Stem Cell Therapy
There is much to be investigated about the specific characteristics of stem cells and about the efficacy and safety of the new drugs based on this type of cells, both embryonic as adult stem cells, for several therapeutic indications. The general objectives in the area of stem cell research in the next few years, are related to identification of therapeutic targets and potential therapeutic tests, studies of cell differentiation and physiological mechanisms, culture conditions of pluripotent stem cells and efficacy and safety tests for stem cell-based drugs or procedures to be performed in both animal and human models in the corresponding clinical trials. A great interest has arisen in research in the field of stem cells, which may have important applications in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, cell therapy, and gene therapy because of their great therapeutic potential. With all of the excitement during the past few years, stem cells seem like an entirely new realm of biology and medicine. Nonetheless, scientists started studying these cells long ago. Now, though, scientists seem on the verge of turning stem cells into one of science’s most powerful tools of all time. In fact, these cells help scientists learn more about basic biology and give physicians new tools against disease. The real power of these cells lies ahead, and there will be plenty of room for trained scientists.
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