennium $848,000
Additional Analysis: Since 2004, when the camp was opened, CTED has invested $8 million to create 955 new seasonal beds in Chelan and Douglas Counties (382 community-based and 573 on-farm). All of these beds are expected to be available by the 2009 harvest season. During 2008, actuals continued to exceed targets due to increased participation by growers in the Rent-a-Tent program. This growth is expected to continue into 2009 and the ensuing biennium. Since the program is currently operating at capacity, additional resources have been invested into the program to accommodate the increased demand. Targets for Q8 have been adjusted accordingly. The 5-year operating agreement for Rent-a-Tent will expire at the end of 2009 and CTED needs to assess continuation of the program in the 09-11 Biennium. This measure is expected to remain on target through remainder of biennium
FY 2008 FY 2009 Budget Activity: H A157 - Homeless Housing Assistance Purpose: Provide a continuum of care that provides housing with supportive services so that individuals and families can move to permanent housing Agency Goal: Move low-income and vulnerable families to self-sufficiency Priority of Government: Improve the security of Washington’s vulnerable children and adults Analysis: • For 7th quarter, 97% percent of the data is recorded. Requests for reimbursement are held for grantees who are delinquent in submitting data. • We have completed a preliminary review of each agency’s projections against their targets and overall the program is serving as many individuals and families as was estimated. A review of each agency’s specific data is on-going. H014 - Number of individuals provided shelter (output) Footnote: Only applies to Emergency Shelter Assistance Program How target was set: Estimates based on historical data Data Source: Databases kept by individual programs in HD (HAU) Budget: 07’-09’ Biennium $50,589,000
Budget Activity: H A157 - Homeless Housing Assistance Purpose: Provide a continuum of care that provides housing with supportive services so that individuals and families can move to permanent housing Agency Goal: Move low-income and vulnerable families to self-sufficiency Priority of Government: Improve the security of Washington’s vulnerable children and adults FY 2008 FY 2009 H015 - Number of nights of shelter provided (outcome) Analysis: • For 7th quarter, 97% percent of the data is recorded. Requests for reimbursement are held for grantees who are delinquent in submitting data. • We have completed a preliminary review of each agency’s projections against their targets and overall the program is serving as many individuals and families as was estimated. A review of each agency’s specific data is on-going. Footnote: Only applies to Emergency Shelter Assistance Program How target was set: Estimates based on historical data Data Source: Databases kept by individual programs in HD (HAU) Budget: 07’-09’ Biennium $50,589,000
Budget Activity: H A157 - Homeless Housing Assistance Purpose: Provide a continuum of care that provides housing with supportive services so that individuals and families can move to permanent housing Agency Goal: Move low-income and vulnerable families to self-sufficiency Priority of Government: Improve the security of Washington’s vulnerable children and adults FY 2008 FY 2009 Analysis: • Data from all 29 contractors are represented in the 7th quarter’s report. Last quarter’s result is revised downward (from 80% to 76%) due to updated figures from contractors. In both quarters, providers have exceeded the target set at 74%. A review of exit data to-date indicates that contractors are on track to meet or slightly exceed this target. • In a nationwide comparison study of similar transitional housing programs, CTED Research Services found our program’s rate of households exiting to permanent housing (78 percent for FY08) higher than rates for all other states and counties surveyed (11). Ohio had the next highest percentage at 73%. The Department of Housing and Urban Development’s benchmark is a 61% rate of exit to permanent housing for families in transitional housing programs. H016 - Percent of households exiting to permanent housing (outcome) Footnote: only applies to Transitional Housing, Operating and Rent Program How target was set: Estimates based on historical data Data Source: Databases kept by individual programs in HD (HAU) Budget: 07’-09’ Biennium $50,589,000
Budget Activity: H A158 - Housing for Vulnerable and Special Needs Populations Purpose: Provide operating assistance to projects that provide housing and support services to low-income people living with HIV/AIDS or mental illness Agency Goal: Move low-income and vulnerable families to self-sufficiency Priority of Government: Improve the security of Washington’s vulnerable children and adults FY 2008 FY 2009 Analysis: • Targets set at the beginning of the biennium have been met consistently and remain stable. Since programs in this activity area continue to be funded at the same level as previous years, no significant changes are expected. The data reported is the number of households who receive rental assistance each quarter and is not cumulative. A household who received assistance for six months, for example, would be reported in two quarters. In the past three years, the total numbers served for a year are in the 45-55 range indicating that there isn’t a large turnover in clients over the course of a year. • The two programs in this activity area will be combined with other homeless programs under HA 157 in the 2009-2011 biennium to better show how the programs work together to meet the need. H017 - Number of households assisted through rental vouchers (output) How target was set: Estimates based on historical data Data Source: Databases kept by individual programs in HD (HOPWA and HAPMI) Budget: 07’-09’ Biennium $1,700,000
Budget Activity: H A158 - Housing for Vulnerable and Special Needs Populations Purpose: Provide operating assistance to projects that provide housing and support services to low-income people living with HIV/AIDS or mental illness Agency Goal: Move low-income and vulnerable families to self-sufficiency Priority of Government: Improve the security of Washington’s vulnerable children and adults FY 2008 FY 2009 Analysis: • In the next biennium programs in this activity area (HA158) will be combined with Activity 157. Only two very small programs report data under this activity. Better metrics are needed. Until then we are continuing to report under HA158 for the rest of the year. • Nothing of note to report on except that the slight reduction in units supported last quarter was due to a programming change made by one provider. H018 - Number of units provided operating support (output) How target was set: Estimates based on historical data Data Source: Databases kept by individual programs in HD (HOPWA and HAPMI) Budget: 07’-09’ Biennium $1,700,000
Budget Activity: H A159 - Affordable Housing Development Purpose: Provide affordable housing Agency Goal: Move low-income and vulnerable families to self-sufficiency Priority of Government: Improve the economic vitality of businesses and individuals FY 2008 FY 2009 Analysis: • Q7 reflects the “catch-up” that was projected given that many of these projects have been in development reflecting that the target is still appropriate. • Current annual report data shows actual income levels being served are way below the contracted amount, creating a potential financial hardship to projects, but supporting the mission of serving the lowest income highest need populations. For example, in the last 15 months, 77% of the units serve 50% AMI and below and 66% of these units are covered by recoverable grants or deferred loans. 23% of the units serve between 60% and 80% AMI, & 34% of the units have amortizing loans. The relationship between grants and deferred loans serving very low income people has continued to narrow and the same is true for amortized loans being utilized for people earning between 60 & 80 %of AMI. This is a good trend H019 - Number of units preserved (outcome) How target was set: Estimates based on historical data Data Source: Databases kept by individual programs in HD (HTF) Budget: 07’-09’ Biennium $46,171,000
Budget Activity: H A159 - Affordable Housing Development Purpose: Provide affordable housing Agency Goal: Move low-income and vulnerable families to self-sufficiency Priority of Government: Improve the economic vitality of businesses and individuals FY 2008 FY 2009 Analysis: • Placed in Service (PIS) volume this quarter, at 15 projects, is our good solid average. • Since we began keeping track of units Placed in Service on 7/1/07, we have placed 109 projects into service totaling 3,679 units. Of these units, 323 units are targeted for homeless households. This addresses 3% towards the need of 10,606 units of housing for homeless Households. • The “Total Contracts” in development moved from 200 to197. Number of contracts in development has been stable around 200. This number should be declining in the next year, as resources are projected to be half as much as what we had in this current biennium. H020 - Number of units created (outcome) 170 How target was set: Estimates based on historical data Data Source: Databases kept by individual programs in HD (HTF) Budget: 07’-09’ Biennium $46,171,000
Budget Activity: H A159 - Affordable Housing Development Purpose: Provide affordable housing Agency Goal: Move low-income and vulnerable families to self-sufficiency Priority of Government: Improve the economic vitality of businesses and individuals FY 2008 FY 2009 Analysis : • Current market conditions, including tightening of mortgage products and credit scores is currently impacting the amount of homeownership opportunities created. • Staff performed organizational assessments typically done on site, in the office, to save on travel costs. Several new organizations applied for organizational assessments which are required prior to applying for project funding. H021 - Number of low-income families provided homeownership (outcome) How target was set: Estimates based on historical data Data Source: Databases kept by individual programs in HD (HTF) Budget: 07’-09’ Biennium $46,171,000
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Budget Activity: H A159 - Affordable Housing Development Purpose: Provide affordable housing Agency Goal: Move low-income and vulnerable families to self-sufficiency Priority of Government: Improve the economic vitality of businesses and individuals FY 2008 FY 2009 H022 - Number of units serving extremely low-income households supported with operating subsidy (output) Analysis: • Starting in Q4, output count is determined by the actual number of units subsidized by the program and currently housing tenants with income at or below 30 percent AMI. The income levels of tenants in projects changes, resulting in less or more tenants under 30 percent AMI over time. The O&M program only serves tenants under 30 percent AMI and therefore only counts tenants in that category for this measure, resulting in data fluctuations. • The number of units subsidized with O&M funding has experienced a decline as one-time reserve contracts expire. By the end of the eighth quarter all current one-time contracts will have expired so this will not continue to be a cause for declining units in service. Footnote: Beginning in Q4 of FY 2008, actuals include in-service units (rather than units contracted) How target was set: Estimates based on historical data Data Source: Databases kept by individual programs in HD (HTF) Budget: 07’-09’ Biennium $46,171,000