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Integers Are numbers which Can be positive or negative. They Do NOT have decimals and they Do NOT have Fractions<br>
Arenumbers Canbe positiveor negative Do NOThave decimals Do NOT have fractions
INTEGERS NON- INTEGERS 5 4.5 10059 -33 -478 29 -3.33 2/3 -6½ -83.9
When youcount, yousay 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… You are listingINTEGERS To count inthe other direction,it is-1, -2,-3, -4, - 5…
POSITIVE NEGATIVE When thetemperature When thetemperature isabove zero isbelowzero When youare above When youare below ground ground When youearn money When youspendmoney Inhockey,when your team scoresa goal while you are on theice Inhockey,when the otherteam scoresa goal while you areon theice
Positiveintegersincreasein incrementsof one as you moveto theright Negativeintegersmirror this moving to the left of zero,however, even though theyappear to be getting bigger, they are actuallygetting smaller -5is one numbersmallerthan-4, for example
You already knowhow to add positiveintegers…you just haven’t called them integersbefore!
5+ 3 =8 Youjustadded the integers positive5 and positive3 and foundoutthe answer was positive8!
Adding negativeintegersis just like adding positiveintegers…onlydifference…theanswer willhavea negative sign -6+(-5)= -11 Allyou do is ignorethe negativesigns and add thenumbers,thenputthe negative signbackin youranswer THISONLY WORKSIFBOTHNUMBERS ARE NEGATIVE!!
Onthe previous slide we saw a diagram of the problem6 + (-2) Tosolve this, theystarted at zeroand movedto theright 6 places – to representthe positive 6 Next, they moved left 2 places– this representedthe-2 Theylanded on the number4 (positive 4) whichis the answer
Using a numberlineis a great wayto practice whenyouare first learningto add numbers withdifferentsigns– but thereis another way Wecan usethe absolute value of a numberand subtractionto solve additionproblems involvingintegersof differentsigns
Here’show with the help of absolute value… 1)findthe absolutevalue ofeachnumberbeing added 2) subtract the smallerabsolute value from the largerabsolute value 3) the sign ofthe numberwith the larger absolutevalue is the sign ofthe answer
21+ 29 = 50 -21+ (-29)= -50 29+ (-21)= 8 |29|= 29|-21|= 21 29– 21 = 8 29is +,so answeris + 21+ (-29)= -8 |-29|= 29|21|= 21 29– 21 = 8 29is -, so answeris-